[ 12. Frequent Subgraph Mining with GNNs ]
( 참고 : CS224W: Machine Learning with Graphs )
12-1. Subgraphs & Motifs
- 12-2. Neural Subgraph Matching
- 12-3. Mining Frequent Subgraphs
1. Subgraphs & Motifs
(1) Introduction
def ) “building blocks” of networks
- can “characterize” & “discriminate” networks
example :
(2) Subgraphs
2 ways to formalize subgraphs
- 1) “NODE”-induced subgraph
- 2) “EDGE”-induced subgraph
a) “NODE”-induced subgraph
- subset of the NODES & all edges induced by the nodes
- called “induced subgraph”
- example )
- Chemistry ( functional groups )
- \[V^{\prime} \subseteq V\]
- \[E^{\prime}=\left\{(u, v) \in E \mid u, v \in V^{\prime}\right\}\]
- \[G^{\prime} \text { is the subgraph of } G \text { induced by } V^{\prime}\]
b) “EDGE”-induced subgraph
- subset of the EDGES & all corresponding nodes
- called “non-induced subgraph” / “subgraph”
- example )
- Knowledge graphs (focus on edges representing logical relations)
\(G^{\prime}=\left(V^{\prime}, E^{\prime}\right) \text { is an edge induced subgraph iff }\).
- \(E^{\prime} \subseteq E\).
- \(V^{\prime}=\left\{v \in V \mid(v, u) \in E^{\prime} \text { for some } u\right\}\).
c) Graph Isomorphism
check whether 2 graphs are identical!
[ Definition ]
\(G_{1}=\left(V_{1}, E_{1}\right)\) and \(G_{2}=\left(V_{2}, E_{2}\right)\) are isomorphic …
if there exists a bijection \(f: V_{1} \rightarrow V_{2}\) such that \((u, v) \in\) \(E_{1}\) iff \((f(a), f(b)) \in E_{2}\)
( + \(f\) is called the isomorphism )
d) Subgraph Isomorphism
[ Definition ]
\(G_2\) is subgraph isomorphic to \(G_1\) ….
if some “subgraph of \(G_2\)” is isomorhic to \(G_1\)
( = \(G_1\) is a subgraph of \(G_2\) )
\(\rightarrow\) NP-hard problem
e) Examples
non-isomorphic + connected + undirected + size 4
non-isomorphic + connected + directed + size 3
(3) Network Motifs
“(1) recurring, (2) significant (3) patterns of interconnections”
(1) Recurring : # of frequency
\(\rightarrow\) “how to define frequency?”
(2) Significant : more frequent than random graph
\(\rightarrow\) “how to define random graph?”
(3) Pattern : small (node-induced) subgraph
Why do we need motifs?
- Help us understand how graphs work
- Help us make predictions based on presence or lack of presence in a graph dataset
a) Subgraph FREQUENCY (SF)
- \(G_T\) : Target graph ( = big graph )
- \(G_Q\) : Query graph ( = small graph )
[ Graph-level SF ]
[ Node-level SF ]
- \((G_Q,v)\) : “node-anchored” subgraph
- robust to outliers
Want to find out “frequency of multiple subgraphs” in dataset!
\(\rightarrow\) treat \(G_T\) as a large dataset, with “disconnected components” ( = individual graphs )
more frequent than null-model ( = random model )
\(\rightarrow\) so, how to define “RANDOM graphs”?
[ Erdos-Renyi (ER) random graphs ]
- \(G_{n,p}\) : undirected graph / \(n\) nodes / edge probability of \(p\)
can be disconnected
example :
[ Configuration Model ]
goal : generate random graph…
- with \(N\) nodes
- with degree \(k_1, \cdots k_N\)
- (1) \(G^{\text{real}}\)
- (2) \(G^{\text{random}}\)
( both have same degree sequence! )
intuition : Motifs are overrepresented in a network when compared to random graphs
3 step
step 1) count motifs in \(G^{\text{real}}\)
step 2) generate random graph
with similar statistics
( ex. nodes / edges / degree sequences)
step 3) use statistical measures to evaluate “significance of each motif”
- ex) Z-score
Z-score :
- \(Z_i\) : captures “significance” of motif \(i\)
- \(Z_{i}=\left(N_{i}^{\mathrm{real}}-\bar{N}_{i}^{\mathrm{rand}}\right) / \operatorname{std}\left(N_{i}^{\mathrm{rand}}\right)\).
- \(N_{i}^{\text {real }}\) : # (motif \(i\) ) in graph \(G^{\text {real }}\)
- \(\bar{N}_{i}^{\text {rand }}\) : average #(motifs \(i\) ) in random graph
- Network significance profile (SP) : normalized Score
Network significance profile (SP) :
- \(S P_{i}=Z_{i} / \sqrt{\sum_{j} Z_{j}^{2}}\).
- vector of “normalized Z-scores”
- dimension = # of types of motifs
- meaning : relative significance of subgraphs
2. Neural Subgraph Matching
(1) Subgraph Matching
Question : is QUERY graph a subgraph of TARGET graph?
- QUERY graph : connected
- TARGET graph : can be disconnected
use GNN to “predict” subgraph isomorphism
binary prediction
use embeddings to decide if neighborhood of \(u\) is isomorphic to subgraph of neighborhood of \(v\)
do not only predict its existence,
but also identify corresponding nodes \(u\) & \(v\)
a) Decomposing graphs ( into neighborhoods )
- 1) for each node in \(G_T\) ….
- obtain a k-hop neighborhood around the anchor
- 2) for each node in \(G_Q\) ….
- same
- 3) embed all those neighborhoods with GNN
- By computing the embeddings for the anchor
b) Order Embedding Space
- mapping : graph \(A\) \(\rightarrow\) point \(Z_A\)
- \(Z_A\) is non-negative in all dimensions
- key point : Transitivity
- Example
Why “order embedding space”?
1) transitivity
if \(G_1\) is a subgraph of \(G_2\) and \(G_2\) is a subgraph of \(G_3\)
\(\rightarrow\) then \(G_1\) is a subgraph of \(G_3\)
2) anti-symmetry
if \(G_1\) is a subgraph of \(G_2\) and \(G_2\) is a subgraph of \(G_1\)
\(\rightarrow\) then \(G_1\) is isomorphic to \(G_2\)
3) closure under intersection
c) Order constraint
- What loss function should we use, so that the learned order embedding reflects the subgraph relationship?
- design loss functions based on the order constraint
d) Max-margin Loss
optimize by minimizing “Max-margin loss”
margin between \(G_q\) & \(G_t\)
= \(E\left(G_{q}, G_{t}\right)=\sum_{i=1}^{D}\left(\max \left(0, z_{q}[i]-z_{t}[i]\right)\right)^{2}\)
\(E\left(G_{q}, G_{t}\right)=0\), when \(G_{q}\) is a subgraph of \(G_{t}\)
\(E\left(G_{q}, G_{t}\right)>0\), when \(G_{q}\) is not a subgraph of \(G_{t}\)
Trained in a way that…
- 1) positive examples :
- minimize \(E(G_q, G_t)\), when \(G_q\) is a subgraph of \(G_t\)
- 2) negative examples :
- minimize \(\text{max}(0,\alpha-E(G_q,G_t))\)
3. Mining Frequent Subgraphs
(1) Representation Learning
Goal : find most frequent size-\(k\) motifs!
- 1) enumerate all size-\(k\) connected subgraphs
- 2) count # of each subgraph types
But computationally hard….
\(\rightarrow\) use “REPRESENTATION learning”
task 1) Combinatorial explosion
solution 1) organize the search space
task 2) Subgraph isomorphism
solution 2) prediction using GNN
- \(G_T\) : target graph
- \(k\) : size parameter
- \(r\) : desired number of results ( = TOP \(r\) graphs )
among all possible graphs of \(k\) nodes,
identify top \(r\) graphs with highest frequency in \(G_T\)
use “node-level” definition
(2) SPMiner
a) overview
SPMiner = neural model to identify frequent motifs
- step 1) decompose
- decompose into subgraphs
- overlapping node-anchored neighborhoods ( ex. 2-hop )
- step 2) encoder
- embed subgraphs
- caution : to “order embedding” space
- can quickly find out the frequency of a given subgraph \(G_Q\)
- step 3) search procedure
- find frequent subgraphs, by “growing patterns”
- step 1) decompose
b) Motif Frequency Estimation with SPMiner
\(G_{N_i}\) = set of subgraphs of \(G_T\)
Task :
- estimate frequency of \(G_Q\) ( = query graph = motif = red dot )
- by counting the number of \(G_{N_i}\) ( = yellow dot )
- such that their embeddings \(Z_{N_i}\) satisfy \(Z_Q \leq Z_{N_i}\)
[ Search Procedure ]
- step 1) randomly select starting node \(u\) in \(G_T\)
- set \(S=\{u\}\)
- step 2) Grow a motif iteratively…
- choose a neighbor of node in \(S\) & add it to \(S\)
- grow motifs to find larger motifs
- step 3) Terminate
- when reached a desired motif size
- tesult : “subgraph of target graph induced by \(S\)”
[ Choosing the next node ]
Total Violation of a subgraph \(G\)
= # of neighborhoods, that do not contain \(G\)
= # of neighborhoods, that do not satisfy \(Z_Q \leq Z_{N_i}\)
minimizing Total Violation
= maximizing frequency
use “GREEDY strategy”
- at every step, add node that gives “smallest total violation”