KAN4TSF: Are KAN and KAN-based models Effective for Time Series Forecasting?
- Abstract
- Introduction
Problem Definition
- RMoK
0. Abstract
Existing methods in TS: 2 challenges
- (1) Mathematical theory of mainstream DL-based methods does not establish a clear relation between network sizes and fitting capabilities
- (2) Lack interpretability
KAN in TS forecasting
Better (1) mathematical properties and (2) interpretability
Propose Reversible Mixture of KAN experts (RMoK)
= Uses a mixture-of-experts structure to assign variables to KAN experts.
1. Introduction
Universal approximation theorem (UAT)
- Cannot provide a guarantee on the necessary network sizes (depths and widths) to approximate a predetermined continuous function with specific accuracy
Kolmogorov-Arnold Network (KAN)
Based on the Kolmogorov-Arnold representation theorem (KART)
(1) Proves that a multivariate continuous function can be represented as a combination of finite univariate continuous functions
Establishes the relationship between
a) network size
b) input shape
under the premise of representation
(2) Offers a pruning strategy
Simplifies the trained KAN into a set of symbolic functions
Enables the analysis of specific modules’ mechanisms
\(\rightarrow\) Enhance the network’s interpretability
KAN’s function fitting idea
= Consistent with the properties of TS (i.e., periodicity, trend)
(1) KAN
= Employs a trainable 1D B-spline functions
- to convert incoming signals
(2) KAN’s variants:
= Replace the B-splines with
- Chebyshev polynomials
- wavelet functions
- Jacobi polynomials
- ReLU functions
to accelerate training speed and improve performance.
(3) Other studies:
= Introduce KAN with existing popular network structures for various applications.
- ConvKAN
- GraphKAN
Existing studies lack a KAN-based model that considers TS domain knowledge!!
Proposal: RMoK
KAN-based model for the TS forecasting
Evaluate its effectiveness from 4 perspectives
- (1) Performance
- (2) Integration
- (3) Speed
- (4) Interpretability.
Reversible Mixture of KAN Experts model (RMoK)
Multiple KAN variants
- Use as experts
Gating network
- Adaptively assign variables to specific experts
Implemented as a single-layer network
( \(\because\) Hope that it can have similar performance and better interpretability than existing methods )
2. Problem Definition
Input: \(\mathcal{X}=\left[X_1, \cdots, X_T\right] \in \mathbb{R}^{T \times C}\),
Ouptut: \(\mathcal{Y}=\left[X_{T+1}, \cdots, X_{T+P}\right] \in \mathbb{R}^{P \times C}\)
3. KAN
Kolmogorov-Arnold representation theorem (KART)
Mathematical foundation of the KAN
Makes KAN more fitting and interpretable than MLP
( MLP: based on the universal approximation theorem )
Dfference between KAN and MLP
\(\mathrm{KAN}(\mathbf{x})=\left(\mathbf{\Phi}_L \circ \mathbf{\Phi}_{L-1} \circ \cdots \circ \mathbf{\Phi}_2 \circ \mathbf{\Phi}_1\right) \mathbf{x}\).
Input tensor \(\mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{R}^{n_0}\) & Structure of \(L\) layers
- \(\boldsymbol{\Phi}_l, l \in[1,2, \cdots, L]\): KAN layer
- Output dimension of each KAN layer: \(\left[n_1, n_2, \cdots, n_L\right]\).
Transform process of \(j\)-th feature in \(l\)-th layer
- \[\mathbf{x}_{l, j}=\sum_{i=1}^{n_{l-1}} \phi_{l-1, j, i}\left(\mathbf{x}_{l-1, i}\right), \quad j=1, \cdots, n_l\]
\(\phi\) consists two parts:
\(\phi(x)=w_b \operatorname{SiLU}(x)+w_s \operatorname{Spline}(x)\).
- (1) Spline function
- \(\operatorname{Spline}(\cdot)\): linear combination of B-spline functions
- \(\operatorname{Spline}(x)=\sum_i c_i B_i(x)\).
- (2) Residual activation function
- with learnable parameters \(w_b, w_s\)
- (1) Spline function
4. RMoK
(1) Mixture of KAN Experts Layer
Mixture of KAN experts (MoK) layer
- KAN + Mixture of experts (MoE)
- Uses a gating network to assign KAN layers to variables according to temporal features
KAN & KAN variants
Only differ in the spline function
\(\phi(x)=w_b \operatorname{SiLU}(x)+w_s \operatorname{Spline}(x)\).
This paper
Use \(\mathcal{K}(\cdot)\) to represent these methods uniformly
MoK layer with \(N\) experts:
\(\mathbf{x}_{l+1}=\sum_{i=1}^N \mathcal{G}\left(\mathbf{x}_l\right)_i \mathcal{K}_i\left(\mathbf{x}_l\right)\).
- where \(\mathcal{G}(\cdot)\) is a gating network
Adapt to the diversity of TS
- Each expert learning different parts of temporal features
Gating network
Key module of the MoK layer
Responsible for learning the weight of each expert from the input data.
Softmax gating network \(\mathcal{G}_{\text {softmax }}\)
- Uses a softmax function & learnable weight matrix \(\mathbf{w}_g\)
- \(\mathcal{G}_{\text {softmax }}(\mathbf{x})=\operatorname{Softmax}\left(\mathbf{x w}_g\right)\).
However, it activates all experts once
\(\rightarrow\) Resulting in low efficiency ( when there are a large number of experts )
\(\rightarrow\) Adopt the sparse gating network
Sparse gating network
\(\begin{gathered} \mathcal{G}_{\text {sparse }}(\mathbf{x})=\operatorname{Softmax}(\operatorname{KeepTopK}(H(\mathbf{x}), k)) \\ H(\mathbf{x})=\mathbf{x w}_g+\operatorname{Norm}\left(\operatorname{Softplus}\left(\mathbf{x w}_{\text {noise }}\right)\right) \end{gathered}\).
- Only activates the best matching top- \(k\) experts.
- Adds Gaussian noise to input time series by \(\mathbf{w}_{\text {noise }}\) & KeepTopK operation to retains experts with the highest \(k\) values.
(2) Reversible Mixture of KAN Experts Model
Sophisticated KAN-based model
=> By stacking multiple KANs
( or replacing the linear layers of the existing models with KANs. )
Design a simple KAN-based model
- Easy to analyze
- Achieve comparable performance to the most SOTA TS models
Propose a simple, effective and interpretable KAN-based model,
Reversible Mixture of KAN Experts Network (RMoK)
[Training stage]
Gating network has a tendency to reach a winner-take-all state
= Gives large weights for the same few experts
( Following the previous work ) Load balancing loss function
- Encourage experts have equal importance
Load balancing loss function
- Step 1) Count the weight of experts as loads,
- Step 2) Calcuate the square of the coefficient of variation
- \(\mathrm{L}_{\text {load-balancing }}=\mathrm{CV}(\text { loads })^2\).
Total loss function
- \(\mathrm{L}=\operatorname{MSE}(\mathcal{Y}, \hat{\mathcal{Y}})+w_l \cdot \mathrm{~L}_{\text {load-balancing }}\).