Large Scale Time-Series Representation Learning via Simultaneous Low and High Frequency Feature Bootstrapping
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Related Works : SSL for TS
- Proposed Methods
- Domain-guided Augmentations
- Low Frequency Features Bootstrapping Module
- High ~
- Low and High ~
0. Abstract
Most existing Self & Un-supervised TS
do not capture LOW and HIGH frequency features at the same time
- employ large scale models ( like transformers )
- rely on computationally expensive techniques ( like contrastive learning )
Solution : propose a ..
- (1) non-contrastive self-supervised learning approach
- (2) efficiently captures low and high frequency time varying features
- input : RAW TS
- creates 2 different augmented views ( for 2 branches )
- 2 branches = online & target network ( like BYOL )
- allow bootstrapping of the latent representation
BYOL vs Proposed
(BYOL) backbone encoder is followed by MLP heads
(Proposed) contains additional “TCN” heads
\(\rightarrow\) combination of MLP and TCN :
enables an effective representation of low & high frequency time varying features
( due to the varying receptive fields )
1. Introduction
propose a non-contrastive large scale TS representation learning via simultaneous bootstrapping of low and high frequency input features
motivated from BYOL
( = do not use negative samples … only positive! )
- simple yet efficient and novel method
- which can work without a large pool of labelled data
- noncontrastive self-supervised learning
- does not require negative pairs
- capture low and high frequency time varying features at the same time.
- uses MLP and TCN heads
- capture temporal dependencies at various scales in a complementary manner
- uses MLP and TCN heads
2. Related Works : SSL for TS
wide range of pretext tasks have been explored to learn good time-series representation
- ex) SSL-ECG : predict transformations similar to rotation prediction
- ex) [15] : transformation prediction task for human activity recognition.
Contrastive Learning
- ex) CPC (contrastive predictive coding)
ex) [16] : extended SimCLR model to EEG data
- ex) [19] : multitask contrastive learning approach
- capture temporal and contextual information
All existing approaches :
either rely on “pretext task” or “contrastive learning” or “supervised learning”
( \(\rightarrow\) not generalizable and inefficient or need labeled data )
do not to capture low and high frequency time varying features at the same time
3. Proposed Methods
step 1) generate 2 different augmentations from input TS
step 2) passed through low frequency and high frequency features bootstrapping module
Low frequency feature bootstrapping module :
- responsible for learning time varying features in low frequency (longer time period)
High frequency feature bootstrapping module :
- responsible for capturing features from short time intervals which contains discontinuities, ruptures and singularities
\(\rightarrow\) Both modules capture complementary features
(1) Domain-guided Augmentations
choosing correct data augmentations is one of the most important factor
( CV augmentations may not able to work for TS )
Found that creating 2 augmentations from same augmentation family provides better results
- applied jitter-permute-Rotate augmentation
- [Online Network]
- add random variations to the signal
- split the signal into a random number of segments with a maximum of \(M\)
- randomly shuffle them followed by rotation of 30
- [Target Network]
- same augmentation ( as target network )
- but with rotation angle 45
(2) Low Frequency Features Bootstrapping Module
responsible for ….
(1) capturing low frequency time varying features,
from the latent representation produced by encoder
- encoder : large kernel 3 layer CNN ( using TCN )
(2) bootstrapping learned representation from online network to target network
- (1) input : signal \(x\)
- (2) augmentation : \(x_1 \sim T\) and \(x_2 \sim T\)
- (3) encoding : \(z^\theta\) and \(z^\epsilon\)
- passed through two separate 3-block CNN ( with large kernel size )
- extract high-dimensional latent representation
- \(z^\theta=\left[z_1^\theta, z_2^\theta \ldots z_n^\theta\right]\) and \(z^\epsilon=\left[z_1^\epsilon, z_2^\epsilon \ldots z_n^\epsilon\right]\)
- \(z_i^n=N *\left[\operatorname{Conv}\left(B N \operatorname{Norm}\left(\operatorname{Re} L U\left(\operatorname{Pool}\left(x_i^n\right)\right)\right), K_l\right)\right]\).
- \(i\) : number of time-stamps
- \(K_l\) : kernel size
- \(n\) : parameter ( \(\theta\) for online / \(\epsilon\) for target )
- \(N\) : number of blocks
- obtain 2 representations : \(z^\theta\) and \(z^\epsilon\)
- (4) generate low frequency time varying representation \(t_{T C N}^\theta\) and \(t_{T C N}^\epsilon\).
- with projection heads \(g_{T C N}^\theta\) and \(g_{T C N}^\epsilon\)
- \(t_i^n=N *\left[\operatorname{TCN}\left(B N \operatorname{orm}\left(\operatorname{Re} L U\left(z_i^n\right)\right), K, D\right)\right]\).
- \(D\) : dilation rate
- (5) \(t_{T C N}^\theta\) \(\rightarrow\) \(q_{T C N}^\theta\)
- responsible for predicting representation of \(g_{T C N}^\epsilon\)
- (6) Loss Function : MSE
- \(\begin{gathered} L_{L F B}= \mid \mid \tilde{q}_{T C N}^\theta-\tilde{g}_{T C N}^\epsilon \mid \mid _2^2 \\ L_{L F B}=2-2 \cdot \frac{\tilde{q}_{T C N}^\theta, \tilde{g}_{T C N}^\epsilon}{ \mid \mid \tilde{q}_{T C N}^\theta \mid \mid \cdot \mid \mid \tilde{g}_{T C N}^\epsilon \mid \mid } \end{gathered}\).
(3) High Frequency Features Bootstrapping Module
Responsible for …
- capturing high frequency representation
- directly bootstrapping representation learned by online network to target network
learn from TS which has shorter time intervals with discontinuities, singularities and ruptures
Procedure ( 1~3 : same as above )
- (1) input : signal \(x\)
- (2) augmentation : \(x_1 \sim T\) and \(x_2 \sim T\)
- (3) encoding : \(z^\theta\) and \(z^\epsilon\)
- (4) generate high frequency time varying representation \(m_{M L P}^\theta\) and \(m_{M L P}^\epsilon\)
- with projection heads \(g_{M L P}^\theta\) and \(g_{M L P}^\epsilon\)
- \(m_i^n=N * M L P\left(g_i^n\right)\).
- \(D\) : dilation rate
- (5) \(m_{M L P}^\theta\) \(\rightarrow\) \(q_{M L P}^\theta\)
- responsible for predicting representation of \(g_{M L P}^\epsilon\)
- (6) Loss Function : MSE
- \(\begin{gathered} L_{H F B}= \mid \mid \tilde{q}_{M L P}^\theta-\tilde{g}_{M L P}^\epsilon \mid \mid _2^2 \\ L_{H F B}=2-2 \cdot \frac{\tilde{q}_{M L P}^\theta \cdot \tilde{g}_{M L P}^\epsilon}{ \mid \mid \tilde{q}_{M L P}^\theta \mid \mid \cdot \mid \mid \tilde{g}_{M L P}^\epsilon \mid \mid } \end{gathered}\).
(4) Low and High Frequency Features Bootstrapping Module
combines both modules to capture complementary features
responsible for capturing both types of features from data
Loss function
- \(L_{L H F B}=\lambda * L_{L F B}+(1-\lambda) * L_{H F B}\).