I-JEPA: The First Human-Like Computer Vision Model

Assran, Mahmoud, et al. "Self-supervised learning from images with a joint-embedding predictive architecture." Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2023.


  • https://aipapersacademy.com/i-jepa-a-human-like-computer-vision-model/
  • https://arxiv.org/pdf/2301.08243


  1. Introduction
  2. SSL for Images
  3. I-JEPA
    1. Introduction
    2. Architecture

1. Introduction


  • Image-based Joint-Embedding Predictive Architecture

  • Open-source computer vision model (from Meta AI)
  • More human-like AI

2. SSL for Images

2 common approaches for SSL from images

  • (1) Invariance-based (e.g., CL)
  • (2) Generative (e.g., MM)




Aspect Invariance-based (e.g., CL) Generative (e.g., MM)
Focus Learns low-level features (e.g., textures, shapes) Learns both low-level and high-level features (e.g., global context)
High-level Semantics Struggles with high-level context (e.g., object relationships) Better at understanding high-level concepts (e.g., scene or object understanding)
Low-level Semantics Strong at low-level details (e.g., edges, patterns) Good at low-level details, with more context around them
Best for High-level Tasks Not ideal for tasks needing big-picture understanding Great for tasks that need overall context (e.g., segmentation, captioning)
Best for Low-level Tasks Excellent for detailed tasks (e.g., texture recognition) Works well, but might be more complex than needed for simple tasks


(1) Introduction

Goal: Improve the semantic level of the representations

  • w/o prior knowledge (e.g., data augmentation)

Main Idea: predict missing information in abstract representation space


(2) Architecture

Patchily: non-overlapping patches

3 components

  • (1) Context encoder
  • (2) Target encoder
  • (3) Predictor

\(\rightarrow\) Each of them is a different Visual Transformer model.


a) Target Encoder

  • (Input) Sequence of patches

  • (Output) Patch-level representations

  • Sampling target blocks

    • Sample blocks of patch-level representations (with possible overlapping)

      \(\rightarrow\) Becomes a target blocks

    • Note that targets are in the representation space.

      \(\rightarrow\) Thus, each target is obtained by masking “after” the target encoder!

b) Context Encoder

  • (Input) Sequence of patches

  • (Output) Patch-level representations

  • Sampling context blocks

    • Significantly larger in size than the target blocks

    • Sampled independently from the target block

      \(\rightarrow\) There could be an overlap

      \(\rightarrow\) Thus, remove the overlapping patches!


c) Predictor

  • Predict three target block representations.

  • For each target block representation, we feed the predictor with ..

    • (1) Output from the context encoder

    • (2) Mask token

      ( = Includes learnable vector and positional embeddings that match the target block location )

  • Loss: Average L2 distance between the predictions


Target encoder parameters are updated using EMA of the context encoder parameters.

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