CrossFormer: Transformer Utilizing Cross-dimension Dependency for MTS ForecastingPermalink
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Related Works
- MTS forecasting
- Transformers for MTS forecasting
- Vision Transformers
- Methodology
- Dimension-Segment-Wise Embedding
- Two-Stage Attention Layer
- Hierarchical Encoder-Decoder
- Experiments
- Main Results
- Ablation Study
0. AbstractPermalink
MTS forecasting
- Transformer-based models : can capture long-term dependency
→ however … mainly focus on modeling the temporal (cross-time) dependency
( omit the dependency among different variables ( = cross-dimension dependency ) )
Propose Crossformer
- Transformer-based model utilizing cross-dimension dependency for MTS forecasting.
(step 1) Input MTS is embedded into a 2D vector array
via Dimension-Segment-Wise (DSW) embedding
( to preserve time and dimension information )
(step 2) Two-Stage Attention (TSA) layer
- efficiently capture the cross-time & cross-dimension dependency
using both DSW & TSA, Crossformer establishes a Hierarchical Encoder-Decoder (HED) to use the information at different scales for the final forecasting
1. IntroductionPermalink
Transformer for MTS forecasting:
- ability to capture long-term temporal dependency (cross-time dependency).
Cross-dimension dependency is also critical for MTS forecasting !
ex) previous neural models : explicitly capture the cross-dimension dependency, using CNN/GNN
However, recent Transformer-based models …
→ only implicitly utilize this dependency by embedding
generally embed data points in all dimensions at the same time step into a feature vector
& try to capture dependency among different time steps (Fig. 1 (b))
→ cross-time dependency is well captured, but cross-dimension dependency is not
a Transformer-based model that explicitly utilizes cross-dimension dependency for MTS forecasting.
(1) Dimension-Segment-Wise (DSW) embedding
to process the historical time series.
step 1) series in each dimension is partitioned into segments
step 2) embedded into feature vectors
( output = 2D vector array … two axes = time & dimension )
(2) Two-Stage-Attention (TSA) layer
- efficiently capture the cross-time & cross-dimension dependency
→ using (1) & (2) … establishes a Hierarchical Encoder-Decoder (HED)
each layer = each scale
[Encoder] upper layer = merges adjacent segments output by the lower layer
( capture coarser scale )
[Decoder] generate predictions at different scales & add them up as the final prediction.
existing Transformer-based models : cross-dimension dependency is not well utilized
→ Without adequate and explicit mining and utilization of cross-dimension dependency, their forecasting capability is empirically shown limited.
develop Crossformer
extensive epperimental results
2. Related WorksPermalink
(1) MTS forecastingPermalink
Divided into (1) statistical & (2) neural models
a) StatisticalPermalink
- Vector auto-regressive (VAR) model
- Vector auto-regressive moving average (VARMA)
→ assume linear cross-dimension & cross-time dependency.
b) Neural modelsPermalink
- TCN (Lea et al., 2017) & DeepAR (Flunkert et al., 2017)
- treat the MTS data as a sequence of vectors and use CNN/RNN to capture the temporal dependency
- LSTnet (Lai et al., 2018)
- CNN : for cross-dimension dependency
- RNN : for cross-time dependency
- GNNs
- to capture the cross-dimension dependency explicitly for forecasting
- ex) MTGNN (Wu et al., 2020) :
- temporal convolution : cross-time
- graph convolution : cross-dimension
→ capture the cross-time dependency through CNN or RNN … difficulty in modeling long-term dependency
(2) Transformers for MTS forecastingPermalink
LogTrans (Li et al., 2019b)
- proposes the LogSparse attention ( reduces the computation complexity )
- from O(L2) to O(L(logL)2)
Informer (Zhou et al., 2021)
- utilizes the sparsity of attention score through KL divergence estimation
- proposes ProbSparse self-attention
- achieves O(LlogL) complexity.
Autoformer (Wu et al., 2021a)
- introduces a decomposition architecture with an Auto-Correlation mechanism
- achieves the O(LlogL) complexity.
Pyraformer (Liu et al., 2021a)
- pyramidal attention module
- summarizes features at different resolutions & models the temporal dependencies of different ranges
- complexity of O(L).
FEDformer (Zhou et al., 2022)
- have a sparse representation in frequency domain
- develop a frequency enhanced Transformer
- O(L) complexity.
Preformer (Du et al., 2022)
- divides the embedded feature vector sequence into segments
- utilizes segment-wise correlation-based attention
→ These models mainly focus on reducing the complexity of cross-time dependency modeling,
but omits the **cross-dimension dependency
(3) Vision TransformersPermalink
**ViT (Dosovitskiy et al., 2021) **
one of the pioneers of vision transformers.
Basic idea of ViT
split an image into non-overlapping medium-sized patches
rearranges these patches into a sequence ( to be input to the Transformer )
Idea of partitiong images into patches
→ inspires our DSW embedding where MTS is split into dimension-wise segments
Swin Transformer (Liu et al., 2021b)
- performs local attention within a window ( to reduce the complexity )
- builds hierarchical feature maps by merging image patches
3. MethodologyPermalink
- future value : xT+1:T+τ∈ Rτ×D
- input value : x1:T∈RT×D
- number of dimension : D>1
Section 3.1
- embed the MTS using Dimension-Segment-Wise (DSW) embedding
- To utilize the cross-dimension dependency
Section 3.2
- propose a Two-Stage Attention (TSA) layer
- to efficiently capture the dependency among the embedded segments
Section 3.3
- construct a hierarchical encoder-decoder (HED), using DSW embedding and TSA layer
- to utilize information at different scales
(1) Dimension-Segment-Wise EmbeddingPermalink
Embedding of the previous Transformer-based models for MTS forecasting ( Fig. 1 (b) )
- step 1) Embed data points at the same time step into a vector: xt→ht,xt∈RD,ht∈Rdmodel ,
- xt : all the data points in D dimensions at step t.
- input x1:T is embedded into T vectors {h1,h2,…,hT}.
- step 2) Dependency among the T vectors is captured for forecasting.
→ preivous methods mainly capture cross-time dependency
( cross-dimension dependency is not explicitly captured during embedding )
Fig. 1 (a)
- typical attention score map of original Transformer
- attention values have a tendency to segment, i.e. close data points have similar attention weights.
→ Argue that an embedded vector should represent a series segment of single dimension (Fig. 1 (c)), rather than the values of all dimensions at single step (Fig. 1 (b)).
propose Dimension-Segment-Wise (DSW) embedding
[ Step 1 ] Points in each dimension are divided into segments of length Lseg
x1:T={x(s)i,d∣1≤i≤TLseg ,1≤d≤D}x(s)i,d={xt,d∣(i−1)×Lseg <t≤i×Lseg }.
- where x(s)i,d∈RLseg is the i-th segment in dimension d with length Lseg .
[ Step 2 ] Each segment is embedded into a vector
using linear projection added with a position embedding
- E∈Rdmodel ×Lseg : the learnable projection matrix
- E(pos )i,d∈Rdmodel : the learnable position embedding for position (i,d).
[ Output ] obtain a 2D vector array H={hi,d∣1≤i≤TLseg ,1≤d≤D},
- each hi,d represents a univariate time series segment.
(2) Two-Stage Attention LayerPermalink
Flatten 2D array H into 1D sequence
→ to be input to Trarnsformer architecture
Specific considerations:
(1) Different from images where the axes of height and width are interchangeable……
the axes of time and dimension for MTS have different meanings and thus should be treated differently
(2) Directly applying self-attention on 2D array will cause the complexity of O(D2T2L2seg) …..
which is unaffordable for large D.
→ propose the Two-Stage Attention (TSA) Layer
- to capture cross-time and cross-dimension dependency
a) Cross-Time stagePermalink
Input : 2D array Z∈RL×D×dmodel
( = output of DSW embedding or lower TSA layers )
- L : number of segments
- D: number of dimensions
Zi,: : vectors of all dimensions at time step i
Z:,d : vectors of all time steps in dimension d.
Multi-head self-attention (MSA) to each dimension:
ˆZtime :,d= LayerNorm (Z:,d+MSAtime (Z:,d,Z:,d,Z:,d))Ztime =LayerNorm(ˆZtime +MLP(ˆZtime )).
- where 1≤d≤D
- all dimensions (1≤d≤D) share the same MSA layer
Computation complexity of cross-time stage = O(DL2).
Dependency among time segments in the same dimension is captured in Ztime .
→ Ztime becomes the input of Cross-Dimension Stage
b) Cross-Dimension stagePermalink
Cross-Time stage
we can use a large Lseg for long sequence in DSW Embedding
( to reduce the number of segments L in cross-time stage )
Cross-Dimension Stage
we can not partition dimensions and directly apply MSA
Instead, we propose the router mechanism for potentially large D.
- set a small fixed number (c<<D) of learnable vectors for each time step i as routers.
- complexity : O(D2L)→O(DL)
- step 1) aggregate messages from all dimensions
- step 2) distribute the received messages among dimensions
→ all-to-all connection among D dimensions are built:
Bi,:=MSAdim1(Ri,:,Ztime i,:,Ztime i,:),1≤i≤L¯Zdimi,:=MSAdim2(Ztime i,:,Bi,:,Bi,:),1≤i≤LˆZdim = LayerNorm (Ztime +¯Zdim )Zdim = LayerNorm (ˆZdim +MLP(ˆZdim)).
- R∈RL×c×dmodel : learnable vector array ( = routers )
- B∈RL×c×dmodel : aggregated messages from all dimensions
- ¯Zdim : output of the router mechanism.
- ˆZdim : output of skip connection
- Zdim : output of MLP
All time steps (1≤i≤L) share the same MSAdim1,MSAdim 2.
Y=Zdim =TSA(Z).
- Z : input vector array of TSA layer
- Y∈RL×D×dmodel : output vector array of TSA layer
Overall computation complexity of TSA layer
- O(DL2+DL)=O(DL2).
After the Cross-Time and Cross-Dimension Stages …
every two segments (i.e. Zi1,d1,Zi2,d2 ) in Z are connected,
→ both cross-time and cross-dimension dependencies are captured in Y.
(3) Hierarchical Encoder-DecoderPermalink
to capture information at different scales
use (1) DSW embedding & (2) TSA layer & (3) segment merging
→ to construct a Hierarchical Encoder-Decoder (HED).
- Upper layer utilizes information at a coarser scale for forecasting.
- Final results = add forecasting values at different scales
a) EncoderPermalink
Coarser Level : every two adjacent vectors in time domain are merged
→ then, TSA layer is applied to capture dependency at this scale.
Details :
- H : 2D array obtained by DSW embedding
- Zenc,l : the output of the l-th encoder layer
- M∈Rdmodel ×2dmodel : a learnable matrix for segment merging
- Ll−1 : the number of segments in each dimension in layer l−1
- ˆZenc,l : the array after segment merging in the i-th layer.
Suppose there are N layers in the encoder
→ use Zenc ,0,Zenc,1 ,…,Zenc, ,N,(Zenc ,0=H) to represent the N+1 outputs of the encoder.
- complexity of each encoder layer : O(DT2L2seg ).
b) DecoderPermalink
Output of encoder : N+1 feature arrays
Layer l of decoder :
- Input : l-th encoded array
- Output : decoded 2D array of layer l.
Summary : Zdec ,l=Decoder(Zdec ,l−1,Zenc ,l) :
Linear projection is applied to each layer’s output
- to yield the prediction of each layer
Layer predictions
- summed to make the final prediction (for l=0,…,N ):
for l=0,…,N:x(s),li,d=WlZdec, ,li,dxpred,l T+1:T+τ={x(s),li,d∣1≤i≤τLseg ,1≤d≤D}xpred T+1:T+τ=N∑l=0xpred, T+1:T+τ.
- Wl∈RLseg×dmodel : a learnable matrix to project a vector to a time series segment.
- x(s),li,d∈RLseg : the i-th segment in dimension d of the prediction