CodeFusion: A Pre-trained Diffusion Model for Code Generation

Singh, Mukul, et al. "Codefusion: A pre-trained diffusion model for code generation." EMNLP 2023




  1. Human vs. Model (in coding)
  2. Recap of Diffusion Models
  3. CodeFusion Architecture
  4. Training Process
    1. Phase 1: Unsupervised pretraining
    2. Phase 2: Supervised fine-tuning
  5. Experiments

1. Human vs. Model (in coding)

  • Human: Often reach a point where we decide to start writing some piece of code from scratch.
  • Model: Has one chance to get the implementation right

\(\rightarrow\) The model has no easy way to reconsider tokens it already generated

\(\rightarrow\) CodeFusion: Tackles this limitation by letting the model to **revise its implementation **in multiple iterations.



2. Recap of Diffusion models

CodeFusion: Diffusion model for code generation

Recap of diffusion models

  • Backbone of the top text-to-image generation models

    (e.g., DALL-E, Stable Diffusion, Imagen … )

  • Input) Prompt: “A cat is sitting on a laptop”.

  • Process) Gradually remove noise from an image

    • Step 1) Starts with a random noise image

    • Step 2) Each step it removes some of the noise

      • Noise removal is conditioned on the input prompt

      • Noise removal process usually takes between 10s to 1000s of steps

        \(\rightarrow\) Latency drawback.

3. CodeFusion Architecture


[Key Idea] Allow the model to reconsider its solution in each denoising step

\(\rightarrow\) Mitigating the limitation explained in the beginning of the post

( = Code LLMs cannot easily reconsider tokens that were already generated )

Step 1) Encoding

( = Prompt is passed via a (transformer-based) encoder )

  • Text tokens to a vector representation (embeddings)
  • Encoder= Pre-trained encoder from the CodeT5 model

Step 2) Denoising

( = The embeddings are passed to (transformer-based) denoiser )

  • Input of denoiser = (1) embeddings + (2) random noise in a latent space
  • Multiple iterations of gradually removing the noise ( conditioned on the embeddings )
    • In the latent space ( not in the data space )
  • Ends with \(x_0\) ( = Representation of the final denoiser in the latent space )

Step 3) Decoding

( = Into discrete code tokens )

  • (Before projection to classificaiton head) \(x_0\) is passed together with the **prompt embedding \(\mathbf{E}\)

Step 4) Classification

4. Training Process

(1) Phase 1: Unsupervised pretraining

  • Dataset = contain code snippets only ( without prompts )

  • Train only the denoiser and decoder

    ( Missing prompt embedding is replaced with a random noise )

(2) Phase 2: Supervised fine-tuning

  • Dataset = Combined of both prompts and code snippets
  • All components are being fine-tuned including the encoder

5. Experiments


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