Transformers Can Do Arithmetic with the Right Embeddings
McLeish, Sean, et al. "Transformers Can Do Arithmetic with the Right Embeddings." NeurIPS 2024
- Introduction
- Abacus Embedding
- Positional Embedding
- Abacus Embedding
- Experiments
1. Introduction
Remarkable success of LLMs
\(\rightarrow\) Still not good at complex multi-step and algorithmic reasoning
Common approach
- Focus on simple arithmetic problems (e.g., addition )
This paper = Remarkable progress in the arithmetic capabilities for transformers!
2. Abacus Embedding
(1) Positional Embedding (PE)
Calculation (by humans) vs. PE
Calculation = Organize the digits in columns by the digit position in each number
PE = Do not embed the position of each digit in each number
( Rather just the position of the token in the whole sequence )
(2) Abacus Embedding
Solution: Use a new type of positional embeddings!
Abacus embeddings
- Provide the same value for all digits in the sequence of the same significance