Demystifying the Fourier Transform: The Intuition

참고 :

1. Intuition FT

Decompose sound into multiple frequency components

( frome TIME domain to FREQUENCY domain )



Compare signal with sinusoids of various freuqencies

  • for each frequency, opbtain (1) magnitude & (2) phase
  • high magnitude = high similarity btw signal & sinusoid

Sine wave

\(\sin (2 \pi \cdot(f t-\varphi))\).

  • \(f\) : frequency
  • \(\varphi\) : phase

2. Procedure of FT

Step 1) Choose a frequency

Step 2) Optimize phase \(\varphi\)

  • that maximizes the similarity with the signal

Step 3) Calculate magnitude

  • magnitude = similarity btw signal & sinusoid of chosen frequency

\(\rightarrow\) REPEAT 1~3 for all possible frequencies ( inifinte..? )

Optimizing a phase

\(\varphi_f=\operatorname{argmax}_{\varphi \in[0,1)}\left(\int s(t) \cdot \sin (2 \pi \cdot(f t-\varphi)) \cdot d t\right)\).

  • \(s(t) \cdot \sin (2 \pi \cdot(f t-\varphi))\) : multiplying signal & sinusoid

  • \(\operatorname{argmax}_{\varphi \in[0,1)}\) : selecting the phase that maximizes the area

Calculate the (largest possible) area

( with the chosen best \(\varphi\) )

\(d_f=\max _{\varphi \in[0,1)}\left(\int s(t) \cdot \sin (2 \pi \cdot(f t-\varphi)) \cdot d t\right)\).

BUT …. infinite range!

  • \(t \in R\).
  • \(f \in R\).

3. Inverse Fourier Transform

Reconstructing the original signal


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