20. Poly-encoders: Transformer Architectures and Pre-training Strategies for Fast and Accurate Multi-sentence Scoring (2020)


  1. Abstract
  2. Introduction
  3. Method
    1. Transformers & Pre-training strategies
    2. Bi-encoder
    3. Cross-encoder
    4. Poly-encoder


Deep pre-trained transformers

Tasks that make pairwise comparison between sequences, matching a given input with a corresponding label, 2 approachs are common :

  • 1) Cross-encoders : perform full-attention over the pair
    • better, but slower
  • 2) Bi-encoders : encode the pair separately

This paper introduces POLY-encoder

1. Introduction

Trend : “Use of deep pre-trained LM, followed by fine-tuning

Improvement to this approach for tasks that require multi-sentence scoring

Multi-sentence scoring

  • def) given an input context, score a set of candidate lables


2 classes of fine-tuned architecture are typically built on top!

  • 1) Cross-encoder (2019) : perform full (cross) attention
  • 2) Bi-dencoder (2018) : input & candidate label separately, then combine at the end

This paper introduces 3) Poly-encoder

2. Methods

2-1. Transformers & Pre-training strategies

(1) Transformers

(2) Input representations

(3) Pre-training procedures

(4) Fine-tuning

  • after pre-training, one can fine-tune for multi-sentence selection task of choice

  • consider 3 architectures, with which we fine-tune the transformer

    1) Bi-encoder, 2) Cross-encoder, 3) Poly-encoder


2-2. Bi-encoder

Input context & Candidate label are encoded into..

  • 1) \(y_{c t x t}=\operatorname{red}\left(T_{1}(c t x t)\right)\)

  • 2) \(y_{\text {cand }}=\operatorname{red}\left(T_{2}(\text { cand })\right)\)

    where \(T_1\) & \(T_2\) are 2 transformers that have been pre-trained

    \(red(\cdot)\) : function that reduces that sequence of vectors into one vector

3 ways of reducing the output into 1 representations via \(red(\cdot)\)

  • 1) choose the first output of the transformer
  • 2) compute the average over all outputs
  • 3) average over the first \(m \leq N\) outputs

2-3. Cross-encoder

allows rich interaction between input context & candidate label

  • \(y_{c t x t, c a n d}=h_{1}=f i r s t(T(c t x t, c a n d))\).

    \(first\) : function that takes the first vector of the sequence, produced by transformer

Scoring : \(s\left(\operatorname{ctxt}, \text { cand }_{i}\right)=y_{c t x t, c a n d_{i}} W\)

Inference Speed : does not allow for pre-computation of candidate embeddings ( not scalable )

2-4. Poly-encoder

\(y_{c t x t}^{i}=\sum_{j} w_{j}^{c_{i}} h_{j} \quad \text { where } \quad\left(w_{1}^{c_{i}}, . ., w_{N}^{c_{i}}\right)=\operatorname{softmax}\left(c_{i} \cdot h_{1}, . ., c_{i} \cdot h_{N}\right)\).

\(y_{c t x t}=\sum_{i} w_{i} y_{c t x t}^{i} \quad \text { where } \quad\left(w_{1}, \ldots, w_{m}\right)=\operatorname{softmax}\left(y_{\text {cand }_{i}} \cdot y_{c t x t}^{1}, . ., y_{\text {cand }_{i}} \cdot y_{c t x t}^{m}\right)\).

  • using \(y_{\text {cand }_{i}}\) as query