2. Variational Inference Intro(2)
a) EM : reminder
We try to maximize the (marginal) log likelihood. To do this, we derive a variational lower bound (=L(theta,q)) and try to maximize this lower bound. We do this on an iterative way, with E step and M step.
[ E-step ]
- maximize lower bound ( with respect to q )
- maximization of lower bound = minmizing the KL divergence between “q” & “posterior distribution”
[ M-step ]
b) E-step
we could get q(t) like the below, using the full posterior.
But for many cases, we can not compute for posterior exactly. So if we use variational Inference in this E-step part, then it will be much easier to compute!
[ Algorithm of Variational EM ]
c) Summary
Let’s compare the accuracy and the speed of diverse methods.
- Full Inference > Mean Field > EM algorithm > Variational EM
- Full Inference < Mean Field < EM algorithm < Variational EM