CSI: Novelty Detection via Contrastive Learning on Distributionally Shifted Instances
- Abstract
- Introduction
- CSI : Contrasting Shifted Instances
- Contrastive Learning
- Contrastive Learning for Distribution-shifting transformations
- Score Functions for detecting OOD
0. Abstract
Novelty Detection
- check if data is from outside the training distn
This paper proposes a simple & effective method, called CSI ( Contrasting Shifted Instances )
( inspired by contrastive learning of visual representations)
key : contrasts the sample with “distributionally-shifted augmentations” of itself
propose a new detection score
1. Introduction
OOD detection = Novelty/Anomaly detection
\(\rightarrow\) is test data from training data distn ??
- (1) density based
- (2) reconstruction based
- (3) one-classifier
- (4) self-supervised
Majority of recent works :
- step 1) modeling the representation to better encode normality
- step 2) define a new detection score
Instance Discrimination
- special type of contrastive learning
OOD detection vs Standard Representation learning
- OOD ) discriminate in-distribution & OOD samples
- RL ) discriminate within in-distribution
Existing contrastive learning scheme is already reasonably effective for detecting OOD samples with a proper detection score
ex) by using data augmentation
(A) previous works
- pull augmented samples
(B) proposed
PUSH augmented samples!
found that contrasting shifted samples help OOD detection!
able to both…
- (1) discriminate between in & out distn
- (2) (original task) discriminate within in-distn
Contributions of CSI
propose 2 novel additional components :
- (1) new training method, which contrasts distributionally-shifted augmentations!
- augmented sample \(\neq\) same sample ( positive pair )
- (2) score function, which utilizes both
- (a) contrastively learned representation
- (b) new training method
2. CSI : Contrasting Shifted Instances
- dataset : \(\left\{x_{m}\right\}_{m=1}^{M}\) ~ \(p_{\text {data }}(x)\)
- data space : \(\mathcal{X}\)
Goal of OOD detection :
- whether \(x\) is from \(p_{\mathrm{data}}(x)\) or not
- modeling \(p_{\text {data }}(x)\) is prohibitive! \(\rightarrow\) define a score function \(s(x)\)
- high score = from in-distribution
(1) Contrastive Learning
Goal :
- learn an encoder \(f_{\theta}\) to extract the necessary information to distinguish similar samples from the others!
- \(x\) : query
- \(\left\{x_{+}\right\}\) and \(\left\{x_{-}\right\}\) : set of positive and negative samples
- \(\operatorname{sim}\left(z, z^{\prime}\right):=z \cdot z^{\prime} / \mid \mid z \mid \mid \tilde{ \mid \mid } \mid \mid z^{\prime} \mid \mid\) : cosine similarity
Contrastive Loss :
- \(\mathcal{L}_{\text {con }}\left(x,\left\{x_{+}\right\},\left\{x_{-}\right\}\right):=-\frac{1}{ \mid \left\{x_{+}\right\} \mid } \log \frac{\sum_{x^{\prime} \in\left\{x_{+}\right\}} \exp \left(\operatorname{sim}\left(z(x), z\left(x^{\prime}\right)\right) / \tau\right)}{\sum_{x^{\prime} \in\left\{x_{+}\right\} \cup\left\{x_{-}\right\}} \exp \left(\operatorname{sim}\left(z(x), z\left(x^{\prime}\right)\right) / \tau\right)}\).
- \(\left\{x_{+}\right\}, z(x)\) : the output feature of the contrastive layer
for Instance Discrimination
Notation :
- \(\tilde{x}_{i}^{(1)}\) & \(\tilde{x}_{i}^{(2)}\) : two augmented samples from \(x_i\)
- \(\tilde{x}^{(1)}:=T_{1}\left(x_{i}\right)\).
- \(\tilde{x}^{(2)}:=T_{2}\left(x_{i}\right)\).
SimCLR objective function :
contrastive loss, where each \(\left(\tilde{x}_{i}^{(1)}, \tilde{x}_{i}^{(2)}\right)\) and \(\left(\tilde{x}_{i}^{(2)}, \tilde{x}_{i}^{(1)}\right)\) are considered as query-key pairs
( others = negatives )
\(\mathcal{L}_{\text {SimCLR }}(\mathcal{B} ; \mathcal{T}):=\frac{1}{2 B} \sum_{i=1}^{B} \mathcal{L}_{\text {con }}\left(\tilde{x}_{i}^{(1)}, \tilde{x}_{i}^{(2)}, \tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{-i}\right)+\mathcal{L}_{\text {con }}\left(\tilde{x}_{i}^{(2)}, \tilde{x}_{i}^{(1)}, \tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{-i}\right)\).
- where \(\tilde{\mathcal{B}}:=\left\{\tilde{x}_{i}^{(1)}\right\}_{i=1}^{B} \cup\left\{\tilde{x}_{i}^{(2)}\right\}_{i=1}^{B}\) and \(\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{-i}:=\left\{\tilde{x}_{j}^{(1)}\right\}_{j \neq i} \cup\left\{\tilde{x}_{j}^{(2)}\right\}_{j \neq i}\).
(2) Contrastive Learning for Distribution-shifting transformations
Which transformation to use??
- Some augmentations (e.g., rotation) degrades the discriminative performance of SimCLR!
\(\rightarrow\) this paper, shows that some augmentations can be useful for OOD detection! ( by considering them as negatives )
Family of augmentations \(S\)
- distribution-shifting transformations ( = shifting transformations )
- lead to better representation for OOD, when used as negatives
a) Contrasting Shifted Instances (CSI)
consider a set \(\mathcal{S}\) consisting of \(K\) different transformations
- \(\mathcal{S}:=\left\{S_{0}=I, S_{1}, \ldots, S_{K-1}\right\}\).
Vanilla SimCLR vs Proposed
- SimCLR : consider augmented as POSITIVE
- Proposed : consider augmented as NEGATIVE ( if it is from \(\mathcal{S}\) )
con-SI ( Contrasting Shifted Instances ) loss
\(\mathcal{L}_{\text {con-SI }}:=\mathcal{L}_{\text {SimCLR }}\left(\bigcup_{S \in \mathcal{S}} \mathcal{B}_{S} ; \mathcal{T}\right), \quad \text { where } \mathcal{B}_{S}:=\left\{S\left(x_{i}\right)\right\}_{i=1}^{B} .\).
- intuition : regard each distributionally-shifted sample as OOD
- Discriminate (1) & (2)
- (1) \(S=I\)
- (2) \(S \in \{S_1, \cdots, S_{K-1}\}\).
\(\rightarrow\) improvement in OOD detection!
b) Classifying Shifted Instances
Auxiliary task
auxiliary softmax classifier \(p_{\text {cls-SI }}\left(y^{\mathcal{S}} \mid x\right)\)
predict which shifting transformation is applied ( \(y^{S} \in \mathcal{S}\) )
classifying shifted instances (cls-SI) loss
- \(\mathcal{L}_{\text {cls-SI }}:=\frac{1}{2 B} \frac{1}{K} \sum_{S \in \mathcal{S}} \sum_{\tilde{x}_{S} \in \tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{S}}-\log p_{\text {cls-SI }}\left(y^{\mathcal{S}}=S \mid \tilde{x}_{S}\right) .\).
a) + b) = Final Loss
combining the two objectives:
- \(\mathcal{L}_{\text {CSI }}=\mathcal{L}_{\text {con-SI }}+\lambda \cdot \mathcal{L}_{\text {cls-SI }}\).
( https://github.com/alinlab/CSI/blob/master/training/unsup/simclr_CSI.py )
images1 = torch.cat([P.shift_trans(images1, k) for k in range(P.K_shift)])
images2 = torch.cat([P.shift_trans(images2, k) for k in range(P.K_shift)])
shift_labels = torch.cat([torch.ones_like(labels) * k for k in
range(P.K_shift)], 0) # B -> 4B
shift_labels = shift_labels.repeat(2)
images_pair = torch.cat([images1, images2], dim=0) # 8B
images_pair = simclr_aug(images_pair) # transform
_, outputs_aux = model(images_pair, simclr=True, penultimate=True, shift=True)
simclr = normalize(outputs_aux['simclr']) # normalize
sim_matrix = get_similarity_matrix(simclr, multi_gpu=P.multi_gpu)
loss_sim = NT_xent(sim_matrix, temperature=0.5) * P.sim_lambda
loss_shift = criterion(outputs_aux['shift'], shift_labels)
### total loss ###
loss = loss_sim + loss_shift
(3) Score Functions for detecting OOD
1) propose a detection score
2) introduce how to incorporate additional info learned by CSI
1) Detection Score
- 2 features from SimCLR : effective for detecting OOD samples
- feature # 1) \(\max _{m} \operatorname{sim}\left(z\left(x_{m}\right), z(x)\right)\)
- feature # 2) \(\mid \mid z(x) \mid \mid\)
\(\rightarrow\) contrastive loss increases \(\mid \mid z(x) \mid \mid\) of in-distn
( \(\because\) easy way to minimize cosine similarity of identical samples )
Thus, propose a simple detection score
- \(s_{\text {con }}\left(x ;\left\{x_{m}\right\}\right):=\max _{m} \operatorname{sim}\left(z\left(x_{m}\right), z(x)\right) \cdot \mid \mid z(x) \mid \mid\).
2) using CSI info in score
improve the \(s_{\text {con }}\) significantly by incorporating shifting transformations \(\mathcal{S}\).
proposes 2 additional scores
- (1) \(s_{\text {con-SI }}\)
- (2) \(s_{\text {cls-SI }}\)
\(s_{\text {con-SI }}\left(x ;\left\{x_{m}\right\}\right):=\sum_{S \in \mathcal{S}} \lambda_{S}^{\text {con }} s_{\text {con }}\left(S(x) ;\left\{S\left(x_{m}\right)\right\}\right)\).
- \[\lambda_{S}^{\text {con }}:=M / \sum_{m} s_{\text {con }}\left(S\left(x_{m}\right) ;\left\{S\left(x_{m}\right)\right\}\right)=M / \sum_{m} \mid \mid z\left(S\left(x_{m}\right)\right) \mid \mid\]
- expectation over \(\mathcal{S}\)
\(s_{\text {cls-SI }}(x):=\sum_{S \in \mathcal{S}} \lambda_{S}^{c 1 \mathrm{~s}} W_{S} f_{\theta}(S(x))\).
- where \(\lambda_{S}^{\text {c1s }}:=M / \sum_{m}\left[W_{S} f_{\theta}\left(S\left(x_{m}\right)\right)\right]\)
- \(W_{S}\) : weight vector in the linear layer of \(p\left(y^{\mathcal{S}} \mid x\right)\) per \(S \in \mathcal{S}\).
- expectation over \(\mathcal{S}\)
Combined score for CSI representation :
- \(s_{\mathrm{CSI}}\left(x ;\left\{x_{m}\right\}\right):=s_{\text {con-SI }}\left(x ;\left\{x_{m}\right\}\right)+s_{\text {cls-SI }}(x)\).