Vision-Language Models (VLMs)
- Overview
- (1) VLM architectures
- (2) VLM evaluation strategies
- (3) VLM mainstream datasets
- (4) Key challenges, primary applications, and future trends
Vision-language model (VLM)
- Input: Images & Respective textual descriptions
- Goal: Learns to associate the knowledge from the two modalities
- Vision model: Captures spatial features from the images
- Language model: Encodes information from the text
\(\rightarrow\) Learns to understand images and transforms the knowledge into text (and vice versa)
Training VLMS
- (1) Pre-training foundation models
- Contrastive Learning
- Masked language-image modeling
- (2) Zero-shot learning & Transfer Learning (w/ fine-tuning)
1. VLM Architectures
Mainstream models: CLIP, Flamingo, and VisualBert
(1) CLIP
Contrastive learning in CLIP
- Similarity between text and image embeddings
3 Step process (to enable zero-shot predictions)
- Step 1) Pretrain
- Train a text & image encoder
- Step 2) Converts training dataset classes into captions
- Step 3) Zero-shot prediction
- Estimates the best caption for the given input image
ALIGN : Also uses image and textual encoders to minimize the distance between similar embeddings with contrastive learning
(2) SimVLM & VirTex & Frozen
NLP learning technique for model pre-training
- Input: Part of the text (= prefix)
- Goal: Predict the next word in the sequence
PrefixLM in VLMs
Enables the model to predict the next sequence of words based on …
\(\rightarrow\) an image & its respective prefix text
Model: Vision Transformer (ViT)
(1) Vision part
Divides an image into a 1d-patch sequence
Applies convolution or linear projection over the processed patches
\(\rightarrow\) Generate contextualized visual embeddings
- (2) Text part
- Converts the text prefix relative to the patch into a token embedding
- Transformer’s encoder-decoder blocks receive both “visual” and “token” embeddings
a) SimVLM
- Popular architecture utilizing the PrefixLM
- Simple Transformer architecture
- Encoder: to learn image-prefix pairs
- Decoder: to generate an output sequence
- Good generalization and zero-shot learning capabilities
b) VirTex
(1) Image: **CNN **
(2) Text: Textual head with transformers
Train the model end-to-end to predict the image captions
( by feeding image-text pairs to the textual head )
c) Frozen
- PrefixLM vs. Frozen PrefixLM
(1) PrefixLM : Train visual and textual encoders from scratch
(2) Frozen PrefixLM : Use pre-trained networks
- Only update the parameters of the image encoders
- Encoders
- Text encoder: Any LLMs
- Visual encoder: Any pre-trained visual foundation model
(3) Flamingo
- Text model: **Chinchilla **
- Freeze the LLM
- Vision model: CLIP-like vision encoder
- Process the image through a Perceiver Sampler
- Results in faster inference & ideal for few-shot learning
- Process the image through a Perceiver Sampler
(4) Multimodal Fusing with Cross-Attention
Pre-trained LLM for visual representation learning
\(\rightarrow\) By adding cross-attention layers
Key: Adaptation of an LLM’s pre-trained encoder for visual tasks
How: Employs a novel self-resurrecting encoder-decoder attention mechanism
- To quickly adapt the LLM with a small amount of in-domain image-text data
Self-resurrecting activation unit: produces sparse activations
\(\rightarrow\) Prevent accidental overwriting of linguistic knowledge
( avoids the issue of vanishing gradients )
Step 1) Extract relevant objects from an image input
Step 2) Feed them to a visual encoder
\(\rightarrow\) Obtain visual representations
Step 3) Feed the representations to a decoder
Decoder: Initialized with weights according to pre-trained LLM
Self-resurrecting activation unit (SRAU)
\(\rightarrow\) Balances the visual and textual information
(5) Masked-Language Modeling (MLM) & Image-Text Matching (ITM)
Adapt the MLM and ITM techniques for visual tasks!
(Trained on the COCO dataset)
- A simple and flexible framework for modeling vision-and-language tasks
- Stack of Transformer layers: Implicitly align elements of …
- (1) An input text
- (2) Regions in an associated input image
- Propose two visually-grounded language model objectives for pre-training: MLM & ITM
- ITM: Whether or not a caption matches the image
(6) No Training
Directly use large-scale, pre-trained VLMs without any fine-tuning
- “Specialized score” based on CLIP-generated image embeddings to guide LLMs’ output
- Key idea: similar images have similar captions
- Step 1) Computes the similarities between the …
- Single Image) training dataset’s query
- Multiple Images) candidate images
- Step 2) Compares the …
- Single Image) Query image embedding
- Multiple Texts) Text embeddings of the corresponding candidate images
- Step 3) Predicts a description whose embeddings are the most similar to those of the query image
(7) Knowledge Distillation
Train VLMs from larger, pre-trained models.
- Teacher: Pre-trained open-vocabulary image classification model
- Student: Two-stage detector
\(\rightarrow\) Matches textual embeddings from a textual encoder with image embeddings
2. Evaluating VLMs
Assess the quality of the relationships between the image and text
Example) Image captioning model
- Comparing the generated captions to the [ground-truth](
Various automated n-gram-based **evaluation strategies to compare the **predicted labels
- in terms of accuracy, semantics, and information precision.
BLEU (Bilingual Evaluation Understudy)
Originally proposed to evaluate machine translation tasks
How? “Precision” of the target text vs. reference (ground truth)
by considering how many words in the **candidate sentence ** appear in the reference.
ROUGE (Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation)
- How? “Recall” by considering how many words in the **reference sentence ** appear in the candidate.
METEOR (Metric for Evaluation of Translation with Explicit Ordering)
- How? “Harmonic mean” of precision and recall
- More weight to recall and multiplying it with a penalty term
- How? “Harmonic mean” of precision and recall
CIDEr (Consensus-based Image Description Evaluation)
- How? “TF-IDF scores”: compares a target sentence to a set of human sentences by computing the average similarity between reference and target sentences