UniTS: Building a Unified Time Series Model


  1. Abstract
  2. Introduction
  3. Related Work
  4. Problem Formulation
  5. UniTS Model
  6. Experiments


Foundation models: adapt a single pretrained model to many tasks

  • via fewshot prompting or fine-tuning

However, not much in TS domain … Why??

  • (1) Inherent diverse and multi-domain TS

  • (2) Diverging task specifications

    \(\rightarrow\) Apparent need for task-specialized models

UniTS (Unified TS model)

  • Supports a universal task specification
    • classification, forecasting, imputation, and anomaly detection
  • Via a novel unified network backbone
    • incorporates sequence and variable attention along with a dynamic linear operator


  • Dataset) 38 multi-domain datasets
  • Result) superior performance compared to
    • task-specific models
    • repurposed natural language-based LLMs.
  • etc) UniTS exhibits remarkable zero-shot, few-shot, and prompt learning capabilities when evaluated on new data domains and tasks.

Code) https://github.com/mims-harvard/UniTS.

1. Introduction

General-purpose models for TS

  • have been relatively unexplored

TS datasets

  • (1) abundant across many domains
  • (2) used for a broad range of tasks
    • ex) forecasting, classification, imputation, and anomaly detection.

Current TS models: require either

  • (1) fine-tuning
  • (2) specifying new task and dataset-specific modules

to transfer to new datasets and tasks

\(\rightarrow\) Lead to overfitting, hinder few- or zero-shot transfer

Challenges of building a unified TS model

  • (1) Multi-domain temporal dynamics

  • (2) Diverging task specifications
  • (3) Requirement for task-specific TS modules

a) Multi-domain temporal dynamics

  • Unified models learn general knowledge by co-training on DIVERSE data sources,
  • But TS data present wide variability in temporal dynamics across domains
  • TS data may have “heterogeneous” data representations
    • such as the # of variables, the definition of sensors, and length of observations

\(\rightarrow\) Therefore, a unified model must be designed and trained to capture general temporal dynamics that transfer to new downstream datasets, regardless of data representation.

b) Diverging task specifications

  • Tasks on TS have fundamentally different objectives
    • ex) forecasting: predicting future values in a TS
    • ex) classification: discrete decision-making process made on an entire sample.
  • Same task across different datasets may require different specifications
    • ex) generative tasks: vary in length
    • ex) recognition tasks: featuring multiple categories

\(\rightarrow\) Therefore, A unified model must be able to adapt to changing task specifications

c) Requirement for task-specific TS modules

  • Unified models: employ shared weights across various tasks
  • Distinct task-specific modules: require the fine-tuning of these modules.


Unified TS model

  • Various tasks with shared parameters ( task-specific modules (X) )

Addresses the following challenges:

  • (1) Universal task specification with prompting
  • (2) Data-domain agnostic network
  • (3) Unified model with fully shared weights

(1) Universal task specification with prompting

  • prompting: to convert various tasks into a unified token representation

(2) Data-domain agnostic network

  • Employs self-attention
    • across both “sequence” and “variable” dimensions
  • Introduce a dynamic linear operator

    • to model relations between data points in sequence of any length

(3) Unified model with fully shared weights

  • shared weights across tasks
  • unified masked reconstruction pretraining scheme
    • to handle both generative and recognition tasks

Handles 38 diverse tasks

  • achieving the highest average performance
  • best results on 27/38 tasks
  • can perform zero-shot and prompt-based learning
    • It excels in zero-shot forecasting for out-of-domain data,
      • handling new forecasting horizons and numbers of variables/sensors

2. Related Work

(1) Traditional TS moeling


(2) Foundation models for general TS modeling

Common self-supervised pretraining approaches include …

(1) MTM (Nie et al., 2023; Zerveas et al., 2021; Dong et al., 2023; Lee et al., 2024)

(2) CL (Luo et al., 2023; Wang et al., 2023; Xu et al., 2024; Fraikin et al., 2024)

(3) Consistency learning between different representations of TS

  • (Zhang et al., 2022c; Queen et al., 2023).

Novel architectures that can capture diverse TS signals

  • ex) TimesNet (Wu et al., 2023)
    • uses multiple levels of frequency-based features

Reprogram LLMs to TS

  • (Nate Gruver & Wilson, 2023; Chang et al., 2023; Zhou et al., 2023; Rasul et al., 2023; Jin et al., 2023; Cao et al., 2024).
  • ex) GPT4TS (Zhou et al., 2023)
    • layers of GPT-2 (Radford et al., 2019) is selectively tuned for various TS tasks.
    • but still need task-specific modules & tuning for each task

(3) Prompt learning

Prompt learning

  • Emerged as a form of **efficient task adaptation ** for large NN
  • ex) constructing prompts in the **input **domain
    • text prompts for language models (Arora et al., 2023)
  • ex) tune soft token inputs to frozen language models (Li & Liang, 2021).

TEMPO (Cao et al., 2024)

  • One of the only instances of prompt learning in TS
    • introduces a learned dictionary of prompts that are retrieved at inference time.
  • However, these prompts are only used in the context of forecasting.

3. Problem Formulation

(1) Notation.

[1] Multi-domain datasets \(D=\left\{D_i \mid i=1, \ldots, n\right\}\),

  • where each dataset \(D_i\) can have a varying number of TS
  • can be of varying lengths & numbers of sensors/variables

  • Each dataset: \(D_i=\left(\mathcal{X}_i, \mathcal{Y}_i\right)\)

[2] Four tasks

  • forecasting
  • classification
  • anomaly detection
  • imputation

[3] Models

  • \(F\left(\mathcal{X}_i, \theta\right)\) : model with weights \(\theta\) trained on \(\mathcal{X}_i\)
  • \(F(\mathcal{X}, \theta)\) : model trained on all datasets in \(D\),

[4] etc

  • \(\hat{\mathcal{X}}\) : out-of-domain dataset ( not included in \(\mathcal{X}\) )

  • \(\hat{\mathcal{Y}}\) : new type of tasks ( not contained in \(\mathcal{Y}\) )

    • \(\mathrm{x} \in \mathbb{R}^{l_i \times v}\) : TS sample

[5] Several token types

  • sequence token \(\mathbf{z}_s \in \mathbb{R}^{l_s \times v \times d}\)
    • \(l_s\) : # of sequence tokens
  • prompt token \(\mathbf{z}_p \in \mathbb{R}^{l_p \times v \times d}\)
    • \(l_p\) : # of prompt tokens
  • mask token \(\mathbf{z}_m \in \mathbb{R}^{1 \times v \times d}\)
  • CLS token \(\mathbf{z}_c \in \mathbb{R}^{1 \times v \times d}\)
  • category embeddings \(\mathbf{z}_e \in \mathbb{R}^{k \times v \times d}\),
    • \(k\) : # of categories in a given classification task

\(\rightarrow\) \(\mathbf{z}_{\text {in }} \in \mathbb{R}^{l \times v \times d}\) : Tokens sent to the network

  • where \(l\) is the sum of all tokens in the sequence dimension.

(2) Unified TS model

Desiderata for a unified TS model \(F(\mathcal{X}, \theta)\)

  • [1] Multi-domain TS

    • agnostic with any input samples \(\mathcal{X}\),

      ( diversity in sequence lengths \(l_{i n}\) , variable counts \(v\) )

  • [2] Universal task specification

    • adopt a universal task specification \(F(\mathcal{X}, \theta) \rightarrow \mathcal{Y}\)

      ( applicable across all type of tasks \(\mathcal{Y}\) )

  • [3] No task-specific modules (generalist)

    • handle multiple tasks simultaneously,

      without requiring task-specific fine-tuning

(3) Problem Statement

Multi-task, zero-shot, few-shot, and prompt learning

a) Multi-task learning

Single model \(F(\theta)\)

  • for multiple tasks \(\mathcal{Y}\) , across diverse data sources \(\mathcal{X}\)

  • task-specific fine-tuning (X)

b) Zero-shot learning

Tested on multiple types of new tasks that are not trained for

  • \(F(\mathcal{X}, \theta) \rightarrow \hat{\mathcal{X}}, \hat{\mathcal{X}} \notin \mathcal{X}\).

  • ex) long-term forecasting with new length and

    forecasting on out-of-domain datasets with a new # of variables.

c) Few-shot learning:

Can be fine-tuned on a few samples on new data \(\hat{\mathcal{X}}\) and new tasks \(\hat{\mathcal{Y}}\),

  • ex) Few-Shot \(\{F(\mathcal{X}, \theta), \hat{\mathcal{X}}\}=F(\hat{\mathcal{X}}, \hat{\theta}) \rightarrow \hat{\mathcal{Y}}\)

d) Prompt learning

Handle tasks by simply using appropriate prompt tokens without any fine-tuning

  • ex) Prompting \(\{F(\mathcal{X}, \theta)\), Prompt token \(\} \rightarrow \mathcal{Y}\).

4. UniTS Model


Prompting-based model with a unified network

  • Tokens: represent a variety of TS data domains and tasks

    • inspired by LLMs (Touvron et al., 2023)

    • unifies different types of tasks & data

Three distinct token types

  • (1) Sequence tokens
    • tokenize the input TS
  • (2) Prompt tokens
    • provide essential context about the task and data
    • guiding the model to accomplish the task
  • (3) Task tokens
    • ex) mask and CLS tokens
    • concatenated with the prompt tokens & sequence tokens

(1) Prompting tokens in UniTS

How to use prompt, sequence, and task tokens to unify different task types and conduct inference.

a) Sequence token

Step a-1) Patchify \(\mathrm{x} \in \mathcal{X}_i\)

  • non-overlapping patch size of \(p\),

\(\rightarrow\) Result: \(\mathbf{z}_{\hat{s}}\) with length of \(l_s\), where \(l_s=l_i / p\).

Step a-2) Linear projection

  • projects each patch in \(\mathbf{z}_{\hat{s}}\) into a fixed dimension

\(\rightarrow\) Result: \(\mathbf{z}_{s}\)

Step 3) Added with learnable positional embeddings

( Since \(v\) varies, we retain the variate dimension in tokens )

\(\rightarrow\) Solution: propose a flexible network structure capable of handling any number of variables/sensors \((v)\).

b) Prompt token

Defined as learnable embeddings

Each task has its own set of prompt tokens

  • context related to the data domain and the task

\(\rightarrow\) UniTS adapts to new tasks by utilizing the appropriate prompt tokens without the need for fine-tuning

c) Task token

Two primary types

  • (1) Mask token (for generative modeling)
    • ex) forecasting, imputation, and anomaly detection
  • (2) CLS tokens and category embeddings (for recognition tasks)
    • ex) classification.

Define a general format for representing tasks

Support flexible adaptation to new tasks


ex) Forecasting

  • mask token \(\mathbf{z}_m\) is repeated in model input for any length forecasting,
  • repeated mask tokens in UniTS output are transformed back to sequences.

ex) Classification

  • CLS token \(\mathbf{z}_c\) is matched with category embeddings \(\mathbf{z}_e\).

ex) Imputation

  • Missing parts can be filled in using mask tokens

ex) Anomaly detection

  • de-noised sequence tokens returned by the model are used to identify anomalous data points.

(2) Unified Network in UniTS


Consists of..

  • (1) \(N\) repeated blocks (= UniTS blocks)
  • (2) light-weight mask/CLS tower

UniTS blocks: following components

  • (1) Sequence MHSA
  • (2) Variable MHSA
  • (3) Dynamic MLP
  • (4) Gate modules.

Takes in tokens & process them with UniTS blocks

a) Sequence and Variable MHSA

(1) Sequence MHSA: standard MHSA is applied

(2) Variable MHSA: to capture global relations among variables across

  • average the \(Q\) and \(K\) over the sequence dimension to get shared \(\hat{Q}\) and \(\hat{K}\)
    • \(\hat{Q}, \hat{K}=\operatorname{mean}_l(Q, K)\).
    • \(Q, K, V=\operatorname{Linear}\left(\mathbf{z}_{\text {in }}\right)\).
  • Output \(=\operatorname{Attn}_v V=\operatorname{Softmax}\left(\frac{\hat{Q} \hat{K}^T}{\sqrt{d}}\right) V\)

    • where \(\operatorname{Attn}_v \in \mathbb{R}^{v \times v}\) is the attention map among variables

      ( = shared for all sequence points )

b) DyLinear

Sequence MHSA: Similarity-based relation modeling

Dynamic linear operator (Dylinear)

  • simple and effective
  • capture relations among tokens of various sequence lengths
  • Idea) weight interpolation scheme

\(\operatorname{DyLinear}\left(\mathbf{z}_s ; \mathbf{w}\right)=\mathbf{W}_{\text {Interp }} \mathbf{z}_s\).

  • sequence tokens \(\mathbf{z}_s\) with length \(l_s\)
  • predefined weights \(\mathbf{w} \in \mathbb{R}^{w_i \times w_o}\)

  • \(\mathbf{W}_{\text {Interp }}=\operatorname{Interp}(\mathbf{w})\).
    • Interp: **bi-linear interpolation **
    • Goal: resize from \(w_i \times w_o\) \(\rightarrow\) \(l_s \times l_{\text {out }}\)
      • to match the input sequence and expected output length

c) Dynamic MLP

Extract both local details and global relations among the sequence.

Dynamic MLP

  • 3-kernel convolution
    • Applied across the sequence dimension of input \(\mathbf{z}_{\text {in }}\)
  • Features within the \(d\) dimension are split into two groups
    • resulting in \(\left(\mathbf{z}_{\text {mid }}^1, \mathbf{z}_{\text {mid }}^2\right) \in \mathbb{R}^{l \times v \times d / 2}\)

\(\mathbf{z}_{\text {out }}=\operatorname{Linear}\left(\operatorname{Concat}\left(\operatorname{DyLinear~}_M\left(\mathbf{z}_{\text {mid }}^1\right), \mathbf{z}_{\text {mid }}^2\right)\right)\).

  • where DyLinear \(_M\) processes the

    • (1) sequence tokens
    • (2) prompt tokens

    in \(\mathbf{z}_{\text {mid }}^1\) with two DyLinear operators,

  • CLS token is skipped to ensure consistency for all tasks.

Separation of routes for \(\mathbf{z}_{\text {mid }}^1\) and \(\mathbf{z}_{\text {mid }}^2\)

  • leads to a scale combination effect, thus enhancing multi-scale processing

(3) UniTS Model Training

a) Unified masked reconstruction pretraining

To enhance abilitiy of generative and recognition tasks,

Distinct from MTM

  • MTM) focus on predicting masked tokens

  • Proposed) utilizes the semantic content of

    both (1) prompt and (2) CLS tokens

Pretraining loss:

\(L_u= \mid H_m\left(\mathbf{z}_p, \mathbf{z}_s\right)-x \mid ^2+ \mid H_m\left(\hat{\mathbf{z}}_c, \mathbf{z}_s\right)-x \mid ^2\).

  • \(x\) : unmasked full sequence
  • \(\hat{\mathbf{z}}_c=H_c\left(\mathbf{z}_{C L S}\right)\) : the CLS token features processed by the CLS tower \(H_c\)
    • To leverage the semantics of the CLS token!
  • \(H_m\) : the mask tower

b) Multi-task supervised training

Step 1) Randomly sample a batch of samples

  • from one dataset at a time

Step 2) Accumulate dataset-level loss values:

  • \(L_{\text {total }}=\) \(\sum_{i=1}^I \lambda_i \cdot L_i\left(D_i\right)\),
    • \(L_i\) : loss for the sampled batch
    • \(\lambda_i\) : weight for each loss
    • \(I\) : the number of sampled batches

5. Experiments


  • 38 datasets from several sources

    • span domains including human activity, healthcare, mechanical sensors, and finance domains
  • Tasks

    • 20 forecasting tasks
      • of varying forecast lengths ranging from 60 to 720
    • 8 classification tasks
      • featuring from 2 to 52 categories
  • TS length

    • varying numbers of readouts (from 24 to 1152) and sensors (from 1 to 963).


7 TS models

  • iTransformer (Liu et al., 2024), TimesNet (Nie et al., 2023), PatchTST (Nie et al., 2023),

    Pyraformer (Liu et al., 2021), and Autoformer (Wu et al., 2021).

LLM based methods

  • GPT4TS (Zhou et al., 2023) and LLMTime (Nate Gruver \& Wilson, 2023).

Many of these methods are designed only for one type of task

  • ex) GPT4TS, LLMTime: forecasting models

  • Add task-specific input/output modules for methods

    when necessary to support multiple tasks and include them in benchmarking.

(1) Benchmarking UniTS for Multi-Task Learning

a) Setup

UniTS vs others

  • UniTS) various tasks using a fully shared architecture
  • others) task-specific models

To benchmark them …

  • existing methods use a shared backbone for all tasks
  • augmented using data-specific input modules and task-specific output modules.

Two variants of UniTS

  • (1) Fully supervised model
    • that uses the same training scheme as baselines,
  • (2) Prompt learning model
    • where a pretrained UniTS is fixed
    • only prompts for all tasks are generated.

All models are co-trained with 38 datasets

b) Results: Benchmarking of UniTS


Best results in

  • 17 out of 20 forecasting tasks (MSE)
  • 10 out of 18 classification tasks (accuracy)

Performance gains are especially remarkable because UniTS has no task or dataset-specific modules!

Baseline methods: encounter difficulties performing well across different types of tasks.

  • ex) TimesNet
    • excels in classification tasks
    • underperforms in forecasting tasks
  • ex) iTransformer
    • the top-performing forecaster
    • struggles with classification tasks

Performance gain

  • Forecasting: surpasses iTransformer
    • by 5.8% (0.439 vs. 0.466) in MSE
    • by 3.3% (0.381 vs. 0.394) in MAE
  • Classification: surpasses TimesNet
    • by average gain of 0.7% accuracy (81.6% vs. 80.9%)
  • over the strongest baseline

\(\rightarrow\) shows promising potential to unify data and task diversity across TS domains

Pretrained NLP models to TS

  • Most approaches incorporate additional task-specific modules to align the modalities of TS & NL

Compare UniTS with GPT4TS

  • GPT4TS: reprograms pretrained weights of GPT-2 model
    • GPT4TS is \(48 \times\) larger than UniTS (164.5M vs. 3.4M model parameters)
  • UniTS still compares favorably to GPT4TS.

c) Results: Prompt learning is competitive with supervised training.

Using only tokens to prompt a fixed UniTS, SSL-pretrained UniTS achieves performance comparable to supervised trained UniTS

  • [forecasting] UniTS-Prompt > UniTS-Sup
    • suggesting effectiveness of prompt learning in UniTS
  • UniTS-Promt: already exceeds the performance of supervised baseline methods with separate modules.

\(\rightarrow\) Conclusion:

  • (1) SSL-pretrained model contains valuable features for TS tasks
  • (2) Prompt learning can be an effective approach for these tasks.


  • Explore the capabilities of prompt learning & model size
  • As model size grows..
    • UniTS-SSL) better
    • UniTS-SL) soso

(2) UniTS for Zero-Shot New-length Forecasting

Forecasting across various lengths ??

  • (previous) by training multiple predictors
    • \(\rightarrow\) unavailable for new and untrained forecasting lengths
  • (UniTS) can perform forecasting for new lengths by simply repeating the mask token

For comparison with baseline methods…

  • develop “sliding-window” forecasting scheme

    • enables the model to predict a fixed window size

      & slide to accommodate new lengths.

  • exclude datasets that do not offer a wide range of lengths


(3) UniTS for Zero-Shot Forecasting on New Datasets

Five new forecasting tasks


  • varying forecasting lengths and numbers of variables


  • LLMTime (Nate Gruver & Wilson, 2023)
    • designed for zero-shot forecasting using LLMs
    • Following LLMTime, we utilize one sample from each dataset to manage the extensive inference costs.
  • exclude Time-LLM
    • supports zero-shot learning,
    • but requires that the forecasting length and the number of variables/sensors for zero-shot prediction are the same!


(4) UniTS for Few-Shot Classification and Forecasting

Novel dataset collection

  • 6 classification tasks
  • 9 forecasting tasks

Pretrained models

  • undergo finetuning using 5%, 15%, and 20% of the training set.



  • Average performance metrics
    • for both prompt learning and complete fine-tuning.

(5) UniTS for Few-Shot Imputation

Block-wise imputation task (with 6 datasets)

Models pretrained on 38 datasets are finetuned with \(10 \%\) of new training data

  • asked to impute \(25 \%\) and \(50 \%\) of missing data points.


UniTS-Prompt achieves comparable results to its fully fine-tuned counterpart (UniTS-Finetune)

\(\rightarrow\) Selecting suitable prompt tokens alone can effectively adapt UniTS for the imputation task!


Average score across all datasets using a multi-task setting.

The pretrained models have been finetuned using 5% of the training data.


