Leveraging 2D Information for Long-term Time Series Forecasting with Vanilla Transformers
- Abstract
- Introduction
- GridTST
- Problem Formulation
- Model Structure
0. Abstract
TS Transformer architecture:
- Approach 1) Encoding multiple variables from the same timestamp into a single temporal token to model global dependencies
- Approach 2) Embeds the time points of individual series into separate variate tokens
Approach 1) Challengees in variate-centric representations
Approach 2) Risks missing essential temporal information critical for accurate forecasting.
- Combines the benefits of two approaches
- Multi-directional attentions
- Input TS = Grid
- (x-axis) Time steps
- (y-axis) Variates.
- Slicing
- Vertical slicing: combines the variates at each time step into a time token
- Horizontal slicing: embeds the individual series across all time steps into a variate token
- Attention
- Horizontal attention : focuses on time tokens
- to comprehend the correlations between data at various time steps
- Vertical, variate-aware attention : grasp multivariate correlations
- Horizontal attention : focuses on time tokens
\(\rightarrow\) Enables efficient processing of information across both time and variate dimensions
1. Introduction
Figure 1(a): Classic transformer
- Embed multi-variate data points from the same timestamp into a single variable
- Limitation
- Single-time-step tokens may not effectively convey information due to their limited receptive field
- Inappropriate use of permutation-invariant attention in the temporal dimension
Figure 1(b): iTransformer
- Inverts the roles of the attention mechanism and FFN
- Representing time points as “variate tokens”
- Limitation
- Still lacks adequate timestamp modeling
Question: Can the vanilla Transformer architecture effectively capture both temporal and covariate information?
Captures the (1) cross-time and (2) cross-variate dependency
- By adapting the traditional attention mechanism and architecture from different views
Details: Figure 1(c)
- (1) Patching
- (2) Visualize the input TS as a grid
- (x-axis) Time steps \(\rightarrow\) time token
- (y-axis) Variates \(\rightarrow\) vaariate token
- (3) Attention
- Horizontal attention:
- on time tokens to analyze correlations between data at different time steps
- Vertical attention:
- to capture the multivariate correlations
- Horizontal attention:
- Findings: Both temporal and covariate information are crucial for the task of time series prediction.
- GridTST: Leverages the foundational Transformer architecture
- capture both temporal dynamics and covariate info
- SOTA on real-world forecasting benchmarks
2. GridTST
(1) Problem Formulation
- Input: \(X=\) \(\left\{x_1, \ldots, x_T\right\} \in \mathbb{R}^{T \times N}\),
- Target: \(Y=\left\{x_{T+1}, \ldots, x_{T+F}\right\} \in\) \(\mathbb{R}^{F \times N}\).
- Prediction: \(\hat{Y}=\left\{\hat{x}_{T+1}, \ldots, \hat{x}_{T+F}\right\} \in \mathbb{R}^{F \times N}\).
(2) Model Structure
- Vanilla encoder-only architecture of Transformer
- Patched embedding, horizontal and vertical attentions
a) Patched Time Tokens
Use patching
( \(\because\) Single time step does not convey semantic value! )
**(Step 1) Input UTS: \(X_{:, n} \in \mathbb{R}^{T \times 1}\) **
(Step 2) Segment into patches
- Patch size = \(P\)
- Result: \(X_{i, n}^p \in \mathbb{R}^{M \times P}\),
- Total number of patches: \(M=\left\lceil\frac{T-P}{S}\right\rceil+2\).
To maintain continuity at the boundary, we append \(S\) copies of the final value \(X_{T, n} \in \mathbb{R}\) to the sequence before initiating the patching process.
- Memory usage & computational complexity of the attention map are quadratically decreased by a factor of \(S\).
(Step 3) Projection
- Project to dimension \(D\) , using
- a trainable linear projection \(W_p \in \mathbb{R}^{P \times D}\),
- a learnable additive position encoding \(W_{\text {pos }} \in \mathbb{R}^{M \times D}\),
- \(X_{:, n}^d=X_{i, n}^p W_p+W_{\text {pos }}\),
- where \(X_{:, n}^d \in \mathbb{R}^{M \times D}\)
(Step 4) Define the grid
- Input grid: \(X^d=\left\{X_1^d, \ldots, X_M^d\right\} \in \mathbb{R}^{M \times N \times D}\).
- \(X_{t,:}^d \in \mathbb{R}^{N \times D}\) : MTS encapsulated within the patch at step \(t\),
- \(X_{:, n}^d \in \mathbb{R}^{M \times D}\) : Complete patched TS corresponding to the \(n\)-th variate
b) Horizontal Attention (TIME)
Captures the sequential nature and temporal dynamics in TS
Example) \(n\)-th variate series
- Horizontal attention on the patched time tokens \(X_{:, n}^d \in \mathbb{R}^{M \times D}\)
- MHSA) Head \(h=\{1, \ldots, H\}\) transforms these inputs into…
- (1) Query matrices \(Q_{:, n}^h=X_{:, n}^d W_h^Q\)
- (2) Key matrices \(K_{:, n}^h=X_{:, n}^d W_h^K\)
- (3) Value matrices \(V_{:, n}^h=X_{:, n}^d W_h^V\)
- where \(W_h^Q, W_h^K \in \mathbb{R}^{D \times d_k}\) and \(W_h^V \in \mathbb{R}^{D \times D}\).
- Attention output \(O_{:, n}^d \in \mathbb{R}^{M \times D}\) :
- \(O_{:, n}^d=\operatorname{Attention}\left(Q_{:, n}^h, K_{:, n}^h, V_{:, n}^h\right)=\operatorname{Softmax}\left(\frac{Q_{:, n}^h\left(K_{:, n}^h\right)^T}{\sqrt{d_k}}\right) V_{:, n}^h\).
- BN & FFN ( + Residual connection )
- \(O_{:, n}^{d, l}=\operatorname{Attn}_{\text {horizontal }}\left(O_{:, n}^{d, l-1}\right)\).
- \(l\): layer index
- \(O_{:, n}^{d, l}=\operatorname{Attn}_{\text {horizontal }}\left(O_{:, n}^{d, l-1}\right)\).
c) Vertical Attention (VARIATE)
Capture the relationships between different variates (at a given time step)
Use variate tokens \(X_{t,:}^d \in \mathbb{R}^{N \times D}\).
MHSA) Head \(h=\{1, \ldots, H\}\) transforms these inputs into…
Query matrices \(\hat{Q}_{t,:}^h=X_{t,:}^d W_h^{\hat{Q}}\),
Key matrices \(\hat{K}_{t,:}^h=X_{t,:}^d W_h^{\hat{K}}\),
Value matrices \(\hat{V}_{t,:}^h=X_{t,:}^d W_h^{\hat{V}}\).
- whereH \(W_h^{\hat{Q}}, W_h^{\hat{K}} \in \mathbb{R}^{D \times d_k}\) and \(W_h^{\hat{V}} \in \mathbb{R}^{D \times D}\).
- Attention output: \(\hat{O}_{t,:}^d \in \mathbb{R}^{N \times D}\) :
- \(\hat{O}_{t,:}^d=\operatorname{Attention}\left(\hat{Q}_{t,:}^h, \hat{K}_{t,:}^h, \hat{V}_{t,:}^h\right)=\operatorname{Softmax}\left(\frac{\hat{Q}_{t,:}^h\left(\hat{K}_{t, i^h}^T\right.}{\sqrt{d_k}}\right) \hat{V}_{t,:}^h\).
- BN & FFN ( + Residual connection )
- \(\hat{O}_{:, n}^{d, l}=\operatorname{Attn}_{\text {vertical }}\left(\hat{O}_{t:}^{d, l-1}\right)\).
c) Attention Sequencing
Order of applying horizontal and vertical attentions
- (1) Time-first
- (2) Channel-first
- (3) Iterative approach
\(\rightarrow\) Discovered that the sequence starting with vertical attention and then transitioning to horizontal yields the best performance.
- vertical attention first captures complex variate relationships
- laying the groundwork for horizontal attention to then effectively grasp temporal patterns,
d) Complexity
- TS with \(m\) covariates and \(n\) patches
- Transformer model with a hidden size of \(d\).
Computational complexity of the attention layer for ..
- PatchTST: \(\mathcal{O}\left(n^2 d\right)\),
- GridTST: \(\mathcal{O}\left(\frac{m^2 d}{2}+\frac{n^2 d}{2}\right)\).
\(\rightarrow\) Datasets with a relatively small number of covariates can operate more efficiently than PatchTST.
( + For dataset with large covariate number, we also design an efficient training algorithm by variate sampling )
e) Normalization
Representation after the attention sequence:
- \(Z \in \mathbb{R}^{M \times N \times D}\).
Processed through a flatten layer (with a linear head)
- instance normalization before patching
- instance denormalization after this linear head