Multi-resolution Diffusion Models for Time-Series Forecasting
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Related Works
- Background
- mr-Diff: Multi-Resolution Diffusion model
- Extracting Fine-to-Coarse Trends
- Temporal Multi-resolution Reconstruction
- Experiments
0. Abstract
Diffusion model for TS
Do not utilize the unique properties of TS data
- TS data = Different patterns are usually exhibited at multiple scales
\(\rightarrow\) Leverage this multi-resolution temporal structure
Multi-resolution diffusion model
Seasonal-trend decomposition
- Sequentially extract fine-to-coarse trends from the TS for forward diffusion
- Coarsest trend is generated first.
- Finer details are progressively added
- using the predicted coarser trends as condition
- Non-autoregressive manner.
1. Introduction
Multi-resolution diffusion (mr-Diff)
- Decomposes the denoising objective into several sub-objectives
- Propose the multi-resolution diffusion (mr-Diff) model
- First to integrate the seasonal-trend decomposition-based multi-resolution analysis into TS diffusion
- Progressive denoising in an easy-to-hard manner
- Generate coarser signals first \(\rightarrow\) then finer details.
2. Related Works
TimeGrad (Rasul et al., 2021)
- Conditional diffusion model which predicts in an autoregressive manner
- Condition = hidden state of a RNN
- Suffers from slow inference on long TS (\(\because\) Autoregressive decoding )
CSDI (Tashiro et al., 2021)
- Non-autoregressive generation
- SSL to guide the denoising process
- Needs two transformers to capture dependencies in the channel and time dimensions
Complexity is quadratic in the number of variables and length of TS
- Masking-based conditioning
- cause disharmony at the boundaries between the masked and observed regions
SSSD (Alcaraz & Strodthoff, 2022)
- Reduces the computational complexity of CSDI by replacing the transformers with a SSSM
- Same masking-based conditioning as in CSDI
- still suffers from the problem of boundary disharmony
TimeDiff (Shen & Kwok, 2023)
- Non-autoregressive diffusion model
- Future mixup and autoregressive initialization for conditioning
\(\rightarrow\) All these TS diffusion models do not leverage the multi-resolution temporal structures and denoise directly from random vectors as in standard diffusion models.
Multi-resolution analysis techniques
- Besides using seasonal-trend decomposition have also been used for TS modeling
- Yu et al. (2021)
- propose a U-Net (Ronneberger et al., 2015) for graph-structured TS
- leverage temporal information from different resolutions by pooling and unpooling
- Mu2ReST (Niu et al., 2022)
- works on spatio-temporal data
- recursively outputs predictions from coarser to finer resolutions
- Yformer (Madhusudhanan et al., 2021)
- captures temporal dependencies by combining downscaling/upsampling with sparse attention.
- PSA-GAN (Jeha et al., 2022)
- trains a growing U-Net
- captures multi-resolution patterns by progressively adding trainable modules at different levels.
\(\rightarrow\) However, all these methods need to design very specific U-Net structures
3. Background
(1) DDPM
(2) Conditional Diffusion Modles for TS
4. mr-Diff: Multi-Resolution Diffusion Model
Use of multi-resolution temporal patterns in the diffusion model has yet to be explored
\(\rightarrow\) Address this gap by proposing the multi-resolution diffusion (mr-Diff)
Can be viewed as a cascaded diffusion model (Ho et al., 2022)
Proceeds in \(S\) stages, with the resolution getting coarser as the stage proceeds
\(\rightarrow\) Allows capturing the temporal dynamics at multiple temporal resolutions
In each stage, the diffusion process is interleaved with seasonal-trend decomposition
- \(\mathbf{X}=\mathbf{x}_{-L+1: 0}\) and \(\mathbf{Y}=\mathbf{x}_{1: H}\)
- Trend component of the lookback/forecast) segment at stage \(s+1\) be \(\mathbf{X}_s\) / \(\mathbf{Y}_s\)
- Trend gets coarser as \(s\) increases
- \(\mathbf{X}_0=\mathbf{X}\) and \(\mathbf{Y}_0=\mathbf{Y}\).
In each stage \(s+1\) …
a conditional diffusion model is learned to reconstruct the “trend \(\mathbf{Y}_s\) extracted from the forecast window”
Reconstruction at stage 1 then corresponds to the target TS forecast.
[ Training & Inference ]
- Guide the reconstruction of \(\mathbf{Y}_s\)
- Condition:
- Lookback segment \(\mathbf{X}_s\)
- Coarser trend \(\mathbf{Y}_{s+1}\)
- Ground-truth \(\mathbf{Y}_{s+1}\) is not available
- Replaced by its estimate \(\hat{\mathbf{Y}}_{s+1}^0\) produced by the denoising process at stage \(s+1\).
(1) Extracting Fine-to-Coarse Trends
- \(\left.\mathbf{X}_s=\text { AvgPool(Padding }\left(\mathbf{X}_{s-1}\right), \tau_s\right), s=1, \ldots, S-1\).
Seasonal-trend decomposition
- Obtains both the seasonal and trend components
- This paper focuses on trend
- Easier to predict a finer trend from a coarser trend
- Finer seasonal component from a coarser seasonal component may be difficult
(2) Temporal Multi-resolution Reconstruction
Sinusoidal position embedding
\(k_{\text {embedding }}=\) \(\left[\sin \left(10^{\frac{0 \times 4}{w-1}} t\right), \ldots, \sin \left(10^{\frac{w \times 4}{w-1}} t\right), \cos \left(10^{\frac{0 \times 4}{w-1}} t\right), \ldots, \cos \left(10^{\frac{w \times 4}{w-1}} t\right)\right]\)
- where \(w=\frac{d^{\prime}}{2}\),
Passing it through….
- \(\mathbf{p}^k=\operatorname{SiLU}\left(\mathrm{FC}\left(\operatorname{SiLU}\left(\mathrm{FC}\left(k_{\text {embedding }}\right)\right)\right)\right)\).
a) Forward Diffusion
\(\mathbf{Y}_s^k=\sqrt{\bar{\alpha}_k} \mathbf{Y}_s^0+\sqrt{1-\bar{\alpha}_k} \epsilon, \quad k=1, \ldots, K\).
b) Backward Denoising
Standard diffusion models
- One-stage denoising directly
Decompose the denoising objective into \(S\) sub-objectives
\(\rightarrow\) Encourages the denoising process to proceed in an easy-to-hard manner
( Coarser trends first, Finer details are then progressively added )
[ Conditioning network ]
Constructs a condition to guide the denoising network
Existing works
- Use the original TS lookback segment \(\mathbf{X}_0\) as condition \(\mathbf{c}\)
Use the lookback segment \(\mathbf{X}_s\) at the same decomposition stage \(s\).
\(\rightarrow\) Allows better and easier reconstruction
( \(\because\) \(\mathbf{X}_s\) has the same resolution as \(\mathbf{Y}_s\) to be reconstructed )
\(\leftrightarrow\) When \(\mathbf{X}_0\) is used as in existing TS diffusion models, the denoising network may overfit temporal details at the finer level.
Step 1) Linear mapping is applied on \(\mathbf{X}_s\) to produce a \(\mathbf{z}_{\text {history }} \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times H}\).
Step 2) Future-mixup: to enhance \(\mathbf{z}_{\text {history }}\).
\(\mathbf{z}_{\text {mix }}=\mathbf{m} \odot \mathbf{z}_{\text {history }}+(1-\mathbf{m}) \odot \mathbf{Y}_s^0\).
Similar to teacher forcing, which mixes the ground truth with previous prediction output
Step 3) Coarser trend \(\mathbf{Y}_{s+1}\left(=\mathbf{Y}_{s+1}^0\right)\) can also be useful for conditioning
\(\rightarrow\) \(\mathbf{z}_{\operatorname{mix}}\) is concatenated with \(\mathbf{Y}_{s+1}^0\) to produce the condition \(\mathbf{c}_s\) (a \(2 d \times H\) tensor).
Ground-truth \(\mathbf{Y}_s^0\) is no longer available
\(\rightarrow\) No future-mixup … simply set \(\mathbf{z}_{\text {mix }}=\mathbf{z}_{\text {history }}\).
Coarser trend \(\mathbf{Y}_{s+1}\) is also not available
\(\rightarrow\) Concatenate \(\mathbf{z}_{\text {mix }}\) with the estimate \(\hat{\mathbf{Y}}_{s+1}^0\) generated from stage \(s+2\) .
[ Denoising Network ]
Outputs a \(\mathbf{Y}_{\theta_s}\left(\mathbf{Y}_s^k, k \mid \mathbf{c}_s\right)\) with guidance from the condition \(\mathbf{c}_s\)
Denoising process at step \(k\) of stage \(s+1\):
\(p_{\theta_s}\left(\mathbf{Y}_s^{k-1} \mid \mathbf{Y}_s^k, \mathbf{c}_s\right)=\mathcal{N}\left(\mathbf{Y}_s^{k-1} ; \mu_{\theta_s}\left(\mathbf{Y}_s^k, k \mid \mathbf{c}_s, \sigma_k^2 \mathbf{I}\right)\right), k=K, \ldots, 1\).
\(\mathbf{Y}_{\theta_s}\left(\mathbf{Y}_s^k, k \mid \mathbf{c}_s\right)\) is an estimate of \(\mathbf{Y}_s^0\).
- Step 1) Maps \(\mathbf{Y}_s^k\) to the embedding \(\overline{\mathbf{z}}^k \in \mathbb{R}^{d^{\prime} \times H}\)
- Step 2) Concatenate with diffusion-step \(k\) ‘s embedding \(\mathbf{p}^k \in \mathbb{R}^{d^{\prime}}\)
- Step 3) Feed to an encoder to obtain the \(\mathbf{z}^k \in \mathbb{R}^{d^{\prime \prime} \times H}\).
- Step 4) Concatenate \(\mathbf{z}^k\) and \(\mathbf{c}_s\) along the variable dimension
- Form a tensor of size \(\left(2 d+d^{\prime \prime}\right) \times H\).
- Step 5) Feed to a decoder
- Outputs \(\mathbf{Y}_{\theta_s}\left(\mathbf{Y}_s^k, k \mid \mathbf{c}_s\right)\).
Loss function:
- \(\min _{\theta_s} \mathcal{L}_s\left(\theta_s\right)=\min _{\theta_s} \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{Y}_s^0 \sim q\left(\mathbf{Y}_s\right), \epsilon \sim \mathcal{N}(\mathbf{0}, \mathbf{I}), k} \mid \mid \mathbf{Y}_s^0-\mathbf{Y}_{\theta_s}\left(\mathbf{Y}_s^k, k \mid \mathbf{c}_s\right) \mid \mid ^2\).
- For each \(s=S, \ldots, 1\), we start from \(\hat{\mathbf{Y}}_s^K \sim \mathcal{N}(\mathbf{0}, \mathbf{I})\)
- Each denoising step from \(\hat{\mathbf{Y}}_s^k\) (an estimate of \(\mathbf{Y}_s^k\) ) to \(\hat{\mathbf{Y}}_s^{k-1}\) :
- \(\hat{\mathbf{Y}}_s^{k-1}=\frac{\sqrt{\alpha_k}\left(1-\bar{\alpha}_{k-1}\right)}{1-\bar{\alpha}_k} \hat{\mathbf{Y}}_s^k+\frac{\sqrt{\bar{\alpha}_{k-1}} \beta_k}{1-\bar{\alpha}_k} \mathbf{Y}_{\theta_s}\left(\hat{\mathbf{Y}}_s^k, k \mid \mathbf{c}_s\right)+\sigma_k \epsilon\).
5. Experiments
22 recent strong prediction models
9 popular real-world time series datasets
a) Performance Measures
mean absolute error (MAE)
mean squared error (MSE)
( results on MSE are in Appendix K )
b) Implementation Details
- Adam with a learning rate of \(10^{-3}\).
- Batch size is 64
- Early stopping for a maximum of 100 epochs.
- \(K=100\) diffusion steps are used
- with a linear variance schedule (Rasul et al., 2021) starting from \(\beta_1=10^{-4}\) to \(\beta_K=10^{-1}\)
- \(S=5\) stages
- History length (in \(\{96,192,336,720,1440\}\) )
- is selected by using the validation set