Non-parametric Meta-Learners
Standford CS330 수강 후 강의 내용 요약
1. [RECAP] Optimization-based ML
Fine Tuning : \(\phi \leftarrow \theta-\alpha \nabla_{\theta} \mathcal{L}\left(\theta, \mathcal{D}^{\mathrm{tr}}\right)\).
ex) MAML (Model Agnostic Meta Learning)
\(\min _{\theta} \sum_{\text {task } i} \mathcal{L}\left(\theta-\alpha \nabla_{\theta} \mathcal{L}\left(\theta, \mathcal{D}_{i}^{\mathrm{tr}}\right), \mathcal{D}_{i}^{\mathrm{ts}}\right)\).
- held-out dataset에 얼마나 좋은 performance를 보였는지에 따라 fine-tune
Probabilistic Interpretation of Optimization-based Inference
Optimization-based Inference :
- 핵심 : \(\phi_i\)를 optimization을 통해 구하자
Probabilsitic Interpretation :
meta parameter인 \(\theta\)는 PRIOR로써의 역할
( ex. initialization, fine-tuning )
where \(\hat{\phi}_{i}\) is MAP estimate
[ MAP estimate 구하는 방법 ]
“GD with early stopping” = “MAP” under Gaussian prior, with mean at initial params
( exact in linear case, approximate in non-linear case)
즉, MAML approximates Hierarchical Bayesian Inference!!!
Gaussian Prior말고 다른 prior는?
- GD with explicit Gaussian prior :
- \(\phi \leftarrow \min _{\phi^{\prime}} \mathcal{L}\left(\phi^{\prime}, \mathcal{D}^{\mathrm{tr}}\right)+\frac{\lambda}{2}\left\|\theta-\phi^{\prime}\right\|^{2}\).
- Bayesian Linear Regression on learned features
- Closed-form or Convex Optimization on learned features
Challenges of Optimization-based method
Challenge 1 : “inner-gradient step를 effective하게 할 architecture 찾기!”
“AutoMeta (Kim et al., 2018)”
- IDEA : Progressive Neural Architecture Search + MAML
- highly non-standard architecture ( deep & narrow )
- 읽어보기!
Challenge 2 : “Bi-level optimization으로 인한 instability”
“MetaSGD (Li et al.)”, “AlphaMAML(Behl et al.)”
- inner vector learning rate를 자동으로 학습 & outer learning rate를 tune
“DEML (Zhou et al.)”, “CAVIA (Zintgraf et al.)”
- inner loop에서, parameter 중 일부(subset)만 optimize
“MAML++ (Antoniou et al.)”
- decouple inner learning rate
- BN statistics per-step
“Bias transformation (Finn et al.)”, “CAVIA (Zintgraf et al.)”
- context variable 도입으로 more expressive
Challenge 3 : “Backprop through many inner gradient steps의 메모리/연산량 problem”
“first-order MAML (Finn et al.)”, “Reptile (Nichol et al.)”
- \(\frac{d \phi_{i}}{d \theta}\)를 identity로 근사
- 단점 ) simple한 few-shot problem에는 잘 되지만, complex problem에는 X
Second-order optimization을 해야 하는 경우가 일반적! 이를 해결하기 위해, “NON-parametric methods” 사용!
[ 2. Non-parametric Methods ]
Non-parametric learner 사용하기!
단적인 예로, test-image와 train-image의 거리(유사도) 비교
2-1. Siamese Network
Siamese Neural Networks for One-shot Image Recognition
[ Meta-Train 단계 ] : Binary Classification
Siamese Network를 학습시켜서, 두 image가 같은지 여부 학습
[ Meta-Test 단계 ] : N-way Classification
- \(X_{test}\)를 \(D_j^{tr}\)의 모든 image와 비교
Meta-Train와 Meta-Test를 match하는 것이 point!
2-2. Matching Network
Matching Networks for One Shot Learning
- train & test 데이터 모두 같은 embedding space로 embed
- 사용 모델
- bidirectional LSTM
- Convolutional Encoder
- end-to-end 모델
- \(\hat{y}^{\mathrm{ts}}=\sum_{x_{k}, y_{k} \in \mathcal{D}^{\operatorname{tr}}} f_{\theta}\left(x^{\mathrm{ts}}, x_{k}\right) y_{k}\).
2-3. Prototypical Network
Prototypical Networks for Few-shot Learning
class 별 centroid 찾고, 거리(euclidean 혹은 cosine)비교하여 class 판별
- centroid : \(\mathbf{c}_{n}=\frac{1}{K} \sum_{(x, y) \in \mathcal{D}_{i}^{\mathrm{rr}}} \mathbb{1}(y=n) f_{\theta}(x)\).
- \(p_{\theta}(y=n \mid x)=\frac{\exp \left(-d\left(f_{\theta}(x), \mathbf{c}_{n}\right)\right)}{\sum_{n^{\prime}} \exp \left(d\left(f_{\theta}(x), \mathbf{c}_{n^{\prime}}\right)\right)}\).
3. Challenges of Non Parametric Models
data point 사이의 더 complex relationship을 잡아내고 싶으면?
이를 해결 하기 위해 고안된…
3-1. Relation Net
Learning to Compare: Relation Network for Few-Shot Learning
- learn “non-linear” relation module on embeddings
3-2. Infinite Mixture Prototypes
Infinite Mixture Prototypes for Few-Shot Learning - arXiv
- learn infinite mixtures of prototypes
3-3. Graph Neural Networks
Few-Shot Learning with Graph Neural Networks
- ‘Message Passing’ on embeddings
4. Black-box vs Optimization vs Non-parametric
위의 것들을 서로 mix하여 사용할 수 있음!
Learning to Learn with Conditional Class Dependencies …
- Both condition on data & run GD
Meta-Learning with Latent Embedding Optimization
- Gradient descent on relation net embedding
Meta-Dataset: A Dataset of Datasets for Learning to Learn …
- MAML + initialize last layer as ProtoNet during meta-training
Pros & Cons
Summary : 3 가지 중요한 특징
- 1) Expressive Power ( for scalability & applicability )
2) Consistency ( 데이터 \(\uparrow\) 수록 성능 \(\uparrow\) , meta-training task에 rely 적어야, OOD에 좋은 성능 )
- 3) Uncertainty Awareness ( uncertainty 측정 가능 여부 )