A Survey on Speech LLMs
2.Recent Advances in Speech LLMs
- Evolution of Speech LLMs Architectures
- Advancements of Speech LLMs in Key Tasks and Challenges
2. Recent Advances in Speech LLMs
(1) Evolution of Speech LLMs Architectures
Challenges in the field of SLU
- (1) Long-form speech understanding
- (2) Hotword recognition
\(\rightarrow\) Begun to explore the integration of “LLMs into SLU”
a) Transformer + (Traditional) Speech Models
[1] Speech-Transformer (Dong et al. (2018))
( Title: A no-recurrence sequence-to-sequence model for speech recognition )
(1) Task: Speech Recognition
(2) Idea: End-to-end speech recognition system based on the Transformer
[2] Conformer (Gulati et al. (2020))
( Title: Conformer: Convolution-augmented Transformer for Speech Recognition )
(1) Task: Speech Recognition
- (2) Idea: Combines CNN with Transformer
- Transformer: Capture content-based “global” interactions
- CNN: Exploit “local” features
- (3) Results: Make the Transformer more robust in processing speech signals!
[3] HuBERT (Hidden-Unit BERT)
( Title: HuBERT: Self-Supervised Speech Representation Learning by Masked Prediction of Hidden Units )
- (1) Task: SSL for Speech
- SSL on a large corpus of unlabeled speech data
- (2) Idea: Utilize LLMs to process audio features
- (3) Details:
- Offline clustering step
- Aligned target labels for a BERT-like prediction loss
- \(L_m\left(f ; X,\left\{Z^{(k)}\right\}_k, M\right)=\sum_{t \in M} \sum_k \log p_f^{(k)}\left(z_t^{(k)} \mid \tilde{X}, t\right)\).
- \(p_f^{(k)}(c \mid \tilde{X}, t)=\frac{\exp \left(\operatorname{sim}\left(A^{(k)} o_t, e_c\right) / \tau\right)}{\sum_{c^{\prime}=1}^C \exp \left(\operatorname{sim}\left(A^{(k)} o_t, e_{c^{\prime}}\right) / \tau\right)}\).
- (Output) feature sequence: \(\left[o_1, \cdots, o_T\right]\).
[4] Whisper (Radford et al. (2022))
( Title: Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision )
- (1) Task: SSL for Speech
- (2) Idea: Integrated multilingual & multitask capabilities into a single model
- (3) Details:
- Pretrained simply to predict large amounts of transcripts of audio
- 680,000 hours of multilingual and multitask supervision
- Also in zero-shot transfer setting
- Pretrained simply to predict large amounts of transcripts of audio
[5] SpeechT5 (Junyi Ao et al. (2022))
( Title: SpeechT5: Unified-Modal Encoder-Decoder Pre-Training for Spoken Language Processing )
(1) Task: SSL for Speech
(2) Idea: Unified encoder-decoder framework
- For various spoken language processing tasks
(3) Goal: Pre-training (SSL) SpeechT5 to learn a unified-modal representation
\(\rightarrow\) Improve the modeling capability for both speech and text
(4) Architecture
- (1) Shared encoder-decoder network
- Shared = shared across “speech & text”
- (2) Six modal-specific (speech/text) pre/post-nets
- (1) Shared encoder-decoder network
(5) Process
- Step 1) Pre-nets
- Preprocess the input speech/text
- Step 2) Encoder-decoder
- Sequence-to-sequence transformation
- Step 3) Post-nets
- Generate the output in the speech/text modality
- Step 1) Pre-nets
(6) Cross-modal pretraining tasks
How to align the textual and speech information?
\(\rightarrow\) Cross-modal vector quantization approach
Randomly mixes up speech/text states with latent units
b) Direct Audio Processing with LLMs
Using LLM as a WHOLE to process audio features (extracted by traditional speech recognition tools)
- Leverages the powerful (1) contextual understanding and (2) reasoning abilities of LLMs
\(\rightarrow\) Gradually evolved into the main trend of using LLMs in the field of speech recognition
= Speech LLMs
Aligning speech & text modalities
- By passing (extracted) features from speech to downstream language models
[1] Modular E2E ASR system (Qi Liu et al. (2020))
( Title: Modular end-to-end automatic speech recognition framework for acoustic-to-word model )
(1) Previous works (Traditional CTC-based):
- Isolate the acoustic feature-to-text mapping as a standalone unit
(2) Idea: Separating the mapping of speech feature information from the speech feature extraction process into two independent modules:
- (1) Acoustic-to-phoneme (A2P) model
- a) Dataset: Trained on “acoustic data”
- b) Task: Predicts the corresponding phoneme sequence with given acoustic features
- (2) Phoneme-to-word (P2W) model
- a) Dataset: Trained on both “text and acoustic data”
- b) Task: Translates the phoneme sequence to the desired word sequence
- Fine-tuned by the acoustic data
- (1) Acoustic-to-phoneme (A2P) model
Decoding phase: Two models will be integrated!
\(\rightarrow\) Act as a standard “acoustic-to-word (A2W)” model
Can be easily trained with extra text data and decoded in the same way as a standard E2E ASR system
Phoneme synchronous decoding (PSD)
Designed to “speed up” the decoding of CTC
Removes the blank frames in the phoneme posterior sequence
\(\rightarrow\) Greatly reduce the information rate without performance loss!
This paper = Downsampling layer between the A2P and P2W network
Speech LLMs can mainly be divided into 2 categories
- (1) Discrete Sequence Modeling
- (2) Continuous Sequence Modeling
(1) Discrete Sequence Modeling
= Condense audio feature information into discrete tokens
[1] Vall-E (2023)
( Title: Neural Codec Language Models are Zero-Shot Text to Speech Synthesizers )
- (1) Idea: LLMs to process audio features
- To achieve more natural text-to-speech generation
- (2) Architecture: Transformer
- (3) Pre-training: Neural Codec Language Modeling
- 60K hours of English speech
- (4) Results:
- Emerges in-context learning capabilities
- Can be used to synthesize high-quality personalized speech
- with only a 3-second enrolled recording of an unseen speaker as an acoustic prompt!
- Dataset \(\mathcal{D}=\left\{\mathbf{x}_i, \mathbf{y}_i\right\}\),
- \(\mathbf{y}\) : audio sample
- \(\mathbf{x}=\left\{x_0, x_1, \ldots, x_L\right\}\) : Corresponding phoneme transcription
- (1) Pre-trained Neural codec model: \(\operatorname{Encoder}(\mathbf{y})=\mathbf{C}^{T \times 8}\)
- To encode each continuous audio sample into discrete acoustic codes
- \(\mathbf{C}\) = Two-dimensional acoustic code matrix
- Row vector \(\mathbf{c}_{t, \text { : }}\) : Eight codes for frame \(t\)
- Column vector \(\mathbf{c}_{:, j}\) : Code sequence from the \(j\)-th codebook, where \(j \in\{1, \ldots, 8\}\).
- \(T\) = Downsampled utterance length.
- (2) Neural codec decoder: \(\operatorname{Decodec}(\mathbf{C}) \approx \hat{\mathbf{y}}\).
- After quantization, reconstruct the waveform
[2] Vall-E 2 (2023)
( Title: VALL-E 2: Neural Codec Language Models are Human Parity Zero-Shot Text to Speech Synthesizers )
- Zero-shot text-to-speech synthesis (TTS)
- Two enhancements (vs. Vall-E)
- (1) Repetition Aware Sampling
- (2) Grouped Code Modeling
- (1) Repetition Aware Sampling
- Refines the original nucleus sampling process
- By accounting for token repetition in the decoding history
- Stabilizes the decoding & Circumvents the infinite loop issue
- Refines the original nucleus sampling process
- (2) Grouped Code Modeling
- Organizes codec codes into groups
- To effectively shorten the sequence length
- Boosts inference speed & Addresses the challenges of long sequence modeling
- Organizes codec codes into groups
[3] SpeechGPT (2023)
( Title: Speechgpt: Empowering large language models with intrinsic crossmodal conversational abilities )
(1) Trend: Multi-modal LLMs is crucial for AGI
(2) Motivation: Current speech LLMs typically adopt the cascade paradigm!
\(\rightarrow\) Preventing inter-modal knowledge transfer
(3) Proposal
Deep integration of speech models and LLMs
Not only of processing audio & but also interacting through natural language
New interactive paradigm to the field of speech recognition
- Dataset: Construct SpeechInstruct with discrete speech representations
- Large-scale cross-modal speech instruction dataset.
- Three-stage training strategy
- (1) Modality-adaptation pretraining
- (2) Cross-modal instruction fine-tuning
- (3) Chain-of-modality instruction fine-tuning
a) Modality-adaptation pretraining
- (1) Goal: To enable LLM to handle discrete units modality
- (2) Dataset: Unlabeled speech corpus \(C\)
- (3) Task: Next-token prediction task
- With corpus \(C\) consisting of speech \(U_1, U_2, \ldots, U_m\),
- (4) NLL loss: \(\mathcal{L}(L \mid C)=-\sum_{j=1}^m \sum_{i=1}^{n_j} \log P\left(u_{i, j} \mid u_{<i, j} ; L\right)\).
- \(m\) = Number of speech in \(C\)
- \(n_j\) = Number of discrete unit token in \(U_j\),
- \(u_{i, j}\) = \(i\)-th unit token in the \(j\)-th speech.
b) Cross-modal instruction fine-tuning
- (1) Goal: Align speech and text modalities utilizing paired data
- (2) Dataset: SpeechInstruct
- Consists of samples \(T_1, T_2, \ldots, T_x\).
- (3) Task: Fine-tune the model
- Each sample \(T_j\) consisting of \(t_1, t_2, \ldots, t_{n_j}\) is formed by concatenating a prefix and a text.
- (4) NLL loss ( only the text part, ignoring the prefix )
- \(\mathcal{L}(L \mid I)=-\sum_{j=1}^x \sum_{i=p_j+1}^{y_j} \log P\left(t_{i, j} \mid t_{<i, j} ; L\right)\).
- \(x\) = Nmber of samples in corpus \(I\)
- \(y_j\) = Number of tokens in sample \(T_j\)
- \(p_j\) = Number of tokens in the prefix part of \(T_j\),
- \(t_{i, j}\) = \(i\)-th word in \(T_j\).
- \(\mathcal{L}(L \mid I)=-\sum_{j=1}^x \sum_{i=p_j+1}^{y_j} \log P\left(t_{i, j} \mid t_{<i, j} ; L\right)\).
c) Chain-of-Modality Instruction Fine-Tuning
- Use LoRA to fine-tune it on Chain-of-Modality Instruction in SpeechInstruct
- Add LoRA weights (adapters) to the attention mechanisms
- Same loss function as stage 2.
[4] AudioPaLM (2023)
( Title: AudioPaLM: A Large Language Model That Can Speak and Listen )
(1) AudioPaLM = LLM for speech understanding and generation
Expand the capabilities of speech recognition into multimodal processing
\(\rightarrow\) Enhancing performance in multimodal tasks
(2) Details = PaLM-2 (text-based) + AudioLM (speech-based)
\(\rightarrow\) Into a unified multimodal architecture
- Can process and generate text and speech
- (3) Datasets
- Audio: Speech in the source language
- Transcript: Transcript of the speech in Audio
- Translated audio: Spoken translation of the speech in Audio
- Translated transcript: Written translation of the speech in Audio.
- (4) Tasks
- ASR (automatic speech recognition): Audio \(\rightarrow\) Transcript
- AST (automatic speech translation): Audio \(\rightarrow\) Translated transcript
- S2ST (speech-to-speech translation): Audio \(\rightarrow\) Translated audio
- TTS (text-to-speech): Transcript \(\rightarrow\) Audio
- MT (text-to-text machine translation): Transcript \(\rightarrow\) Translated transcript
(2) Continuous Sequence Modeling
= Audio feature information is projected into continuous input embedding vectors
[1] Pengi (2023)
( Title: Pengi: An audio language model for audio tasks )
(1) Motivation
= Current models inherently lack the capacity to produce the requisite language for open-ended tasks
- e.g., Audio Captioning or Audio Question Answering.
- (2) Pengi: A novel Audio Language Model
- Leverages Transfer Learning by framing all audio tasks as text-generation tasks.
- Projects “speech” modality into the “text” space of LLMs w/o changing LLM params
- (3) Input & Output
- Input: Audio & Text
- a) Audio input = Represented as a sequence of continuous embeddings by an audio encoder.
- b) Text input = ~ by text encoder
- Output: Free-form text
- Both input & output are combined as a prefix to prompt a pre-trained frozen LLMs
- Input: Audio & Text
Unified architecture
Enables both open-ended tasks and close-ended tasks
w/o any additional fine-tuning or task-specific extensions
[2] SLAM-LLM (2024)
( Title: An embarrassingly simple approach for llm with strong asr capacity )
- (1) Task: Automatic speech recognition (ASR)
- (2) Motivation: Recent works use complex designs such as …
- Compressing the output temporally for the speech encoder
- Tackling modal alignment for the projector
- Utilizing PEFT for the LLM
(3) Finding: Simple design is OK!
- (4) How: Addition of a linear projector
Address the issues inherent in these conventional methods!
[1] Fathullah et al. (2024)
( Title: Prompting large language models with speech recognition abilities )
Introduced the Conformer mechanism
Task: Speech recognition
Goal: Extend the capabilities of LLMs by directly attaching a small audio encoder
How? By directly prepending a sequence of audial embeddings to the text token embeddings
\(\rightarrow\) LLM can be converted to an automatic speech recognition (ASR) system!
Results: Achieving advancements in handling long speech sequences
[2] SpeechX (2024)
( Title: Speechx: Neural codec language model as a versatile speech transformer )
(1) Recent works: Generative speech models based on “audio-text” prompts
(2) Motivation: Limitations in handling diverse audio-text speech generation tasks
- e.g., Transforming input speech & processing audio captured in adverse acoustic conditions
(3) Solution: SpeechX = A versatile speech generation model
(4) Details
- Capable of zero-shot TTS and various speech transformation tasks
- Deal with both clean and noisy signals
- Combines neural codec language modeling with multi-task learning using task-dependent prompting
(5) Neural Codec Language modeling
Autoregressive (AR) and non-auto-regressive (NAR) models
Generate Neural code sequence: \(\mathcal{O}\) ( = acoustic tokens )
With two input prompts:
- Textual prompt \(\mathcal{T}\)
- Acoustic prompt \(\mathcal{A}\).
(5) Results:
- Achieved breakthroughs in multilingual, multitask speech recognition
- Enabling seamless switching between languages and supporting challenges
- e.g., Long-form speech understanding and hotword recognition
(2) Advancements of Speech LLMs in Key Tasks and Challenges
Speech LLM paradigm
- Significant success across various tasks
a) Improvement in Traditional Tasks in SLU
Traditional tasks
- (1) Automatic speech recognition (ASR)
- (2) Speaker identification (SID)
- (3) Speech translation (ST)
(1) Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)
- a) Task: Convert spoken language into text
- b) Modern ASR systems: Enhanced by LLMs!
- c) Aim to achieve …
- a) Higher accuracy
- b) Better noise resilience
- c) Greater adaptability to diverse accents and dialects
d) Foundational for …
- a) Voice-controlled applications
- b) Interactive voice response systems
- c) Automated transcription services.
e) Metric: Word Error Rate (WER)
f) Traditional models: Based on LSTM or GRU
\(\rightarrow\) Introduction of LLMs has significantly improved these results!
- In multilingual speech recognition, LLMs have demonstrated superior performance across various languages!
- Dataset: Multilingual LibriSpeech (MLS)
(2) Speech translation
a) Task: Converting “spoken language” \(\rightarrow\) into (written or spoken text in) “another language”
b) Two steps
- Step 1) Automatic speech recognition (ASR)
- Transcribes spoken words into text
- Step 2) Machine translation (MT)
- Translates the transcribed text into the target language
- Step 1) Automatic speech recognition (ASR)
c) Used in real-time applications
- e.g., multilingual meetings, conferences, and live broadcasts
d) With the successful application of LLMs in the field of MT
\(\rightarrow\) speech translation domain has also begun to gradually incorporate LLMs!
e) Advancements
- Not only has it improved the accuracy of speech translation tasks
- but it has also broadened the range of supported languages
(3) Others
LLMs have excelled in multitask learning scenarios!
Example: Qwen-Audio model (2023)
(Title: Qwen-audio: Advancing universal audio understanding via unified large-scale audio-language models )
- Impressive performance in tasks that combine speech-to-text with other modalities
- e.g., sentiment analysis and speaker identification
- Reducing WER by 10% and improving sentiment recognition accuracy by 8% compared to single-task models
- Impressive performance in tasks that combine speech-to-text with other modalities
b) Long-Form Speech Understanding
Traditional speech recognition systems
\(\rightarrow\) Struggled with long-form speech understanding!!
“Long-form speech understanding”
- Why? Due to context loss** over **“extended” periods
- When? Particularly pronounced in audio segments longer than “one minute”
- a) Traditional models: Sharp increase in WER
- b) LLM-based models: Significantly mitigated this problem!
Whisper (Audio)
- Maintains contextual consistency across long-form audio
- Results: Demonstrating an 18% reduction in WER
- On audio segments exceeding five minutes, compared to traditional models.
UniAudio & Pengi (Speech)
- Remarkable performance in maintaining low WERs across extended speech segments
- How? By integrating advanced contextual understanding
c) Hotword Recognition
Especially in noisy environments!!
[1] GenTranslate (2023)
( Title: GenTranslate: Large Language Models are Generative Multilingual Speech and Machine Translators )
a) Task: Translation
b) Recent advances in LLMs + Speech:
Multilingual speech and machine translation
\(\rightarrow\) Typically utilize beam search decoding and top-1 hypothesis selection for inference.
- Struggle to fully exploit the rich information in the diverse N-best hypotheses
- Making them less optimal for translation tasks that require a single, high-quality output sequence
Solution: GenTranslate
- Goal? Generate better results from the diverse translation versions in N-best list
- How? By leveraging the contextual understanding capabilities of LLMs
- 22% improvement in hotword recognition accuracy
- High robustness in noisy conditions
[2] Mala-ASR and Whisper
( Title: Multimedia-assisted llm-based asr )
- Not only improves hotword recognition accuracy
- But also adapts dynamically to new hotwords in real-time!
\(\rightarrow\) Particularly valuable in dynamic environments
(like live broadcasts or interactive voice response (IVR) systems)
d) Real-time Multimodal Interaction
The integration of LLMs into speech recognition
\(\rightarrow\) Expanded the scope of tasks beyond traditional speech-to-text
\(\rightarrow\) Enabling real-time multimodal interaction
VoxtLM and LauraGPT
Facilitate seamless integration of (1) speech + (2) visual and textual inputs
Providing coherent and accurate multimodal outputs
E.g., Live transcription and synchronized translation during presentations
\(\rightarrow\) Both speech & visual context need to be processed simultaneously!
[1] VoxtLM (2024)
( Title: Voxtlm: Unified decoder-only models for consolidating speech recognitionsynthesis and speech, text continuation tasks )
- Can perform four tasks:
- (1) Speech recognition
- (2) Speech synthesis
- (3) Text generation
- (4) Speech continuation.
- How? Integrates (a) + (b)
- (a) Text vocabulary
- (b) Discrete speech tokens
- With: Self-supervised speech features & Special tokens to enable multitask learning
LLM-based systems have introduced new functionalities!
\(\rightarrow\) E.g., Generation of descriptive text, summaries, and even translations based on audio input.
[2] ViOLA (2023)
( Title: VioLA: Unified Codec Language Models for Speech Recognition, Synthesis, and Translation )
Proposal: VIOLA
- Single auto-regressive Transformer decoder-only network
- Unifies various crossmodal tasks involving speech and text!
- e.g., speech-to-text, text-to-text, text-to-speech, and speech-to-speech tasks
- Conditional codec language model task via multi-task learning framework.
(1) Convert all the **Speech \(\rightarrow\) Discrete tokens **
- with an offline neural codec encoder
\(\rightarrow\) All the tasks are converted to token-based sequence conversion problems
- Can be naturally handled with “one” conditional language model.
(2) Integrate “task IDs (TID)” and “language IDs (LID)” into the proposed model
Generate coherent summaries and crosslanguage translations with high fluency and accuracy,
Speech recognition systems can interact with and interpret complex multimodal data streams!