On First-Order Meta-Learning Algorithms
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Meta-Learning an Initialization
- Reptile
0. Abstract
Meta Learning
- distribution of tasks
- learn quickly ( 적은 unseen 데이터로도 )
이 논문은 new task에 빠르게 fine-tune 될 수 있는 family of algorithms 소개
- using only FIRST ORDER DERIVATIVES for the meta learning updates
- FOMAML (First-Order MAML)
- approximation to MAML ( 2nd derivative 무시 )
- Reptile
- 이 논문에서 제안한 new algorithm
- repeatedly sample task & train & move weights …..
1. Introduction
적은 수의 데이터로도 학습하는데에 도움을 줄 수 있는 Meta Learning이 떠오름!
- Bayesian Inference \(\rightarrow\) computationally intractable
- Meta Learning \(\rightarrow\) DIRECTLY optimize a fast-learning algorithm
Meta Learning의 다양한 approaches
방법 1) learning algorithm이 RNN의 weight에 encode
방법 2) initialization & fine-tune
기존) large 데이터로 pre-train & small 데이터로 fine-tune
( 하지만, fine-tuning에 좋다는 guarantee X )
ex) MAML, FOMAML, Reptile
[ MAML, FOMAML, Reptile ]
MAML : directly optimizes performance w.r.t this initialization
by differentiating through the fine-tuning process
따라서, test time에 large number of gradient step 필요할때 좋지 않음
FOMAML (first-order MAML) : 2nd derivative term 무시한 MAML
- MiniImageNet 데이터셋에 MAML 못지 않은 성능
- 이 논문에서 제안한 방법
- FOMAML과 마찬가지로, based on first-order gradient
[ Contribution ]
- 1) first-order MAML(FOMAML)은 생각보다 easy implementation
- 2) Reptile 소개
- closely related to FOMAML ( 마찬가지로 simple 하다 )
- 유사점 ) joint training ( = train to minimize loss on the expectation over training tasks )
- 차이점 ) train-test split 불필요
- closely related to FOMAML ( 마찬가지로 simple 하다 )
- 3) FOMAML & Reptile의 theoretical analysis
2. Meta-Learning an Initialization
Optimization problem of MAML
1) initial set of parameters \(\phi\)
2) \(k\)번 update하고 나면, \(L_\tau\)가 낮아지도록
- \(L_\tau\) : 랜덤하게 샘플된 task \(\tau\)에 해당하는 loss
( 즉, \(\underset{\phi}{\operatorname{minimize}} \mathbb{E}_{\tau}\left[L_{\tau}\left(U_{\tau}^{k}(\phi)\right)\right]\) )
\(\underset{\phi}{\operatorname{minimize}} \mathbb{E}_{\tau}\left[L_{\tau}\left(U_{\tau}^{k}(\phi)\right)\right]\).
\(U_{\tau}^{k}\) : \(\phi\)를 \(k\)번 update 시키는 operator
( few-shot learning에서 gradient descent를 하는 역할 )
MAML이 위를 해결하는 방법 :
- inner loop optimization은 training sample \(A\)를 사용
- loss 계산은 test sample \(B\) 로
- 즉, \(\underset{\phi}{\operatorname{minimize}} \mathbb{E}_{\tau}\left[L_{\tau, B}\left(U_{\tau, A}(\phi)\right)\right]\)
MAML은 이를 SGD를 사용하여 optimize한다
\(\begin{aligned} g_{\text {MAML }} &=\frac{\partial}{\partial \phi} L_{\tau, B}\left(U_{\tau, A}(\phi)\right) \\ &=U_{\tau, A}^{\prime}(\phi) L_{\tau, B}^{\prime}(\widetilde{\phi}), \quad \text { where } \quad \widetilde{\phi}=U_{\tau, A}(\phi) \end{aligned}\).
- \(U_{\tau, A}^{\prime}(\phi)\) : Jacobian matrix of \(U_{\tau, A}\)
- \(U_{\tau, A}(\phi)=\phi+g_{1}+g_{2}+\cdots+g_{k}\).
- FOMAML는 이를 상수 취급한다 ( = \(U_{\tau, A}^{\prime}(\phi)\)를 identity matrix로 )
- \(U_{\tau, A}^{\prime}(\phi)\) : Jacobian matrix of \(U_{\tau, A}\)
- \(g_{\text {MAML }}=U_{\tau, A}^{\prime}(\phi) L_{\tau, B}^{\prime}(\widetilde{\phi}), \quad \text { where } \quad \widetilde{\phi}=U_{\tau, A}(\phi)\).
- \(g_{\text {FOMAML }}=L_{\tau, B}^{\prime}(\widetilde{\phi})\).
- step 1) sample task \(\tau\)
- step 2) apply the update operator, yielding \(\widetilde{\phi}=U_{\tau, A}(\phi)\)
- step 3) compute the gradient at \(\Phi, g_{\text {FOMAML }}=L_{\tau, B}^{\prime}(\tilde{\phi})\)
- step 4) plug \(g_{\text {FOMAML }}\) into the outer-loop optimizer.
3. Reptile
간단 소개
- 새로운 first-order gradient-based meta-learning algorithm
- MAML과 마찬가지로, learn a initialization