Unsupervised Representation Learning for TS with Temporal Neighborhood Coding (2021, 14)


  1. Abstract
  2. Introduction
  3. Method

0. Abstract

Time Series : sparsely labeled

\(\rightarrow\) propose a SELF-supervised framework, for learning representation for non-stationary TS

TCN (Temporal Neighborhood Coding)

  • distribution of signals from within NEIGHBORHOOD

    is distinguishable from the distribution of NON-neighborhood signals

1. Introduction

Unsupervised Representaiton Learning

  • extract informative LOW-dim representaiton from raw TS,

    by leveraging the data’s inherent structure


  • (1) need to be efficient and scalable

  • (2) should acount for & able to model dynamic changes that occur wihtin samples

    ( i.e non-stationarity )

This paper proposes “TCN”

  • self-supervised framework for learning representations for complex MULTIVARIATE NON-stationary TS

  • setting : latent distn of signals CHANGES OVER TIME

    \(\rightarrow\) aims to capture the progression of underlying temporal dynamics

  • characteristics
    • (1) efficient
    • (2) scalable to high-dim
    • (3) can be used in different TS settings
  • transferable to many downstream tasks

2. Method

  • encode the underlying state of multivariate, non-stationary TS

  • takes advantage of local smoothness of the generative process of signals


  • \(X \in R^{D \times T}\) : MTS
  • \(X_{\left[t-\frac{\delta}{2}, t+\frac{\delta}{2}\right]}\) : window ……. refer as \(W_t\)

  • \(N_t\) : temporal neighborhood of window \(W_t\)

    • set of all windows, with centroids \(t^{*}\), where \(t^{* } \sim N(t, \eta \cdot \delta)\)
      • \(\eta\) : range of neighborhood
    • how to set \(\eta\) ?
      • (1) domain experts
      • (2) determined by analyzing the stationarity properties of the signal for every \(W_t\)
  • \(\bar{N_t}\) : non-neighborhood of window \(W_t\)

    ( considered as negative samples )

since nieghborhood represents similar samples,

  • range should identify the approximate time span within which the signal remains stationarity & the generative process does not change

  • use ADF test (Augmented Dickey-Fuller test to determine the region for every window

Value of \(\eta\)

  • too SMALL : many samples within neighborhood will OVERLAP

  • too BIG : the neighborhood would span over multiple ounderlying states

    ( fail to distinguish among these states )

Sampling bias

  • occurs, because randomly drawing negative samples from data distn may result in negative samples, that are actually SIMILAR to the reference
    • ex) far away from \(W_t\) ( = non-neighborhood ), but may be similar to reference

\(\rightarrow\) solution : consider samples from \(\bar{N_t}\) As…

  • Unlabeled samples (O)
  • Negative samples (X)

( idea from Positive-Unlabeled Learning )

PU Learning

classifier is learned using…

  • (1) positive samples (P)
  • (2) unlabeled data (U)
    • mixture of P & N
    • with a positive classs prior \(\pi\)

PU learning falls into 2 categories

  • (1) identify negative samples from the unlabeled cohort
  • (2) treat the unlabeled data as negative samples with smaller weights
    • unlabeled samples should be properly weighted to make an unbiased classifier

Samples from…

  • (1) neighborhood ( \(N_t\) ) : positive
  • (2) non-neighborhood ( \(\bar{N_t}\) ) : combination of positive ( weight : \(w\) ) & negative ( weight : \(1-w\) )
    • weight (\(w\)) : probability of having samples similar to \(W_t\) in \(\bar{N}\)
      • (1) can be approximated using the prior knowledge
      • (2) or tuned as hyperparameter

After defining neighborhood distn…train an objective function

Key point of Encoder :

  • preserve the neighborhood properties in the encoding space
  • Notation
    • \(Z_l = Enc(W_l)\) ….. where \(W_l \in N_t\)
    • \(Z_k = Enc(W_k)\) ….. where \(W_k \in \bar{N_t}\)

2 main components of TNC

(1) Encoder : \(Z_t = Enc(W_t)\)

  • maps \(W_t \in R^{D \times \delta}\) to \(Z_t \in R^{M}\)

(2) Discriminator : \(D(Z_t, Z)\)

  • approximates the probability of \(Z\) being the representation of a window in \(N_t\)
  • predicts the probability of samples belonging to the same temporal neighborhood
  • details
    • use a simple multi-headed binary classifier


Objective Function

\[\begin{gathered} \mathcal{L}=-\mathbb{E}_{W_{t} \sim X}\left[\mathbb{E}_{W_{l} \sim N_{t}}[\log \underbrace{\mathcal{D}\left(\operatorname{Enc}\left(W_{t}\right), \operatorname{Enc}\left(W_{l}\right)\right)}_{\mathcal{D}\left(Z_{t}, Z_{l}\right)}+\mathbb{E}_{W_{k} \sim \bar{N}_{t}}[\left(1-w_{t}\right) \times \log \underbrace{\left(1-\mathcal{D}\left(Z_{t}, Z_{k}\right)\right)}_{\mathcal{D}\left(\operatorname{Enc}\left(W_{t}\right), \operatorname{Enc}\left(W_{k}\right)\right)}+w_{t} \times \log \mathcal{D}\left(Z_{t}, Z_{k}\right)]]\right]. \end{gathered}\]


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