

  1. Abstract
  2. Background
  3. Foundation model for TS
  4. TimeGPT
  5. Experimental Results



  • First foundation model for TS
  • Accurate predictions for diverse datasets not seen during training
  • TimeGPT zero-shot inference excels in performance, efficiency, and simplicity

1. Background

Superior capabilities of DL models are undeniable for NLP & CV…

However, TS analysis field remains skeptical of the performance of neural forecasting methods.


  • (1) Misaligned or poorly defined evaluation settings
    • publicly available datasets for TS do not possess the necessary scale and volume
  • (2) Suboptimal models
    • given the limited and specific datasets, even well-conceived DL architectures might struggle with generalization


Larger and more diverse datasets enable more sophisticated models to perform better across various tasks.

\(\rightarrow\) TimeGPT = first foundation model that consistently outperforms alternatives with minimal complexity.

2. Foundation model for TS

Foundation models

  • Rely on their capabilities to generalize across domains

    ( particularly in new datasets that were not available during training )

Forecasting model: \(f_\theta: \mathcal{X} \mapsto \mathcal{Y}\),

  • \(\mathcal{X}=\left\{\mathbf{y}_{[0: t]}, \mathbf{x}_{[0: t+h]}\right\}\) and \(\mathcal{Y}=\left\{\mathbf{y}_{[t+1: t+h]}\right\}\),
    • \(h\) : forecast horizon
    • \(\mathbf{y}\) : target time series
    • \(\mathbf{x}\) : exogenous covariates

Forecasting task objective

  • estimate the following conditional distribution:

    \(\mathbb{P}\left(\mathbf{y}_{[t+1: t+h]} \mid \mathbf{y}_{[0: t]}, \mathbf{x}_{[0: t+h]}\right)=f_\theta\left(\mathbf{y}_{[0: t]}, \mathbf{x}_{[0: t+h]}\right)\).


  • pre-training a model on a large source dataset \(D_s=\) \(\{(\mathbf{X}, \mathbf{y}) \mid \mathbf{X} \in \mathcal{X}, \mathbf{y} \in \mathcal{Y}\}\),
  • to improve its performance on a new forecasting task with target dataset \(D_t\).

2 cases of transfer learning

  • (1) zero-shot learning
  • (2) fine-tuning

The core idea of the presented foundation model is to leverage these principles by training it on the largest publicly available time series dataset

3. TimeGPT

(1) Architecture



  • Transformer-based TS model with self-attention mechanisms
  • Procedures
    • step 1) Takes a wisdow of historical values to produce the forecast
    • step 2) Adding local positional encoding
    • step 3) Maps the decoder’s output to the forecasting window dimension

Challenges of TS foundation models

  • Primarily due to the complex task of handling signals derived from a broad set of underlying processes
    • ex) frequency, sparsity, trend, seasonality, stationarity, and heteroscedasticity …
  • Thus, must possess the ability to manage such heterogeneity


  • Process TS of varied frequencies and characteristics

  • Accommodate different input sizes and forecasting horizons

  • NOT based on an existing large language model (LLM)

    ( Its architecture is specialized in handling TS data and trained to minimize the forecasting error )

(2) Training Dataset

  • Largest collection of publicly available TS, collectively encompassing over 100 billion data points.

  • Broad array of domains
    • including finance, economics, demographics, healthcare, weather, IoT sensor data, energy, web traffic, sales, transport, and banking.
  • Multiple number of seasonalities, cycles of different lengths, and various types of trends.

  • Varies in terms of noise and outliers

  • Most of the TS were included in their raw form
    • limited to format standardization and filling in missing values to ensure data completeness
  • Non-stationary real-world data
    • trends and patterns can shift over time due to a multitude of factor

(3) Uncertainty quantification

Probabilistic forecasting

  • Estimating a model’s uncertainty around the predictions

  • Conformal prediction (a non-parametric framework)

    • offers a compelling approach to generating prediction intervals with a pre-specified level of coverage accuracy

    • does not require strict distributional assumptions

      \(\rightarrow\) making it more flexible and agnostic to the model or TS domain.

During the inference of a new TS, we perform rolling forecasts on the latest available data to estimate the model’s errors in forecasting the particular target TS

4. Experimental Results

Forecasting performance evaluation

  • [Classical] Splitting each TS into trian & test, basead on a defined cutoff

    \(\rightarrow\) Not strict enough to asses a foundation model, because its main property is the capability to accurately predict completely novel TS

  • [TimeGPT] By testing it in a large and diverse set of TS that were never seen

    • includes over 300 thousand TS from multiple domains

      ( including finance, web traffic, IoT, weather, demand, and electricity )


  • Zero-shot: Without re-training its weights

  • Different forecasting horizon : based on the frequency to represent common practical applications
    • 12 for monthly, 1 for weekly, 7 for daily, and 24 for hourly data.
  • Evaluation metrics
    • relative Mean Absolute Error (rMAE)
    • relative Root Mean Square Error (rRMSE)
  • Normalization at a global scale for each comprehensive dataset
    • To ensure both robust numerical stability and consistency in evaluation

\(r M A E=\frac{\sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{t=1}^h \mid y_{i, t}-\hat{y}_{i, t} \mid }{\sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{t=1}^h \mid y_{i, t}-\hat{y}_{i, t}^{\text {base }} \mid }\).

\(r R M S E=\frac{\sum_{i=1}^n \sqrt{\sum_{t=1}^h\left(y_{i, t}-\hat{y}_{i, t}\right)^2}}{\sum_{i=1}^n \sqrt{\sum_{t=1}^h\left(y_{i, t}-\hat{y}_{i, t}^{\text {base }}\right)^2}}\).

Base in rMAE & rMSE?

  • Normalized against the performance of the Seasonal Naive model
  • Justified by the additional insights offered by these relative errors, as they show performance gains in relation to a known baseline, improving the interpretability of our results

(1) Zero-shot inference


( No additional fine-tuning is performed on the test set )


  • Validity of a forecasting model can only be assessed relative to its performance against competing alternatives.
  • Although accuracy is commonly seen as the only relevant metric, computational cost and implementation complexity are key factors for practical applications.

\(\rightarrow\) Results of TimeGPT are the result of a simple and extremely fast invocation of the prediction method of a pre-trained model.

( Other models require a complete pipeline for training and then predicting )

(2) Fine Tuning


(3) Time Comparison

Zero-shot inference

  • average GPU inference speed of 0.6 milliseconds per series

    ( = nearly mirrors that of the simple Seasonal Naive )

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