Byte Latent Transformer: Patches Scale Better Than Tokens (FAIR 2024)

Pagnoni, Artidoro, et al. "Byte Latent Transformer: Patches Scale Better Than Tokens." arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.09871 (2024).

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1. Abstract

Byte Latent Transformer (BLT)

  • Byte-level LLM architecture

    • Performance: Matches tokenization-based LLM performance at scale

      ( with significant improvements in inference efficiency and robustness )

  • Details

    • Encodes bytes into dynamically sized patches

      ( = primary units of computation )

    • Patches are segmented based on the entropy of the next byte

2. Overall Architecture


3. Various patching techniques


Entropy Patching

Using Next-byte entropies from a small byte LM

\(\rightarrow\) 새로운 patch의 시작점이 되는 경계: Entropy 기반으로 결정한다!


4. Byte Latent Transformer (BLT)

핵심: Byte & Patch 단위를 모두 사용!

  • Local: Byte
  • Global: Patch ( = Byte의 묶음 )


  • (1) Byte단위로 Language Modeling
  • (2) Encoder에서 진행되는 무거운 연산은, 묶어서 Patch 단위로써 진행!

\(\rightarrow\) Consists of Global & Local Model

(1) [Local] Local Encoder & Decoder

Byte단위의 입/출력을 받음/뱉음


Encoder & Decoder

  • Encoder:
    • Query: patch
    • Key/Values: byte
  • Decoder:
    • Query: byte
    • Key/Values: patch

Encoder hash n-gram Embeddings

\(e_i=x_i+\sum_{n=3, s_8} E_n^{\text {hash }}\left(\operatorname{Hash}\left(g_{i, n}\right)\right)\).

해석: \(i\) 번재 byte의 최종 임베딩 = (1) + (2)

  • (1) i번째 byte의 unigram embedding
  • (2) i번쨰 byte까지의 n-gram embedding의 합

(2) [Global] Latent Global Transformer

내재적인 Next Patch prediction

여기서 Transformer 모델에서 representation이 잘 생성되어야, Local decoder가 잘 예측할 수 있을 것임!

기타: Entropy Model

entropy가 높은 Token \(\rightarrow\) 새로운 patch의 경계

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