Enhancing Represnetation Leanring for Periodic TS with Floss: A Frequency Domain Regularization Approach


  1. Abstract
  2. Introduction
  3. Preliminaries
  4. Method
    1. Periodic Detection & Augmentation
    2. Hierarchical Frequency-domain Loss


TS data exhibit periodicity

Propose an unsupervised method, “Floss”

  • Automatically regularizes representations in the frequency domain

  • Step 1) Automatically detect major periodicity

  • Step 2) Employs periodic shift & spectral densitiy similarity measures

    \(\rightarrow\) learn representations with periodic consistency

  • Easily incorporated in to both supervised / semi-supervised / unsupervised learning

1. Introduction

Temporal dynamics of real-world process: have periodicity

Classical approach to detect periodicity

  • Employment of frequency domain methods
    • ex) discrete Fourier fransform (DFT)

Frequency domain information has been widely leveraged in DL arrchitectures

\(\rightarrow\) Still, none of them are specifically designed to capture periodic cynamics



  • Novel approach that leverages the principles of contrastive learning (CL)
  • Floss = simple yet effective combination of loss function & transformation
  • (Hypothesis) Spectral density of learned representation remains invariant under periodic transformations


  • (1) Frequency domain transformation
    • To automatically detect dominant periodicity
  • (2) Random periodic shifts
    • To create a periodic view of thee target TS in temporal dimension
  • (3) Novel task
    • Enforces the similarity of spectral densities btw the target TS and its periodicc views
  • (4) Hierarchical loss

2. Preliminaries


  • TS: \(\mathcal{X} \in \mathbb{R}^{N \times T \times F}\), \(\mathcal{X}_{\left[t_1, t_2\right]} \in \mathbb{R}^{N \times\left(t_2-t_1+1\right) \times F}\)
  • Representation model: \(\mathcal{G}(\cdot ; \theta)\)
  • Representation tensor: \(\mathcal{Y}_{\left[t_1, t_2\right]}=\mathcal{G}\left(\chi_{\left[t_1, t_2\right]} ; \theta\right)\).
    • \(\mathcal{Y}_{\left[t_1, t_2\right]} \in \mathbb{R}^{N^{\prime} \times\left(t_2-t_1+1\right) \times F^{\prime}}\),

Power Spectral Density

  • Provides information about the expected signal power at different frequencies of the signal
  • ex) Periodogram
    • Measure of spectral density in the Fourier domain
    • discrete Fourier transform as \(\mathcal{D} \mathcal{F T}(\cdot)\),
    • Periodogram \(\Phi(\cdot)\) :
      • \(\begin{gathered} \mathcal{D} \mathcal{F} \mathcal{T}\left(w_j\right)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}} \sum_{t=1}^n x_t e^{-2 \pi i w_j t} \\ \Phi\left(w_j\right)=\operatorname{Re}\left(\mathcal{D} \mathcal{F T}\left(w_j\right)\right)^2+\operatorname{Im}\left(\mathcal{D} \mathcal{F} \mathcal{T}\left(w_j\right)\right)^2 \end{gathered}\).
  • Other transformations are also OK
    • ex) discrete cosine transform (DCT), wavelet transform (DWT)

3. Method

Two key steps

  • (1) Periodicity detenction module
  • (2) Novel objective

(1) Periodic Detection & Augmentation

Identify underlying periods!

  • by calculating the average spectral density

Average spectral density

\(\begin{array}{r} \hat{\Phi}=\frac{1}{N F} \sum_{n=1}^N \sum_{f=1}^F \Phi_{\mathrm{n}, \mathbf{f}}, \\ \hat{w}=\arg \max (\hat{\Phi}), \\ \hat{p}_{\left[t_1, t_2\right]}=\frac{\left(t_2-t_1+1\right)}{\hat{w}} . \end{array}\).

  • \(\Phi_{\mathrm{n}, \mathrm{f}}\): Estimated periodogram of the \(f\)-th feature of the \(n\)-th TS
  • \(\hat{\Phi} \in \mathbb{R}^{t_2-t_1+1}\) : Average periodogram across features.
    • \(j\)-th value \(\Phi\left(w_j\right)\) = Intensity of the frequency- \(j\) periodic basis function
      • with the period length \(\frac{\left(t_2-t_1+1\right)}{w_j}\).
  • \(\hat{p}_{\left[t_1, t_2\right]}\) : Maximum periodicity = highest value observed in \(\hat{\Phi}\).

Compute periodogram for each sampled batch

  • involves random sampling over time domain during the training period


(2) Hierarchical Frequency-domain Loss


  • \(\boldsymbol{y}=\mathcal{G}\left(x_{\left[t_1, t_2\right]} ; \theta\right)\) and \(\hat{\boldsymbol{y}}=\mathcal{G}\left(x_{\left[\hat{t}_1, \hat{t}_2\right]} ; \theta\right)\).
  • Let \(\Phi_y\) and \(\Phi_{\hat{y}}\) : Estimated periodograms of \(\boldsymbol{y}\) and \(\hat{y}\) respectively

Loss function

  • \(\mathcal{L}_f=\frac{1}{N^{\prime} F^{\prime}}\mid \mid \Phi y-\Phi_{\hat{y}}\mid \mid _{l 1}\).

