Towards a Neural Statistician
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Problem Statement
- Neural Statistician
- Basic Model
- Full Model
- Statistic Network
0. Abstract
효율적인 learner란?
- 이전에 습득한 지식을, 다음 task를 푸는데에 있어서 사용할 줄 아는 learner!
- 다른 말로 하면, similarities amongst datasets를 잘 아는 것!
- 관점의 전환)
- work with data points (X)
- work with datasets (O)
여기서 제안한 network는, statistics를 produce하도록 학습됨!
1. Introduction
summarizing datasets = Statistics (통계량)
Statistic network
- input ) set of vector
- output ) vector of SUMMARY statistics
- ex) Normal의 mean & variance
- 이 모델의 장점
- 1) Unsupervised
- VAE의 output을 summary statistic로 사용
- 2) Data Efficient
- 적은 양의 dataset 여러 개 있을 경우?
- model the datasets JOINTLY
- 3) Parameter Efficient
- summary statistic 사용하여 param 수 줄여!
- 4) Capable of few-shot learning
- 데이터셋들이 서로 다른 class일 경우, class embedding 사용
- 1) Unsupervised
2. Problem Statement
- \(D_{i}\) : dataset ( where \(D_{i}=\left\{x_{1}, \ldots, x_{k_{i}}\right\}\) )
- 위 dataset의 분포 : \(p_{i}\)
Task는 둘로 나뉨
(1) learning
produce a generative model \(\hat{p_i}\) for each dataset \(D_i\)
dataset들 내에, common underlying generative process \(p\)가 있다고 가정
( \(p_{i}=p\left(\cdot \mid c_{i}\right)\) for \(c_i\) , which is drawn from \(p(c)\) …. 여기서 \(c\) 는 context )
(2) inference
- “approximate posterior” over the context \(q(c \mid D)\)
- 이 posterior는 Statistic Network를 통해서 얻음
3. Neural Statistician
- VAE 모델의 확장판
3-1. VAE
VAE 간단 소개
latent variable model
decoder : \(p(x \mid z ; \theta)\)
likelihood : \(p(x)=\int p(x \mid z ; \theta) p(z) d z\)
여기서 generative param인 \(\theta\)는 recognition network(encoder) \(q(z \mid x ; \phi)\) 를 통해 생성됨
이 recognition network는 approximate posterior over latent variable를 반환함
ELBO ( 하나의 data에 대해 )
- \[\log P(x \mid \theta) \geq \mathcal{L}_{x}\]
- \[\mathcal{L}_{x}=\mathbb{E}_{q(z \mid x, \phi)}[\log p(x \mid z ; \theta)]-D_{K L}(q(z \mid x ; \phi) \| p(z))\]
- 이 ELBO를 \(\theta\)와 \(\phi\)에 대해 update
Model Architecture
3-2. Basic Model
Likelihood for 1 data”set” :
- \[p(D)=\int p(c)\left[\prod_{x \in D} \int p(x \mid z ; \theta) p(z \mid c ; \theta) d z\right] d c\]
- prior : \(p(c) = N(0,I)\)
- conditional : \(p(z \mid c ; \theta)\)
- Gaussian with diagonal covariance
- mean and variance parameters depend on \(c\) through NN
observation model : \(p(x \mid z ; \theta)\)
- 마찬가지로 NN으로 구성
Approximate inference network : \(q(z \mid x, c ; \phi)\)와 \(q(c \mid D ; \phi)\)
single dataset ELBO :
\[\mathcal{L}_{D}=\mathbb{E}_{q(c \mid D ; \phi)}\left[\sum_{x \in d} \mathbb{E}_{q(z \mid c, x ; \phi)}[\log p(x \mid z ; \theta)]-D_{K L}(q(z \mid c, x ; \phi) \| p(z \mid c ; \theta))\right] -D_{K L}(q(c \mid D ; \phi) \| p(c))\]( 위의 ELBO를 모든 dataset에 대해 더하면, full-data variational bound )
3-3. Full Model
위의 basic모델은 simple dataset에는 잘 working하나, data가 complex internal structure가질 경우는…?
모델의 복잡도를 높이기 위해 …
1) multiple stochastic layers \(z_1 ,..., z_k\)
2) skip-connection 사용
( inference & generative network에서 모두 )
Likelihood for 1 data”set” :
\[p(D)=\int p(c) \prod_{x \in D} \int p\left(x \mid c, z_{1: L} ; \theta\right) p\left(z_{L} \mid c ; \theta\right) \prod_{i=1}^{L-1} p\left(z_{i} \mid z_{i+1}, c ; \theta\right) d z_{1: L} d c\]
- \(p\left(z_{i} \mid z_{i+1}, c, \theta\right)\) : Gaussian ( mean과 var는 NN의 output에서 나옴 )
Generative Process :
Full Approximate posterior를 factorize하면…
- \[q\left(c, z_{1: L} \mid D ; \phi\right)=q(c \mid D ; \phi) \prod_{x \in D} q\left(z_{L} \mid x, c ; \phi\right) \prod_{i=1}^{L-1} q\left(z_{i} \mid z_{i+1}, x, c ; \phi\right)\]
ELBO를 세 가지 term으로 나눌 수 있음
- 1) Reconstruction term \(R_E\)
- 2) Context Divergence \(C_D\)
- 3) Latent Divergence \(L_D\)
Maximize the ELBO over 모든 datasets!
3-4. Statistic Network
(standard) inference network + \(\alpha\) … “Statistic Network” \(q(c \mid D;\phi)\)
FFNN에는 3가지 main element
- 1) 인코더 \(E\) : takes individual datapoint \(x_i\) to a vector \(e_i = E(x_i)\)
- 2) exchangeable instance pooling layer that collapses matrix \((e_1,...,e_k)\) to single pre-static vector \(v\)
- 3) final post-pooling network , that takes \(v\) to parameterization of diagonal Gaussian