Timer: Transformers for Time Series Analysis at Scale


  1. Abstract
  2. Introduction
  3. Related Works
  4. Approach
    1. Data
    2. Training Strategy
    3. Model Design
  5. Experiments
    1. TS Forecasting
    2. Imputation
    3. Anomaly Detection
    4. Scalability
    5. Analysis

0. Abstract

Large time series models (LTSM)

  • To change the current practices of training small models on specific datasets from scratch!
  • (Pretraining) Dataset
    • Curate large-scale datasets with up to 1 billion time points
    • Unify heterogeneous TS into single-series sequence (S3) format
  • Model: GPT-style architecture to-ward LTSMs.
  • Task: Convert various tasks into unified “generative task”
    • forecasting, imputation, and anomaly detection

Result: Time Series Transformer (Timer)

  • Pretrained by autoregressive next token prediction on large multi-domain datasets
  • Fine-tuned to downstream scenarios

1. Introduction

Accuracy deteriorate drastically in scenarios with limited data!



  • Training on large-scale text corpora
  • Remarkable few-shot and zero-shot abilities

\(\rightarrow\) Motivate to develop large time series models (LTSM) on numerous unlabeled series data

( + transfer to various downstream tasks )

Generative pre-training (GPT)

Several essential abilities that are not present in small models

  • (1) Generalization ability:
    • that one model fits all domains
  • (2) Task generality:
    • that one model copes with various tasks
  • (3) Scalability:
    • that the performance in- creases with the scale of parameters and pre-trained data.

Existing research has not addressed several fundamental issues for developing LTSMs.

  1. When is the benefit of LTSMs warranted?
    • [Figure 1] Training on 5% samples from ETTh1 only induces a 11% MSE increase.
    • training oversaturation of these benchmarks can underestimate the advantages of LTSMs
  2. How to pretrain scalable LTSMs?
    • No consensus on the LTSMs architecture!!
    • Still obscure whether existing large-scale pre-trained time series models with the prevalent encoder-only structure can deliver the expected scalability
  3. Tokenization of heterogeneous TS for pre-training are left behind by other fields.
  4. Unified formulation to tackle various analysis tasks with TS of different lengths by one single pre-trained model remains underexplored


( Large-scale pre-trained Time Series Transformer)

[1] Dataset: Unified Time Series Dataset (UTSD)

  • Aggregate publicly available TS datasets

    & following curated data processing

[2] Pre-trained models

  • Propose the single-series sequence (S3) format
    • Convert heterogeneous series with reserved patterns into unified to ken sequences.

[3] Training strategies: GPT-style objective (next token prediction)

  • To realize the few-shot capability and task generality toward LTSMs

Timer vs. others

  • (others) Prevalent encoder-only architecture
  • (Timer) aligns similar properties as LLMs
    • such as the decoder-only structure trained by autoregressive generation.
    • notable few-shot generalization, scalability, and feasibility for various series lengths and tasks with one model.


  • (1) Advocate the advancement of large TS models

    ( for widespread data-scarce scenarios )

  • (2) Timer
    • [1] Curate large-scale datasets comprised of 1B time points
    • [2] Propose the training strategy with the single-series sequence format
    • [3] Timer: a pre-trained decoder
  • (3) Apply Timer on various tasks
    • realized in our unified generative approach.

2. Related Works

(1) Unsupervised Pre-training on Sequences


(2) Large Time Series Models

Research on LTSM is still in the early stages!

Categorized into 2 groups

  • (1) LLM based
  • (2) non-LLM based

(1) LLM based

  • FPT (Zhou et al., 2023): GPT-2 for TS
  • LLMTime (Chang et al., 2023): encodes TS into numerical tokens for LLMs
  • Time-LLM (Jin et al., 2023): prompting techniques to enhance prediction

(2) non-LLM based

  • ForecastFPN (Dooley et al., 2023)

    • pretrain on synthetic time series data for zero-shot forecasting
  • CloudOps (Woo et al., 2023)

    • adopts the masked encoder of Transformer
    • domain-specific pre-trained forecaster.
  • Lag-Llama (Rasul et al., 2023)

    • scalable univariate forecasting model
    • by pre-training on existing time series benchmarks.
  • PreDcT (Das et al., 2023b)

    • utilizes the decoder-only Transformer
    • pre-trained on diverse time series from Google Trends
    • exhibiting the zero-shot capability on forecasting benchmarks.
  • Timer (ours):

    • pre-trained natively on TS

      ( pre-trained extensively on 1 billion real-world time points from various domains )

    • free from modality alignment

    • conducive to downstream tasks of TS

    • capable of tackling variable series lengths

3. Approach

Advocate the development for LTSM

  • (1) Utilization of extensive TS corpora

  • (2) Adoption of a standardized format for diverse TS

  • (3) Pre-training objective on the decoder-only Transformer

    ( Autoregressively predict the next time series token )

(1) Data

Record the statistics of each dataset, including

  • (1) Basic properties
    • i.e. number of time steps, variates, file size, interval granularity, etc;
  • (2) TS characteristics
    • i.e. period- icity, stationarity, and predictability

\(\rightarrow\) Assess the complexity of different datasets and progressively conduct scalable pre-training.

( + For domain-specific pre-trained TS models, we differentiate the datasets into typical domains )






(2) Training Strategy

Constructing unified TS sequences is not straightforward

\(\rightarrow\) Due to the heterogeneity of series

  • i.e. amplitude, frequency, stationarity and disparities of the datasets in the variate number, series length

Single-series sequence (S3)

  • To facilitate pre-training on extensive TS
  • Convert heterogeneous TS into S3
    • which reserves the patterns of series variations with the unified context length


Procedures of S3

Step 1) Normalizing and merging at the level of variates

  • [Normalize]

    • Split each series ( = each variate ) …. train:val = 9:1
    • use statistics of the training split to normalize entire TS
  • [Merge]

    • Merged into a pool of single-variate series

    • Time points of single-variate series for training follow the normal distribution …

      \(\rightarrow\) which mainly mitigates the discrepancies in the amplitude and variate numbers across multiple datasets.

Step 2) Sample

  • Uniformly sample sequences from the pool by a window

    \(\rightarrow\) Able to obtain a single-series sequences with a fixed length ( = format of S3 )

  • Extension of Channel Independence (CI)

  • CI vs. S3

    • CI: flattens the variate dimension to the same batch,

      \(\rightarrow\) Requiring the batch of series to originate from the same dataset

    • S3; model observes sequences from different periods and different datasets

      \(\rightarrow\) Increasing the pre-training difficulty and directing more attention to temporal variations.

Summary of S3 format

  • does not require time-aligned series
  • applicable to univariate and irregular series
  • also encourages the large model to capture multivariate correlations from the pool of single-variate series.


Pre-training objective: Generative modeling

(3) Model Design

a) Next token prediction

\(P(\mathcal{U})=\prod_{i=1}^N p\left(u_i \mid u_{<i}\right)\).

  • on the token sequence \(\mathcal{U}=\left\{u_1, \ldots, u_N\right\}\),

b) Tokenization

Tokenization of the given S3 \(\mathbf{X}=\left\{x_1, \ldots, x_{N S}\right\}\)

  • with the unified context length \(N S\)
  • TS token = time segment of length \(S\)
    • \(\mathbf{s}_i=\left\{x_{(i-1) S+1}, \ldots, x_{i S}\right\} \in \mathbb{R}^S\).

c) Decoder-only Transformer*

with dimension \(D\) and \(L\) layers for GPT on the \(N\) tokens from a single-series sequence:

\(\begin{aligned} \mathbf{h}_i^0 & =\mathbf{W}_e \mathbf{s}_i+\mathbf{T E}_i, i=1, \ldots, N, \\ \mathbf{H}^l & =\operatorname{TrmBlock}\left(\mathbf{H}^{l-1}\right), l=1, \ldots, L, \\ \left\{\hat{\mathbf{s}}_{i+1}\right\} & =\mathbf{H}^L \mathbf{W}_d, i=1, \ldots, N, \end{aligned}\).

  • \(\mathbf{W}_e, \mathbf{W}_d \in \mathbb{R}^{D \times S}\) : encode and decode token embeddings \(\mathbf{H}=\left\{\mathbf{h}_i\right\} \in \mathbb{R}^{N \times D}\)
  • \(\mathbf{T E}_i\) : corresponding (optional) timestamp embedding.

Causal attention of the decoder-only Transformer

  • autoregressively generated \(\hat{\mathbf{s}}_{i+1}\)

Pretraining objective

  • \(\mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{MSE}}=\frac{1}{N S} \sum \mid \mid \mathbf{s}_i-\hat{\mathbf{s}}_i \mid \mid _2^2, i=2, \ldots, N+1\).

Why Tranasformer?

  • predominant scalable choice in other fields
  • evaluate backbone alternatives on TS

d) Architecture comparison


(1) Encoder-only structure

  • prevalent deep forecasters

  • obtain the predicted tokens through flattening and projection.

  • pros & cons

    • (pros) may benefit from end-to-end supervision

    • (cons) flattening can also wipe out token dependencies modeled by attention

      \(\rightarrow\) Weaken Transformer layers to reveal the patterns of temporal variations

(2) Decoder-only structure

  • substantial progress of LLM
  • token-wise supervising signals
    • including additional utilization of the lookback series.
  • provides the flexibility to address variable context length
    • by simply sliding the series at inference

\(\rightarrow\) Summary: establish LLM-style decoder-only Timer

  • with autoregressive generation pre-training

4. Experiments

TS forecasting, imputation, and anomaly detection

\(\rightarrow\) unified generative scheme

Compare with baselines in terms of ..

  • (1) Few-shot ability
    • pre-training benefits on data-scarce scenarios
  • (2) Scalability
    • model size & data size


  • (1) Candidate backbones and architectures
    • effectiveness of our architectural option

(1) TS Forecasting

a) Setup

  • Dataset: ETT, ECL, Traffic, Weather, and PEMS

  • Lookback length = 672

  • Forecast length = 96

  • Pre-train Timer on UTSD-12G

    • segment length \(S = 96\)

    • number of tokens \(N = 15\)

      ( = context length up to 1440 )

  • Downstream forecasting task = next token prediction

b) Results

SOTA baselines:

  • PatchTST (Nie et al., 2022) on ETTh1 and Weather
  • iTransformer (Liu et al., 2023) on other datasets


(2) Imputation

a) Setups


  • Conduct the segment-level imputation
  • TS is divided into 8 segments
    • segment length S = 24 and the token number N = 15

b) Results


(3) Anomaly Detection


(4) Scalability




(5) Analysis





