Speaker Recognition from Raw Waveform with SincNet ( IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop 2018 )
- Abstract
- Introduction
- SincNet
- Standard CNN
- CNN in SincNet
- Hamming window
- Experiments
- Corpora
- Setup
- Baseline setup
- Result
- Filter Analysis
- Speaker Identification
- Speaker Verification
Speaker recognition
- promising result with CNNs
( when fed by raw speech samples directly, instead of hand-crafted features )
latter CNNs learn low-level speech representations from waveforms
\(\rightarrow\) allowing the network to better capture important narrow-band speaker characteristics
( ex. pitch, formants )
- novel CNN architecture
- encourages the FIRST convolutional layer to discover more meaningful filters
- parametrized sinc functions ( = band-pass filters )
Standard CNN vs. SincNet
- standard) learn all elements of each filter
- SincNet) only low and high cutoff frequencies are directly learned from data
\(\rightarrow\) very compact and efficient way to derive a customized filter bank
- speaker identification task
- speaker verification task
\(\rightarrow\) SincNet converges faster and performs better than a standard CNN on raw waveforms
1. Introduction
Speaker recognition
- SOTA: based on the i-vector representation of speech segments
- significant improvements over previous Gaussian Mixture Model-Universal Background Models (GMMUBMs)
- Deep learning has shown remarkable success
DNNs vs. Past works
[ DNNs ]
- have been used within the i-vector framework
- to compute Baum-Welch statistics, or for frame-level feature extraction
- have also been proposed for direct discriminative speaker classification
**[ Past works] **
employed hand-crafted features
ex) FBANK and MFCC coefficients
- originally designed from perceptual evidence and there are no guarantees that such representations are optimal for all speech-related tasks
- ex) Standard features
- smooth the speech spectrum, possibly hindering the extraction of crucial narrow-band speaker characteristics such as pitch and formants.
most popular architecture for processing raw speech samples
- weight sharing
- local filters
- pooling
\(\rightarrow\) help discover robust and invariant representations.
This paper :
The most critical part of current waveform-based CNNs is the first convolutional layer
- deals with high-dimensional inputs
- more affected by vanishing gradient problems ( when DEEP layers )
Proposes to add some constraints on the first CNN layer
Standard CNN : filterbank characteristics depend on several parameters
- (each element of the filter vector is directly learned)
SincNet : convolves the waveform with a set of parametrized sinc functions that implement band-pass filters.
The low and high cutoff frequencies are the only parameters of the filter learned from data.
\(\rightarrow\) still offers considerable flexibility, but forces the network to focus on high-level tunable parameters with broad impact on the shape and bandwidth of the resulting filter.
Results achieved on a variety of datasets
- (1) converges faster and achieves better end task performance than a more standard CNN
- (2) outperforms a more traditional speaker recognition system based on i-vectors
2. SincNet
Convolution in TIME & FREQUENCY domain
(1) Standard CNN ( TIME domain )
convolutions between
- (1) the input waveform
- (2) some Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters
\(y[n]=x[n] * h[n]=\sum_{l=0}^{L-1} x[l] \cdot h[n-l]\).
- \(x[n]\) : a chunk of the speech signal
- \(h[n]\) : the filter of length \(L\)
- \(y[n]\) : the filtered output
\(\rightarrow\) all the \(L\) elements (taps) of each filter are learned from data.
(2) CNN in SincNet
convolution with a predefined function \(g\) that depends on few learnable parameters \(\theta\) only
\(y[n]=x[n] * g[n, \theta]\).
What to use for \(g\)?
- a filter-bank composed of rectangular bandpass filters
In the frequency domain …. the magnitude of a generic bandpass filter
= difference between two low-pass filters:
- \(G\left[f, f_1, f_2\right]=\operatorname{rect}\left(\frac{f}{2 f_2}\right)-\operatorname{rect}\left(\frac{f}{2 f_1}\right)\).
- where \(f_1\) and \(f_2\) are the learned low and high cutoff frequencies
- \(\operatorname{rect}(\cdot)\) is the rectangular function in the magnitude frequency domain
Returning to the TIME domain (using the inverse Fourier transform)
\(\rightarrow\) \(g\left[n, f_1, f_2\right]=2 f_2 \sin c\left(2 \pi f_2 n\right)-2 f_1 \operatorname{sinc}\left(2 \pi f_1 n\right)\)
- where the sinc function is defined as \(\operatorname{sinc}(x)=\sin (x) / x\).
The cut-off frequencies can be initialized randomly in the range \(\left[0, f_s / 2\right]\),
- \(f_s\) : sampling frequency of the input signal
- alternative ) filters can be initialized with the cutoff frequencies of the mel-scale filter-bank
(3) Hamming window
To smooth out the abrupt discontinuities at the ends of \(g\) :
\(g_w\left[n, f_1, f_2\right]=g\left[n, f_1, f_2\right] \cdot w[n] .\).
\(\rightarrow\) use the popular Hamming window
- \(w[n]=0.54-0.46 \cdot \cos \left(\frac{2 \pi n}{L}\right)\).
3. Experiments
Datasets: Different corpora and compared to numerous speaker recognition baselines
(1) Corpora
- TIMIT (462 spks, train chunk)
- Librispeech (2484 spks)
( Non-speech intervals at the beginning and end of each sentence were removed )
(2) Setup
[Data] Waveform of each sentence
- split into chunks of 200 ms (with 10 ms overlap)
1st layer of SincNet (proposed)
- using 80 filters of length \(L = 251\) samples
2nd & 3rd layer of SincNet
- two standard CNN using 60 filters of length 5
- Layer normalization
- 3 FC layers composed of 2048 neurons & BN
- leaky-ReLU
- parameters of the sinc-layer were initialized using mel-scale cutoff frequencies
(3) Baseline Setup
- standard CNN fed by raw waveform
- hand-crafted features (39 MFCCs … static + \(\Delta\) + \(\Delta \Delta\) )