Time Series Forecasting with Deep Learning : A Survey (2020)
- Abstract
- DL for ts forecasting
- Basic Building Blocks
- Attention
- Outputs and Loss Functions
- Point Estimates
- Probabilistic Outputs
- Multi-horizon Forecasting models
- Iterative Methods
- Direct Methods
- Incorporate Domain Knowledge with Hybrid Models
- Non-probabilistic Hybrid Models
- Probabilistic Hybrid Models
0. Abstract
survey encoder & decoder design used in both..
- 1) one-step ahead
- 2) multi-horizion time series forecasting
describe how temporal information is incorporated into predictions
1. DL for ts forecasting
predict future value of \(y_{i, t}\)
one-step-ahead forecasting models
- \(\hat{y}_{i, t+1}=f\left(y_{i, t-k: t}, \boldsymbol{x}_{i, t-k: t}, \boldsymbol{s}_{i}\right)\).
- model forecast : \(\hat{y}_{i, t+1}\)
- observations of ( over a look-back window \(k\) )
- target : \(y_{i, t-k: t}=\left\{y_{i, t-k}, \ldots, y_{i, t}\right\}\)
- exogenous inputs : \(\boldsymbol{x}_{i, t-k: t}=\left\{\boldsymbol{x}_{i, t-k}, \ldots, \boldsymbol{x}_{i, t}\right\}\)
(1) Basic Building Blocks
basic building blocks = Encoder & Decoder
construct intermediate feature representations
( = encoding relevant historical information into a latent variable \(\boldsymbol{z}_{t}\) )
\(\boldsymbol{z}_{t}=g_{\mathrm{enc}}\left(y_{t-k: t}, \boldsymbol{x}_{t-k: t}, \boldsymbol{s}\right)\).
Final forecast produced using \(\boldsymbol{z}_{t}\) alone:
\(f\left(y_{t-k: t}, \boldsymbol{x}_{t-k: t}, \boldsymbol{s}\right)=g_{\mathrm{dec}}\left(\boldsymbol{z}_{t}\right)\).
(2) CNN
extract local relationships ( invariant across spatial dimensions )
use multiple layers of causal convolutions
( = ensure only PAST information is used for forecasting )
- \(\boldsymbol{h}_{t}^{l+1}=A((\boldsymbol{W} * \boldsymbol{h})(l, t))\).
- \((\boldsymbol{W} * \boldsymbol{h})(l, t)=\sum_{\tau=0}^{k} \boldsymbol{W}(l, \tau) \boldsymbol{h}_{t-\tau}^{l}\).
Dilated Convolutions
standard CNN = computationally challenging, where long-term dependencies are significat
to solve this…
use dilated convolutional layers
\((\boldsymbol{W} * \boldsymbol{h})\left(l, t, d_{l}\right)=\sum_{\tau=0}^{\left\lfloor k / d_{l}\right\rfloor} \boldsymbol{W}(l, \tau) \boldsymbol{h}_{t-d_{l} \tau}^{l}\).
- \(d_{l}\) : layer-specific dilation rate
(3) RNN
(4) Attention
Transformer architectures achieve SOTA
allow the network to directly focus on significant time steps in the past!
( even if they are very far back )
\(\boldsymbol{h}_{t}=\sum_{\tau=0}^{k} \alpha\left(\boldsymbol{\kappa}_{t}, \boldsymbol{q}_{\tau}\right) \boldsymbol{v}_{t-\tau}\).
Benefits of using attention in time series
- use attention to aggregate features extracted by RNN encoders
- \(\boldsymbol{\alpha}(t) =\operatorname{softmax}\left(\boldsymbol{\eta}_{t}\right)\).
- \(\boldsymbol{\eta}_{t} =\mathbf{W}_{\eta_{1}} \tanh \left(\mathbf{W}_{\eta_{2}} \boldsymbol{\kappa}_{t-1}+\mathbf{W}_{\eta_{3}} \boldsymbol{q}_{\tau}+\boldsymbol{b}_{\eta}\right)\).
2. Outputs and Loss Functions
(1) Point Estimates
\[\begin{aligned} \mathcal{L}_{\text {classification }} &=-\frac{1}{T} \sum_{t=1}^{T} y_{t} \log \left(\hat{y}_{t}\right)+\left(1-y_{t}\right) \log \left(1-\hat{y}_{t}\right) \\ \mathcal{L}_{\text {regression }} &=\frac{1}{T} \sum_{t=1}^{T}\left(y_{t}-\hat{y}_{t}\right)^{2} \end{aligned}\](2) Probabilistic Outputs
understand uncertainty of a model’s forecast
common way to model uncertainties :
\(\rightarrow\) use DNN to generate parameters of known distributions
\(\mu(t, \tau)=\boldsymbol{W}_{\mu} \boldsymbol{h}_{t}^{L}+\boldsymbol{b}_{\mu}\).
\(\zeta(t, \tau) =\operatorname{softplus}\left(\boldsymbol{W}_{\Sigma} \boldsymbol{h}_{t}^{L}+\boldsymbol{b}_{\Sigma}\right)\).
( to take only positive values )
3. Multi-horizon Forecasting models
beneficial to have estimates at multiple points
- single point : 수요일 예측하기
- multiple points : 수요일/목요일/금요일 예측하기
just slight modification of one-step ahead prediction
\(\hat{y}_{t+\tau}=f\left(y_{t-k: t}, \boldsymbol{x}_{t-k: t}, \boldsymbol{u}_{t-k: t+\tau}, \boldsymbol{s}, \tau\right)\).
where \(\tau \in\left\{1, \ldots, \tau_{\max }\right\}\)
( 여기서 \(\tau\)가 1이면 one-step ahead prediction )
크게 2 종류의 methods
- 1) Iterative Methods
- 2) Direct Methods
(1) Iterative Methods
autoregressive DL architectures
( produce multi-horizon forecasts by RECURSIVELY feeding samples of the target into future steps )
by repeating the generation….
- \[y_{t+\tau} \sim N\left(\mu(t, \tau), \zeta(t, \tau)^{2}\right).\]
- prediction means : \(\hat{y}_{t+\tau}=\sum_{j=1}^{J} \tilde{y}_{t+\tau}^{(j)} / J\).
(2) Direct Methods
produce forecasts directly using all available inputs
seq2seq architectures
4. Incorporate Domain Knowledge with Hybrid Models
Hybrid Methods = (1) + (2)
- (1) well studied quantitative t.s. model
- (2) DL
allow domain experts to inform NN using prior information
especially useful for small datasets
- allow for separation of (1) stationary & (2) non-stationary components
- avoid the need for custom input pre-processing
Example : ESRNN (Exponential Smoothing RNN)
- exponential smoothing to capture non-stationary trends
- learn additional effects with RNN
How is DL used?
- 1) encode time-varying parameters for non-probabilistic parametric models
- 2) produce parameters of distributions used by probabilistic models
(1) Non-probabilistic Hybrid Models
- 1) utilizes the update equations of Holt-Winters exponential smoothing model
2) combine multiplicative level & seasonality components with DL outputs
- 수식
- \(\hat{y}_{i, t+\tau} =\exp \left(\boldsymbol{W}_{E S} \boldsymbol{h}_{i, t+\tau}^{L}+\boldsymbol{b}_{E S}\right) \times l_{i, t} \times \gamma_{i, t+\tau}\).
- \(l_{i, t} =\beta_{1}^{(i)} y_{i, t} / \gamma_{i, t}+\left(1-\beta_{1}^{(i)}\right) l_{i, t-1}\).
- \(\gamma_{i, t} =\beta_{2}^{(i)} y_{i, t} / l_{i, t}+\left(1-\beta_{2}^{(i)}\right) \gamma_{i, t-\kappa}\).
- \(\hat{y}_{i, t+\tau} =\exp \left(\boldsymbol{W}_{E S} \boldsymbol{h}_{i, t+\tau}^{L}+\boldsymbol{b}_{E S}\right) \times l_{i, t} \times \gamma_{i, t+\tau}\).
(2) Probabilistic Hybrid Models
produce parameters for predictive distn at each step
ex) Deep State Space Models
encode time-varying parameters for linear stat space models
( perform inference via Kalman filtering equations )
\(y_{t} =\boldsymbol{a}\left(\boldsymbol{h}_{i, t+\tau}^{L}\right)^{T} \boldsymbol{l}_{t}+\phi\left(\boldsymbol{h}_{i, t+\tau}^{L}\right) \epsilon_{t}\).
- \(\boldsymbol{l}_{t} =\boldsymbol{F}\left(\boldsymbol{h}_{i, t+\tau}^{L}\right) \boldsymbol{l}_{t-1}+\boldsymbol{q}\left(\boldsymbol{h}_{i, t+\tau}^{L}\right)+\boldsymbol{\Sigma}\left(\boldsymbol{h}_{i, t+\tau}^{L}\right) \odot \boldsymbol{\Sigma}_{t}\).