Augmix : A simple data preprocessing method to improve robustness and uncertainty
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Related Work
- Robustness under data shift
- Calibration under data shift
- Data Augmentation
- Augmix
0. Abstract
실제 test data는 i.i.d가 아니다!
최근 들어서, unforeseen data shifts에 대해 robustness를 증가시키는 여러 방법론들이 나왔다.
이 논문도 이러한 맥락에서 Augmix를 제안한다
1. Introduction
- mismatch between Train & Test data
- modern moddel = OVERCONFIDENT predictions
data distn에 corruption 부여
technique to improve corruption robustness
But, 이러한 corruption 하에서 성능을 높이기는 어려운 상황! 이유?
1) training against corruptions only encourages networks to memorize the specific corruptions seen during training
( leaves the model unable to generalize to NEW corruption )
2) highly sensitive to images shifted by single pixel
이 논문은, data shift하에서, (1) Robustness와 (2) Uncertainty estimate를 동시에 improve하는 Augmix를 제안한다!
2. Related Work
2-1) Robustness under data shift
- training with various blur augmentations can fail to generalize to unseen blurs
- propose measuring generalization to unseen corruptions
- robustness to data shift greatly affects the reliablity of real world ML system
2-2) Calibration under data shift
- propose metrics for determining the calibration
- ensembling classifier prediction improves prediction calibration
- model calibration substantially deteriorates under data shift
2-3) Data Augmentation
greatly improve generalization performance
ex) flipping, cropping, cutout, cutmix, mixup..
cutout : random occlusion
cutmix : replace a portion of image with a portion of a different image
mixup : use information of 2 images
( element-wise convex combination of 2 image )
3. Augmix
(1) model robustness와 (2) uncertainty estimate를 모두 improve한다!
알고리즘 간단 소개
1) operations are sampled stochastically
2) produce a high diversity of augmented images
3) consistent embedding
( use of Jensen-Shannon divergence as consistency loss )
Jensen-Shannon Divergence Consistency loss
- Notation
- \(p_{\text {orig }}=\hat{p}(y \mid \left.x_{\text {orig }}\right), p_{\text {augmix } 1}=\hat{p}\left(y \mid x_{\text {augmix } 1}\right), p_{\text {augmix } 2}=\hat{p}\left(y \mid x_{\text {augmix } 2}\right)\).
- enforce SMOOTHER neural network responses
- 계산 방법
- step 1) \(M=\left(p_{\text {orig }}+p_{\text {augmix } 1}+p_{\text {augmix } 2}\right) / 3\)
- step 2) \(\operatorname{JS}\left(p_{\text {orig }} ; p_{\text {augmix } 1} ; p_{\text {augmix } 2}\right)=\frac{1}{3}\left(\operatorname{KL}\left[p_{\text {orig }} \mid M\right]+\operatorname{KL}\left[p_{\text {augmix } 1} \mid M\right]+\operatorname{KL}\left[p_{\text {augmix2 }} \mid M\right]\right)\)
- 최종적인 Loss Function :
- \(\mathcal{L}\left(p_{\text {orig }}, y\right)+\lambda \operatorname{JS}\left(p_{\text {orig }} ; p_{\text {augmix } 1} ; p_{\text {augmix } 2}\right)\).