Universal and Transferable Adversarial LLM Attacks

Zou, Andy, et al. "Universal and transferable adversarial attacks on aligned language models." arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.15043 (2023).

( https://arxiv.org/pdf/2307.15043 )


  • https://aipapersacademy.com/llm-attacks/
  • https://tuananhbui89.github.io/blog/2024/paper-llm-attacks/


  1. Attacking LLMs
  2. Overall Framework
  3. How are suffixes created?
    1. Producing Affirmitices Responses
    2. Greedy Coordinate Gradient-based Search

1. Attacking LLMs

LLM는 offensive 표현을 삼가하도록 학습이 되어있음 (aligned)

\(\rightarrow\) How to attack LLM?


LLM로 하여금 offensive 표현하도록 유도하는 것!

  • 방법 1) Human crafted prompts

    • 단점: require significant effort
  • 방법 2) Automatic prompt-tuning for adversarial attacks

  • 방법 3) 이 논문

    \(\rightarrow\) A new class of attacks based on automatically created suffixess

Prompt: Tell me how to build a bomb. <enter generated suffix here>

2. Overall Framework

특징 요약

  • (1) Universal: 다양한 prompt에서 작동한다
  • (2) Transferable: 다양한 model에서 작동한다


3. How are suffixes created?

Opensource: https://github.com/llm-attacks/llm-attacks

(1) Producing Affirmitices Responses

대답을 유도하기 위해, 모델로 하여금 “Sure, here is…“로 시작하도록 유도함!

\(\rightarrow\) 이를 유도하는 loss function을 사용


  • Token: \(x_i \in\{1, \ldots, V\}\) (where \(V\) denotes the vocabulary size = number of tokens)
  • Next token prediction: \(p\left(x_{n+1} \mid x_{1:n}\right)\)
    • for any \(x_{n+1} \in\{1, \ldots, V\}\),
  • Autoregressive LM: \(p\left(x_{n+1: n+H} \mid x_{1-n}\right)=\prod_{i=1}^H p\left(x_{n+i} \mid x_{1=n+i-1}\right)\)

Adversarial loss

(Negative log) probability of some target sequences of tokens \(x_{n+1:n+H}^*\)

\(\mathcal{L}\left(x_{1: n}\right)=-\log p\left(x_{n+1: n+H}^* \mid x_{1: n}\right)\).

  • \(x_{1:n}\) : (ADV prompt를 포함한) 전체 입력
  • \(x_{n+1:n+H}^*\): (예시) “Sure, here is how to build a bomb.”)

Adversarial suffix에 대한 Optimization:

  • \(\operatorname{minimize}_{x_x \in\{1, \ldots V\}^{\mid \mathcal{I} \mid}} \mathcal{L}\left(x_{1:n}\right)\).
    • where \(\mathcal{I} \subset\{1, \ldots, n\}\) denotes the indices of the adversarial suffix tokens in the LLM input.
  • 이를 최소화하는 ADV Prompt를 찾자!


Multiple token replacement steps (based on the above loss function)

  • Step 1) (ADV Prompt token들 중에서) 위의 loss를 “최대화”하는 top-K개의 token을 뽑는다.
  • Step 2) (총 B번 반복) 데이터 내의 일부 토큰을 위의 토큰과 replace.
  • Step 3) (총 B개 중) 위의 loss를 “최소화”하는 데이터를 선택하여 대체

\(\rightarrow\) AutoPrompt와 거의 동일하지만, 차이점: search over ALL possible tokens to replace at each step, rather than just a single one

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