[Paper Review] 22. LatentCLR : A Contrastive Learning Approach for Unsupervised Discovery of Interpretable Directions
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Related Work
- Latent Space Navigation
- Methodology
- Contrastive Learning
- Latent Contrastive Learning (LatentCLR)
0. Abstract
Possible to find interpretable directions in latent space of pre-trained GANs
- enable controllable image generation
- support a wide range of semantic editing operations
1. Introduction
introduce LatentCLR,
- optimization-based approach,
- that uses self-supervised contrastive objective to find interpretable directions in GANs
- use DIFFERENCES caused by an edit operation on the feature activations
- use contrastive learning
- can find distinct & fine-grained directions on a variety of datasets
2. Related Work
1) GAN
most popular 1 : StyleGAN, StyleGAN2
- use a mapping network of 8-layer
- to map the input latent code to intermediate latent space
most popular 2 : BigGAN
large-scale model trained on ImageNet
also use intermediate layers,
by using latent vector as input ( = skip-z inputs ), as well as class vectors
work with pre-trained StyleGAN2 & BigGANS
2) Latent Space Navigation
manipulate the latent structure of pre-trained GANs
- divided into 2 groups
[ (a) Supervised Setting ]
- use pre-trained classifiers, to guide optimization-based learning to discover interpretable directions
- ex) InterfaceGAN
- benefit from labeled data ( ex. gender, facial expression, age .. )
- ex) GANalyze
- find directions for cognitive image properties for a pre-trained BigGAN model, using an externally trained assessor function
[ (b) Unsupervised Setting ]
- skp
3. Methodology
preliminaries of contrastive learning
1) Contrastive Learning
- SOTA in unsupervised learning
- learn representations, by contrastive positive pairs against negative pairs
- core idea :
- similar pairs near
- dissimilar pairs far
- core idea :
- this paper follows a similar approach to SimCLR
consists of 4 components
- 1) stochastic data augmentation
- generates positive pairs \(\left(\mathrm{x}, \mathrm{x}^{+}\right)\)
- 2) encoding network \(f\)
- extracts representation vectors out of augmented samples
- 3) small projector head \(g\)
- maps representations to the loss space
- 4) contrastive loss function \(l\)
- enforces the separation between positive and negative pairs
Given a random mini-batch of \(N\) samples…
- 1) generate \(N\) positive pairs
- 2) for all positive pairs, the remaining \(2(N-1)\) augmented samples are negative pairs
- 3) Notation
- representations of all \(2N\) samples : \(\mathbf{h}_{i}=f\left(\mathbf{x}_{i}\right)\)
- projections of \(\mathbf{h}_{i}\) : \(\mathbf{z}_{i}=g\left(\mathbf{h}_{i}\right)\)
average of the NT-Xent loss over all positive pairs :
\(\ell\left(\mathbf{x}_{i}, \mathbf{x}_{j}\right)=-\log \frac{\exp \left(\operatorname{sim}\left(\mathbf{z}_{i}, \mathbf{z}_{j}\right) / \tau\right)}{\sum_{k=1}^{2 N} \mathbb{1}_{[k \neq i]} \exp \left(\operatorname{sim}\left(\mathbf{z}_{i}, \mathbf{z}_{k}\right) / \tau\right)}\).
where \(\operatorname{sim}(\mathbf{u}, \mathbf{v})=\mathbf{u}^{T} \mathbf{v} / \mid \mid \mathbf{u} \mid \mid \mid \mid \mathbf{v} \mid \mid\) is cosine similariy
2) Latent Contrastive Learning (LatentCLR)
pre-trained GAN
- mapping function \(\mathcal{G}: \mathcal{Z} \rightarrow \mathcal{X}\)
- \(\mathrm{x}=\mathcal{G}(\mathbf{z})\).
edit directions
- directions \(\Delta \mathrm{z}\)
- such that the image \(\mathrm{x}^{\prime}=\mathcal{G}(\mathrm{z}+\Delta \mathrm{z})\) has semantically meaningful changes w.r.t \(\mathrm{x}\) , while preserving the identity of \(\mathrm{x}\).
limit ourselves to the unsupervised setting,
where we aim to identify such edit directions without external supervision
search for edit directions \(\Delta \mathbf{z}_{1}, \cdots, \Delta \mathbf{z}_{K}, K>1\), that have distinguishable effects in the target representation layer
Generalize directions, with potentially more expressive conditional mappings called direction models
Summary : consists of..
- 1) concurrent direction models
- apply edits to given latent codes
- 2) target feature layer \(f\) of pre-trained GAN
- evaluate direciton models
- 3) contrastive learning objective
Direction models
mapping \(\mathcal{D}\) : \(\mathcal{Z} \times \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathcal{Z}\)
- [INPUT] takes latent codes , along with a desired edit magnitude
- [OUTPUT] edited latent codes, i.e. \(\mathcal{D}:(\mathbf{z}, \alpha) \rightarrow \mathbf{z}+\Delta \mathbf{z}\), where \(\mid \mid \Delta \mathbf{z} \mid \mid \propto \alpha\).
3 alternative methods for direction model
- 1) global : \(\mathcal{D}(\mathbf{z}, \alpha)=\mathbf{z}+\alpha \frac{\theta}{ \mid \mid \theta \mid \mid }\)
- 2) linear : \(\mathcal{D}(\mathbf{z}, \alpha)=\mathbf{z}+\alpha \frac{\mathbf{M z}}{ \mid \mid \mathbf{M z} \mid \mid }\)
- 3) non-linear : \(\mathcal{D}(\mathbf{z}, \alpha)=\mathbf{z}+\alpha \frac{\mathbf{N} \mathbf{N}(\mathbf{z})}{ \mid \mid \mathbf{N} \mathbf{N}(\mathbf{z}) \mid \mid }\)
Target feature differences
- latent code \(\mathbf{z}_{i}, 1 \leq\) \(i \leq N\)
- mini-batch of size \(N\)
- \(K\) distinct edited latent codes : \(\mathbf{z}_{i}^{k}=\mathcal{D}\left(\mathbf{z}_{i}, \alpha\right)\)
- intermediate feature representations : \(\mathbf{h}_{i}^{k}=\mathcal{G}_{f}\left(\mathbf{z}_{i}^{k}\right)\)
Feature divergences
- \(\mathbf{f}_{i}^{k}=\mathbf{h}_{i}^{k}-\mathcal{G}_{f}\left(\mathbf{z}_{\mathbf{i}}\right)\).
Objective function
For each edited latent code \(\mathbf{z}_{i}^{k}\) :
\(\ell\left(\mathbf{z}_{i}^{k}\right)=-\log \frac{\sum_{j=1}^{N} \mathbb{1}_{[j \neq i]} \exp \left(\operatorname{sim}\left(\mathbf{f}_{i}^{k}, \mathbf{f}_{j}^{k}\right) / \tau\right)}{\sum_{j=1}^{N} \sum_{l=1}^{K} \mathbb{1}_{[l \neq k]} \exp \left(\operatorname{sim}\left(\mathbf{f}_{i}^{k}, \mathbf{f}_{j}^{l}\right) / \tau\right)}\).