Transfer Learning for Time Series Classification
- Abstract
- Method
- Architecture
- Network Adaptation
- Inter-datsaet simliarity
0. Abstract
how to transfer deep CNNs for the TSC task
- Retrain a model & fine tune with other datasets
- total 85 datasets
1. Method
- TS : \(X=\left[x_1, x_2, \ldots x_T\right]\)
- dataset : \(D=\left\{\left(X_1, Y_1\right), \ldots,\left(X_N, Y_N\right)\right\}\)
- adopted NN
- how we adapt the network for TL process
- DTW based method to compute inter-dataset similarities
(1) Architecture
- 1d FCN (Fully Convolutional NN)
- model input & output
- input : TS of variable length
- output : probability distn over \(C\) classes
(2) Network Adaptation
step 1) train NN on \(D_S\)
step 2) remove the last layer
step 3) add new softmax layer
step 4) retrain (fine-tune) using \(D_T\)
Advantages of using a GAP layer
- do not need to re-scale the input TS, when tansferring models between TS of different length
(3) Inter-datsaet simliarity
challenge : which to choose as a source dataset ??
( Total 85 datasets… 1 target domain & 84 possible source domain )
\(\rightarrow\) propose to use DTW distance to compute simliarities between datasets
Step 1) reduce the number of TS for each dataset to 1 TS per class ( = prototype )
- computed by averaging the set of TS in the certian class
- use DTW Barycenter Averaging (DBA) method
Step 2) calculate distance
distance between 2 datasets
= minimum distance between the prototypes of their corresponding classes