Hamiltonian Variational Auto-Encoder (NeurIPS 2018)


VAEs : popular in “inference & learning latent variable models” ( combined with SVI.. “scalable” )

but for practical efficiency… necessary to obtain “low-variance” unbiased estimates of ELBO & its gradients

use of HMC has been suggested to achieve this, but not amenable to reparam trick

Suggest “Hamiltonian Importance Sampling (HIS)”

  • optimally select reverse kernels
  • allows to develop Hamiltonian Variational Autoencoder (HVAE)


1. Introduction

MFVI…can limit its flexibility

\(\rightarrow\) recent work : sampling from VAE posterior & transform these through mappings! Thus, richer posterior approximation!

​ ( ex. Normalizing Flows )

Nfs have succeeded in various domains, but flows do not explicitly use informations about the target posterior!

  • \(\therefore\) unclear whether the improved performance is caused by “accurate posterior” or “simply by overparameterization”

Hamiltonian Variational Inference (HVI)

  • stochastically evolves the base samples according to HMC ( thus use target information )

  • but relies on defining reverse dynamics in the flow

    ( turns out to be unnecessary )

Markov chain Monte Carlo and variational inference: Bridging the gap (2015

  • possible to use \(K\) MCMC iterations to obtain an unbiased estimator of the ELBO and its gradients
  • this estimator is obtained using importance sampling
    • importance distn = joint distn of \(K+1\) states of “forward” Markov chain
    • augmented target distn = constructed using “reverse” Markov kernels
  • performance of estimator strongly depends on “forward & reverse kernels”

Hamiltonian dynamics

  • uses reverse kernels which are optimal for REDUCING VARIANCE of likelihood estimators

  • easily use the reparam trick

  • HVAE can be thought of as NFs, which the flow depends explicitly on the target distn


2-1. Unbiased Likelihood & ELBO

**(1) Likelihood function : **

  • \(p_{\theta}(x)=\int p_{\theta}(x, z) d z=\int p_{\theta}(x \mid z) p_{\theta}(z) d z\).

(2) under strictly positive unbiased estimate of \(p_{\theta}(x)\) :

  • \(\int \hat{p}_{\theta}(x) q_{\theta, \phi}(u \mid x) d u=p_{\theta}(x)\).

(3) ELBO of (2)

  • \(\mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{ELBO}}(\theta, \phi ; x):=\int \log \hat{p}_{\theta}(x) q_{\theta, \phi}(u \mid x) d u \leq \log p_{\theta}(x)=: \mathcal{L}(\theta ; x)\).
  • \(\mid \mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{ELBO}}(\theta, \phi ; x)-\mathcal{L}(\theta ; x)\mid\) decreases as the variance of \(\hat{p}_{\theta}(x)\) decreases

(4) Importance Weighted Auto-Encoder ( IWAE )

  • ( Standard VI )
    • \(\mathcal{U}=\mathcal{Z}\).
    • \(\hat{p}_{\theta}(x)=p_{\theta}(x, z) / q_{\theta, \phi}(z \mid x)\).
  • ( IWAE )
    • \(\mathcal{U}=\mathcal{Z}^{L}\).
    • \(q_{\theta, \phi}(u \mid x)=\prod_{i=1}^{L} q_{\theta, \phi}\left(z_{i} \mid x\right)\).
    • \(\hat{p}_{\theta}(x)=\frac{1}{L} \sum_{i=1}^{L} p_{\theta}\left(x, z_{i}\right) / q_{\theta, \phi}\left(z_{i} \mid x\right)\).

In general, no analytical expression for \(\mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{ELBO}}(\theta, \phi ; x)\).

  • But using SGD…only require unbiased estimator of \(\nabla_{\theta} \mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{ELBO}}(\theta, \phi ; x)\)
  • given by \(\nabla_{\theta} \log \hat{p}_{\theta}(x)\) ( if using reparam trick )

2-2. Unbiased Likelihood estimator using time-inhomogeneous MCMC

Unbiased estimator of \(p_{\theta}(x)\)

  • by sampling (length \(K+1\)) “forward” Markov chain
    • \(z_{0} \sim q_{\theta, \phi}^{0}(\cdot)\).
    • \(z_{k} \sim q_{\theta, \phi}^{k}\left(\cdot \mid z_{k-1}\right)\).
  • using (length \(K\)) “reverse” Markov chain
    • transition kernels : \(r_{\theta, \phi}^{k}\left(z_{k} \mid z_{k+1}\right)\)
  • \(\hat{p}_{\theta}(x)=\frac{p_{\theta}\left(x, z_{K}\right) \prod_{k=0}^{K-1} r_{\theta, \phi}^{k}\left(z_{k} \mid z_{k+1}\right)}{q_{\theta, \phi}^{0}\left(z_{0}\right) \prod_{k=1}^{K} q_{\theta, \phi}^{k}\left(z_{k} \mid z_{k-1}\right)}\).

2-3. Using Hamiltonian Dynamics

Exploit Hamiltonian dyanmics to obtain unbiased estimates of ELBO and its gradients.

However, the algorithm suggested previously relies on a time-homogeneous leapfrog, where momentum resampling is performed at each step and no Metropolis correction is used. :(

Thus, suggest alternative approach where we use Hamiltonian dynamics,

  • that are time-INhomogeneous
  • use optimal reverse Markov kernels to compute \(\hat{p}_{\theta}(x)\)

This estimator can be used with “reparam trick”


  • momentum variables \(\rho\)

  • position variables \(z\)

  • new target : \(\bar{p}_{\theta}(x, z, \rho):=p_{\theta}(x, z) \mathcal{N}\left(\rho \mid 0, I_{\ell}\right)\)

  • idea : sample using deterministic transitions, \(q_{\theta, \phi}^{k}\left(\left(z_{k}, \rho_{k}\right) \mid\left(z_{k-1}, \rho_{k-1}\right)\right)=\delta_{\Phi_{\theta, \phi}^{k}\left(z_{k-1}, \rho_{k-1}\right)}\left(z_{k}, \rho_{k}\right)\).

    so that \(\left(z_{K}, \rho_{K}\right)=\mathcal{H}_{\theta, \phi}\left(z_{0}, \rho_{0}\right):=\left(\Phi_{\theta, \phi}^{K} \circ \cdots \circ \Phi_{\theta, \phi}^{1}\right)\left(z_{0}, \rho_{0}\right)\), where \(\left(z_{0}, \rho_{0}\right) \sim q_{\theta, \phi}^{0}(\cdot, \cdot)\)

Therefore … ( looks like NFs! )

  • \(q_{\theta, \phi}^{K}\left(z_{K}, \rho_{K}\right)=q_{\theta, \phi}^{0}\left(z_{0}, \rho_{0}\right) \prod_{k=1}^{K} \mid \operatorname{det} \nabla \Phi_{\theta, \phi}^{k}\left(z_{k}, \rho_{k}\right) \mid^{-1}\).

    and \(\hat{p}_{\theta}(x)=\frac{\bar{p}_{\theta}\left(x, z_{K}, \rho_{K}\right)}{q_{\theta, \phi}^{K}\left(z_{K}, \rho_{K}\right)}\).

  • looks like NFs!

    ( except that this one uses a flow informed by the target distn )

\(\therefore\) estimator of \(\hat{p}_{\theta}(x)\) : \(\hat{p}_{\theta}(x)=\frac{\bar{p}_{\theta}\left(x, \mathcal{H}_{\theta, \phi}\left(z_{0}, \rho_{0}\right)\right)}{q_{\theta, \phi}^{0}\left(z_{0}, \rho_{0}\right)} \prod_{k=1}^{K}\mid \operatorname{det} \nabla \Phi_{\theta, \phi}^{k}\left(z_{k}, \rho_{k}\right)\mid\).

  • if we can simulate \(\left(z_{0}, \rho_{0}\right) \sim q_{\theta, \phi}^{0}(\cdot, \cdot)\) using \(\left(z_{0}, \rho_{0}\right)=\Psi_{\theta, \phi}(u),\)

( where \(u \sim q\) and \(\Psi_{\theta, \phi}\) is a smooth mapping )

  • then we can use reparam trick!

Deterministic transformation \(\Phi_{\theta, \phi}^{k}\) : 2 components

  • (1) Leapfrog step : discretizes the Hamiltonian dynamics
  • (2) Tempering step : adds inhomogeneity to the dynamics & allows us to explore isolated modes of the target

(1) Leapfrog step

  • first define the potential energy …. \(U_{\theta}(z \mid x) \equiv-\log p_{\theta}(x, z)\)

  • Leap Frog : from \((z, \rho)\) into \(\left(z^{\prime}, \rho^{\prime}\right)\)

    \(\begin{aligned} \tilde{\rho} &=\rho-\frac{\varepsilon}{2} \odot \nabla U_{\theta}(z \mid x) \\ z^{\prime} &=z+\varepsilon \odot \widetilde{\rho} \\ \rho^{\prime} &=\widetilde{\rho}-\frac{\varepsilon}{2} \odot \nabla U_{\theta}\left(z^{\prime} \mid x\right) \end{aligned}\).

    • where \(\varepsilon \in\left(\mathbb{R}^{+}\right)^{\ell}\) are the individual leapfrog step sizes per dimension

    • these three equations have “unit Jacobian” ( \(\because\) shear transformation )

Tempering : multiply the momentum output by \(\alpha_k\)! ( where \(\alpha_{k} \in(0,1)\) )

(2) Tempering 1 ( fixed tempering )

  • allowing an inverse temperature \(\beta_{0} \in(0,1)\) to vary

  • setting \(\alpha_{k}=\sqrt{\beta_{k-1} / \beta_{k}}\),

    • where each \(\beta_{k}\) is a deterministic function of \(\beta_{0}\) and \(0<\beta_{0}<\beta_{1}<\ldots<\beta_{K}=1\).

(3) Tempering 2 ( free tempering )

  • allow each of the \(\alpha_{k}\) values to be learned
  • set the initial inverse temperature to \(\beta_{0}=\prod_{k=1}^{K} \alpha_{k}^{2}\)

Jacobian : \(\mid \operatorname{det} \nabla \Phi_{\theta, \phi}^{k}\left(z_{k}, \rho_{k}\right)\mid=\alpha_{k}^{\ell}=\left(\beta_{k-1} / \beta_{k}\right)^{\ell / 2}\).

\(\therefore\) \(\prod_{k=1}^{K}\mid \operatorname{det} \nabla \Phi_{\theta, \phi}^{k}\left(z_{k}, \rho_{k}\right)\mid =\prod_{k=1}^{K}\left(\frac{\beta_{k-1}}{\beta_{k}}\right)^{\ell / 2}=\beta_{0}^{\ell / 2}\).

The only remaining component : specify is the initial distribution.

  • set \(q_{\theta, \phi}^{0}\left(z_{0}, \rho_{0}\right)=\) \(q_{\theta, \phi}^{0}\left(z_{0}\right) \cdot \mathcal{N}\left(\rho_{0} \mid 0, \beta_{0}^{-1} I_{\ell}\right),\)
  • \(q_{\theta, \phi}^{0}\left(z_{0}\right)\) : variational prior over the latent variables
  • \(\mathcal{N}\left(\rho_{0} \mid 0, \beta_{0}^{-1} I_{\ell}\right)\) : canonical momentum distribution at inverse temperature \(\beta_{0}\)

[ FULL PROCEDURE to get unbiased estimate of ELBO ]

\(\mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{ELBO}}(\theta, \phi ; x):=\int \log \hat{p}_{\theta}(x) q_{\theta, \phi}(u \mid x) d u \leq \log p_{\theta}(x)=: \mathcal{L}(\theta ; x)\) : ALGORITHM 1 (below)

  • \(\left(z_{0}, \rho_{0}\right)=\left(z_{0}, \gamma_{0} / \sqrt{\beta_{0}}\right)\).

    for \(z_{0} \sim q_{\theta, \phi}^{0}(\cdot)\) and \(\gamma_{0} \sim \mathcal{N}\left(\cdot \mid 0, I_{\ell}\right) \equiv \mathcal{N}_{\ell}(\cdot)\).


3. Stochastic Variational Inference

use above [Algorithm 1] within SVI!

Main interest : finding xxxxxx

Must use variational methods ( since the above can not be calculated exactly )

ELBO : xxxx

How to reduce the variance of ELBO?

  • in terms of expectations…. (Rao-Blackwellization)

    \(\begin{aligned} \mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{ELBO}}^{H}(\theta, \phi ; x) &=\mathbf{E}_{\left(z_{0}, \rho_{0}\right) \sim q_{\theta, \phi}^{0}(\cdot, \cdot)}\left[\log \left(\frac{\bar{p}_{\theta}\left(x, z_{K}, \rho_{K}\right) \beta_{0}^{\ell / 2}}{q_{\theta, \phi}^{0}\left(z_{0}, \rho_{0}\right)}\right)\right] \\ &=\mathbf{E}_{z_{0} \sim q_{\theta, \phi}^{0}(\cdot), \gamma_{0} \sim \mathcal{N}_{\ell}(\cdot)}\left[\log p_{\theta}\left(x, z_{K}\right)-\frac{1}{2} \rho_{K}^{T} \rho_{K}-\log q_{\theta, \phi}^{0}\left(z_{0}\right)\right]+\frac{\ell}{2} \end{aligned}\).

    • (under reparameterization) \(\left(z_{K}, \rho_{K}\right)=\mathcal{H}_{\theta, \phi}\left(z_{0}, \gamma_{0} / \sqrt{\beta_{0}}\right)\).


4. Experiments

4-1. Gaussian Model

Goal : learn model params

Model :

  • \(z \sim \mathcal{N}\left(0, I_{\ell}\right)\).

  • \(x_{i} \mid z \sim \mathcal{N}(z+\Delta, \mathbf{\Sigma}) \quad \text { independently }, \quad i \in[N]\).

    ( where \(\Sigma\) is constrained to be diagonal … \(\Sigma=\operatorname{diag}\left(\sigma_{1}^{2}, \ldots, \sigma_{d}^{2}\right)\) )


  • \(\mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{ELBO}}(\theta, \phi ; \mathcal{D}):=\mathbf{E}_{z \sim q_{\theta, \phi}(\cdot \mid \mathcal{D})}\left[\log p_{\theta}(\mathcal{D}, z)-\log q_{\theta, \phi}(z \mid \mathcal{D})\right] \leq \log p_{\theta}(\mathcal{D})\).

Logarithm of unnormalized target :

  • \(\log p_{\theta}(\mathcal{D}, z)=\sum_{i=1}^{N} \log \mathcal{N}\left(x_{i} \mid z+\Delta, \mathbf{\Sigma}\right)+\log \mathcal{N}\left(z \mid 0, I_{d}\right)\).

Use a HVAE with a variational prior, equal to the true prior ( = \(q^{0}=\mathcal{N}\left(0, I_{\ell}\right)\) ) and fixed tempering

Potential : \(U_{\theta}(z \mid \mathcal{D})=\log p_{\theta}(\mathcal{D}, z)\)

  • its gradient : \(\nabla U_{\theta}(z \mid \mathcal{D})=z+N \boldsymbol{\Sigma}^{-1}(z+\Delta-x)\)


4-2. Generative Model for MNIST

using HVAE to improve convolutional VAE for binarized MNIST

Generative model

  • \[z_{i} \sim \mathcal{N}\left(0, I_{\ell}\right)\]
  • \[x_{i} \mid z_{i} \sim \prod_{j=1}^{d} \operatorname{Bernoulli}\left(\left(x_{i}\right)_{j} \mid \pi_{\theta}\left(z_{i}\right)_{j}\right)\]

Generative network ( decoder ) : \(\pi_{\theta}: \mathcal{Z} \rightarrow \mathcal{X}\)

Inference network ( encoder ) : \(q_{\theta, \phi}\left(z_{i} \mid x_{i}\right)=\mathcal{N}\left(z_{i} \mid \mu_{\phi}\left(x_{i}\right), \Sigma_{\phi}\left(x_{i}\right)\right)\)

  • where \(\mu_{\phi}\) & \(\Sigma_{\phi}\) are separate outputs of the same NN

Apply HVAE on the top of the base convolutional VAE

5. Conclusion

  • Exploit Hamiltonian dynamics within SVi

  • Compared to previous methods..

  • do not rely on learned reverse Markov kernels
    • benefits from the use of tempering ideas
  • Use reparam trick to obtain unbiased estimators of gradients of ELBo

  • Can be interpreted as target-driven NFs

  • Jacobian computations required for ELBO are trivial

  • Memory Cost could be large…

