[Paper Review] 05.Reliable Fidelity and Diversity Metrics for Generative Models


  1. Abstract
  2. Introduction
  3. Background
    1. Evaluation pipeline
    2. Fidelity and Diversity
  4. Density and Coverage
    1. Problems with improved precision & recall
    2. Density & Coverage

0. Abstract

problem of FID score

  • does not differentiate fidelity and diversity aspects of generated images
  • recent papers have introduced variants…but still not relabile

\(\rightarrow\) propose DENSITY and COVERAGE metrics!

1. Introduction

necessary conditions for useful evaluation metrics :

  • (1) ability to detect identical real and fake distributions
  • (2) robustness to outlier samples
  • (3) responsiveness to mode dropping
  • (4) the ease of hyperparameter selection in the evaluation algorithms

propose density and coverage metrics

  • not only make the fidelity-diversity metrics empirically reliable
  • but also theoretically analysable

study the embedding algorithms for evaluating image generation algorithms

  • ( embedding pipeline has been relatively less studied )

  • ( mostly rely on the features from an ImageNet pretrained model )

    $\rightarrow$ inevitably include the dataset bias

  • SOLUTION : To exclude the dataset bias, use randomly initialised CNN feature extractors

  • + random embeddings : more sensible evaluation results, especially when the target data distribution is significantly different from ImageNet statistics

2. Background

  • real distribution : \(P(X)\)
  • generative model : \(Q(Y)\)

\(\rightarrow\) assume that we can sample \(\left\{X_{i}\right\}\) and \(\left\{Y_{j}\right\}\)

Statistical testing methods ( or distributional distance measures )

  • ex) KL-divergence, Expected Likelihood

when \(P(X)\) are complex & high-dim \(\rightarrow\) difficult to apply such measures naively

(1) Evaluation pipeline

step 1) embed real & fake sample \(\left\{X_{i}\right\}\) and \(\left\{Y_{j}\right\}\) into Euclidean space \(\mathbb{R}^{D}\)

  • using non-linear mapping \(f\) ( ex. CNN feature extractor )

step 2) construct real & fake distn over \(\mathbb{R}^{D}\) with the embedded samples \(\left\{f\left(X_{i}\right)\right\}\) , \(\left\{f\left(Y_{j}\right)\right\}\)

step 3) quantify discrepancy between the two distributions

[step 1] embedding

difficult to define a sensible metric

  • ex) \(\ell_{2}\) distance over the image pixels \(\mid \mid X_{i}-Y_{j} \mid \mid _{2}\)

    ( often misleading )

  • ex) \(\ell_{2}\) distance in the feature space \(\mid \mid f\left(X_{i}\right)-f\left(Y_{j}\right) \mid \mid _{2}\)

for embedding… adopt ImageNet pre-trained CNNs

  • when using data distn DISTINCT from Image Net distribution…

    suggest using randomly-initialised CNN feature extractors

[step 2] Building & Comparing distributions

  • Given embedded samples \(\left\{X_{i}\right\}\) and \(\left\{Y_{j}\right\}\)
  • (non-)parametric statistical approximation
    • Parzen window estimates
      • approximate the likelihoods of the fake samples \(\left\{Y_{j}\right\}\) by estimating the density \(P(X)\) with Gaussian kernels around the real samples \(\left\{X_{i}\right\} .\)
    • Inception Score
      • estimate the multinomial distribution \(P\left(T \mid Y_{j}\right)\) over 1000 ImageNet classes
      • compares it against the estimated marginalized distn \(P(T)\), using KL-divergence
    • FID
      • distance between 2 Gaussians

(2) Fidelity and Diversity

Trade-off between Fidelity and Diversity


  • how realistic each input is


  • how well fake samples capture the variations in real samples

2. Density and Coverage

Introduce variants of two-value metrics, Density & Coverage

(1) Problems with improved precision & recall

( 참고 : https://seunghan96.github.io/gan/(gan4)Improved-Precision-and-Recall-Metric-for-Assessing-Generative-Models/ )

  • use KNN

  • vulnerability to outliers & computational inefficiency
  • generally overestimate the true manifold around outliers

(2) Density & Coverage



  • 출처 : (연세대학교 어영정 교수님) 생성적적대적신경망 강의 자료


