auDeep: Unsupervised Learning of Representations from Audio with Deep RNNs ( JMLR 2017 )


  1. Abstract
  2. Recurrent Seq2Seq AE
  3. System Overivew
  4. Experiments
    1. Three audio classification tasks
    2. Baselines
    3. Results



  • Python toolkit for deep unsupervised representation learning from acoustic data
  • architecture
    • seq2seq … consider temporal dynamics
  • provide an extensive CLI in addition to a Python API

code: https: //

SOTA in audio classification

1. Recurrent Seq2Seq AE

Extends the seq2seq (RNN enc-dec model)

  • input sequence : fed to a multi-layered RNN
  • final hidden state fed to FC layer
  • output : fed to decoder RNN & reconstruct the input sequence

Loss : RMSE (reconstruction loss)


  • for faster model convergence, the expected decoder output from the previous step is fed back as the input into the decoder RNN
  • used representation : activations of the FC layer

Input data = spectrograms

  • time dependent sequences of frequency vectors.

Two of the key strengths

  • (1) fully UNsupervised training
  • (ii) the ability to account for the temporal dynamics of sequences

3. System Overview


  • extracted features can be exported to CSV or ARFF for further processing

    ( ex. classification with alternate algorithms )

4. Experiments

(1) Three audio classification tasks.

  • (1) Acoustic scene classification
    • dataset : ( TUT Acoustic Scenes 2017 (TUT AS 2017) )
  • (2) Environmental sound classification (ESC)
    • dataset : ( ESC-10 and ESC-50 )
  • (3) Music genre classification
    • dataset : ( GTZAN )

Train multiple autoencoder configurations using auDeep

& Perform feature-level fusion of the learned representations.

$\rightarrow$ fused representations are evaluated using the built-in MLP with the same cross-validation setup as used for the baseline systems on the TUT AS 2017, ESC-10, and ESC-50 data sets.

(2) Baselines

(a) CNN (Piczak, 2015a)

(b) Sparse coding approach ( Henaff et al., 2011 )

(c) SoundNet system (Aytar et al., 2016)

  • better than auDeep ….but not fair compairison
    • auDeep was trained using ESC-10 and ESC-50 data only
    • SoundNet was pre-trained on an external corpus of 2+ million videos.

(3) Results

