Neural Oblivious Decision Ensembles for DL on Tabular Data
- Abstract
Heterogeneous tabular data…
\(\rightarrow\) advantage of DNN over shallow algorithms is questionable!
NODE (Neural Oblivious Decision Ensembles)
- new deep learning achitectures with any tabular data
- ensemble of oblivious DT
- (1) end-to-end GD training
- (2) power of multi-layer hierarchical representation learning
1. Introduction
SOTA : shallow models ( ex. XGBoost )
\(\rightarrow\) DL methods do not consistently outperform SOTA models
- inspired by CatBoost
- gradeint boosting on oblivious decision trees
- generalizes CatBoost
- make splitting feature choice & decision tree routing differentiable
- resembles “deep” GBDT trained end-to-end
- via entmax transformation, perform soft splitting effectively
2. Related Works
(1) SOTA for tabular
GBDT, XGBoost, LightGBM
(2) Oblivious Decision Trees
Oblivious Decision Trees
regular tree of depth \(d\)
constrained to use the same splitting feature& threshold in all internal nodes of the same depth
\(\rightarrow\) significantly weak learners & efficient
(3) Differentiable Trees
End-to-end optimization ( via softening decision functions )
(4) Entmax
maps a vector of real-valued scores to discrete prob distn
capable to produce sparse probability distns
( majority of probabilities are exactly equal to 0 )
learn splitting decisions based on a small subset of features
(5) Multi-layer non-differentaible architectures
Multi-layer GBDT (Feng et al., 2018)
- limitaiton: does not require each alyer compoenent to be differentiable
consists of differentiable ODT
(1) Differentiable ODT
\(M\): number of ODT
\(d\) : depth of ODT
( = \(d\) splitting features = \(2^d\) possible responses )
\(n\) : number of (numeric) features
\(x \in \mathbb{R}^n\) : input vector
each ODT is determinbed by its ..
- splitting features \(f \in \mathbb{R}^d\)
splitting thresholds \(b \in \mathbb{R}^d\)
- \(d\)-dimensional tensor of responses \(R \in \mathbb{R}^{\underbrace{2 \times 2 \times 2}_d}\).
Output of ODT:
- \(h(x)=R\left[\mathbb{1}\left(f_1(x)-b_1\right), \ldots, \mathbb{1}\left(f_d(x)-b_d\right)\right]\).
- where \(\mathbb{1}(\cdot)\) denotes the Heaviside function.
To make trees differentiable ….
replace \(\mathbb{1}\left(f_i(x)-b_i\right)\) by their continuous counterparts
- REINFORCE (Williams, 1992)
- Gumbel-softmax (Jang et al., 2016)
\(\rightarrow\) require long training time… use \(\alpha\)-entmax transformation (Peters et al., 2019)
Entmax transformation
- replaced by a weighted sum of features
- weights : computed as entmax over the learnable feature selection matrix \(F \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times n}\) :
- \(\hat{f}_i(x)=\sum_{j=1}^n x_j \cdot \operatorname{entmax}_\alpha\left(F_{i j}\right)\).
Relax the Heaviside function \(\mathbb{1}\left(f_i(x)-b_i\right)\) as a two-class entmax
- \(\sigma_\alpha(x)=\operatorname{entmax}_\alpha([x, 0])\).
- use the scaled version: \(c_i(x)=\sigma_\alpha\left(\frac{f_i(x)-b_i}{\tau_i}\right)\)
- where \(b_i\) and \(\tau_i\) are learnable parameters for thresholds and scales respectively.
Based on the \(c_i(x)\) values, we define a “choice” tensor \(C \in \mathbb{R}^ \underbrace{2 \times 2 \times 2}_d\)
\(C(x)=\left[\begin{array}{c} c_1(x) \\ 1-c_1(x) \end{array}\right] \otimes\left[\begin{array}{c} c_2(x) \\ 1-c_2(x) \end{array}\right] \otimes \cdots \otimes\left[\begin{array}{c} c_d(x) \\ 1-c_d(x) \end{array}\right]\).
[ Final prediction ]
\(\hat{h}(x)=\sum_{i_1, \ldots i_d \in\{0,1\}^d} R_{i_1, \ldots, i_d} \cdot C_{i_1, \ldots, i_d}(x)\).
- weight : \(R\)
- response : \(C\)
[ Output of the NODE layer ]
\(\left[\hat{h}_1(x), \ldots, \hat{h}_m(x)\right]\).
( = concatenation of the outputs of \(m\) individual trees )
Multi-dimensional tree outputs
( Above: output = 1-dim )
For cls task, output = \(C\) -dim
\(\rightarrow\) multidimensional tree outputs \(\hat{h}(x) \in \mathbb{R}^{\mid C \mid}\)
- where \(\mid C \mid\) is a number of classes.
(2) Going Deeper with NODE
( Similar to DenseNet )
- sequence of \(k\) NODE layers
- concatenate all previous layers as its inputs