[Paper Review] 28. StarGAN : Unified GAN for Multi-Domain Image-to-Image translation


  1. Abstract
  2. Introduction
  3. StarGAN
    1. Multi-domain Image-to-Image Translation
    2. Training with Multiple Datasets

0. Abstract

limited scalability and robustness in handling more than 2 domains

$\rightarrow$ propose “StarGAN”

  • novel & scalable approach, that can perform image-to-image translations for multiple domains using only a SINGLE model


1. Introduction


  • 1) attribute :
    • ex) hair color, gender, age
  • 2) attribute value :
    • ex) black/bond/brown for hair color, male/female for gender
  • 3) domain :
    • set of images sharing the same attribute values
    • ex) images of women

Previous methods :

  • Mapping among $k$ domains, $k(k-1)$ generators have to be trained

Propose “StarGAN”


  • instead of learning fixed translation,

    takes in as inputs “both image & domain information”

    and learns to “flexibly translate the image into the corresponding domain”

  • use label ( binary / one hot vector ) to represent domain information

  • introduce simple & effective approach,

    that enables joint training between domains of “different datasets”

    by adding a “mask vector” to the domain label

    $\rightarrow$ ignore unknown labels, and focus on the label provided by particular dataset

2. StarGAN

  • address multi-domain image-to-image translation

  • discuss how StarGAN incorporates multiple datasets, containing different label sets


1) Multi-domain Image-to-Image Translation


  • target domain label : $c$
  • original domain : $c’$

training $G$ …. ( $G(x,c) \rightarrow y$ )

  • translate input image $xx$
  • into output image $y$
  • conditioned on $c$

training $D$ …. ( $D: x \rightarrow\left{D_{s r c}(x), D_{c l s}(x)\right}$ )

  • probability distn over sources
  • probability distn over domain labels

[ Adversarial Loss ]

  • generated images vs real images
  • $\mathcal{L}{a d v}= \mathbb{E}{x}\left[\log D_{s r c}(x)\right]+ \mathbb{E}{x, c}\left[\log \left(1-D{s r c}(G(x, c))\right)\right]$.

[ Domain Classification Loss ]

  • given input image $x$ & target domain label $c$…

  • goal : translate $x$ to $y$

    which is properly classified to class $c$

  • decompose objective into 2 terms

    • 1) domain classification loss of “real images” used to optimize $D$
      • $\mathcal{L}{c l s}^{r}=\mathbb{E}{x, c^{\prime}}\left[-\log D_{c l s}\left(c^{\prime} \mid x\right)\right]$.
    • 2) domain classification loss of “fake images” used to optimize $G$
      • $\mathcal{L}{c l s}^{f}=\mathbb{E}{x, c}\left[-\log D_{c l s}(c \mid G(x, c))\right]$.

[ Reconstruction Loss ]

  • apply a cycle consistency loss to generator
  • $\mathcal{L}{r e c}=\mathbb{E}{x, c, c^{\prime}}\left[\left|x-G\left(G(x, c), c^{\prime}\right)\right|_{1}\right]$.

[ Full Objective ]

Objective functions to optimize $G$ and $D$

  • $\mathcal{L}{D}=-\mathcal{L}{a d v}+\lambda_{c l s} \mathcal{L}_{c l s}^{r}$.
  • $\mathcal{L}{G}=\mathcal{L}{a d v}+\lambda_{c l s} \mathcal{L}{c l s}^{f}+\lambda{r e c} \mathcal{L}_{r e c}$.

2) Training with Multiple Datasets

simultaneously incorporates “multiple datasets, containing different types of labels”

so that StarGAN can control all the labels at the test phase!

[ Mask Vector ]

introduce mask vector $m$

  • allows StarGAN to ignore unspecified labels
  • define a unified version of label as a vector
    • $\tilde{c}=\left[c_{1}, \ldots, c_{n}, m\right]$.
  • if use two datasets ( CelebA & RaFD datasets ) : $n=2$

vector of the known label $c_i$ : can be either

  • 1) Binary Vector ( for binary attributes )
  • 2) Categorical Attributes ( for categorical attributes )


