Univariate 2. 일반 선형확률 과정 ( General Linear Process ) (2)

“시계열 데이터 = 가우시안 백색잡음의 현재값과거값의 선형조합”

\(Y_t = \epsilon_t + \psi_1\epsilon_{t-1} + \psi_2\epsilon_{t-2} + \cdots\).

where \(\epsilon_i \sim i.i.d.~WN(0, \sigma_{\epsilon_i}^2)~and~\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{\infty}\psi_i^2 < \infty\).

세부 알고리즘:

  • WN(White Noise)
  • MA(Moving Average)
  • AR(Auto-Regressive)
  • ARMA(Auto-Regressive Moving Average)
  • ARMAX(ARMA with eXogenous variables)

4. ARMA(Auto-Regressive Moving Average)

\(ARMA(p,q)\): 알고리즘의 차수(\(p,q\))가 유한한 \(AR(p)\)와 \(MA(q)\)의 Linear Combination”

( 즉, \(Y_t\)는 \(Y_t\) & \(\epsilon_t\)의 차분들 (lagged variables)의 조합으로 생성 )

\[\begin{align*} Y_t = (\phi_1Y_{t-1} + \phi_2Y_{t-2} + \cdots + \phi_pY_{t-p}) + (\theta_1\epsilon_{t-1} + \theta_2\epsilon_{t-2} + \cdots + \theta_q\epsilon_{t-q}) + \epsilon_t \\ \end{align*}\]
  • \(\begin{align*} where~\epsilon_i \sim i.i.d.~WN(0, \sigma_{\epsilon_i}^2)~and~\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{\infty}\phi_i^2 < \infty, \displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{\infty}\theta_i^2 < \infty \end{align*}\).

위 식을 다시 정리하면…

\[\phi(L)Y_t = \theta(L)\epsilon_t\]

\(\begin{align*} Y_t &= \dfrac{\theta(L)}{\phi(L)}\epsilon_t \\ &= \psi(L)\epsilon_t \text{ where } \psi(L) = \dfrac{\theta(L)}{\phi(L)} \\ &= (1 + \psi_1L + \psi_2L^2 + \cdots)\epsilon_t \\ &= \epsilon_t + \psi_1\epsilon_{t-1} + \psi_2\epsilon_{t-2} + \cdots\end{align*}\)

\[\begin{aligned} \psi_1 &= \theta_1 - \phi_1 \\ \psi_2 &= \theta_2 - \phi_2 - \phi_1 \psi_1 \\ & \vdots \\ \psi_j &= \theta_j - \phi_p\psi_{j-p} - \phi_2 \psi_{p-1} - \cdots - \phi_1 \psi_{j-1} \end{aligned}\]

Autocorrelation(“Yule-Walker Equation”)

  • \(\rho_i = \phi_1 \rho_{i-1} + \cdots + \phi_p \rho_{i-p}\).

[ Example ]

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import statsmodels
import statsmodels.api as sm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Ex 1) ARMA(2,0) = AR(2)

[Step 1] Setting

ar_params = np.array([0.75, -0.25])
ma_params = np.array([])

ar, ma = np.r_[1, -ar_params], np.r_[1, ma_params]
ar_order, ma_order = len(ar)-1, len(ma)-1

[ 1.   -0.75  0.25]

[Step 2] Simulate data from an ARMA.

  • statsmodels.tsa.arima_process.arma_generate_sample
y = statsmodels.tsa.arima_process.arma_generate_sample(ar, ma, nsample=1000, burnin=500)
y_df =pd.DataFrame(y)

[Step 3] Fit Model

  • statsmodels.tsa.arima_model.ARMA
  • trend='c' : constant 추가
fit = statsmodels.tsa.arima_model.ARMA(y, (ar_order,ma_order)).fit(trend='c', disp=0)

[Step 4] Forecast Result

ahead = 100
pred_ts_point = fit.forecast(steps=ahead)[0]
pred_ts_interval = fit.forecast(steps=ahead)[2]

print(pred_ts_interval.shape) # default : alpha=0.05

(100, 2)

forecast_index :

  • 예측하려는 대상의 time

  • 1000 ~ 1000+ahead(=1100)

forecast_index = [i for i in range(y_df.index.max()+1,y_df.index.max()+ahead+1)]

pred_point_df=pd.DataFrame(pred_ts_point, index=forecast_index)
pred_interval_df = pd.DataFrame(pred_ts_interval, index=forecast_index)


1000  1.971779
1001  1.940186
1002  1.492918
1003  0.058082
1004 -0.935687
             0         1
1000  0.093410  3.850149
1001 -0.404395  4.284767
1002 -0.921029  3.906864
1003 -2.385855  2.502019
1004 -3.433020  1.561645

[Step 5] Result

main_plot = y_df.plot(figsize=(12,5))
pred_point_df.plot(label='forecast', ax=main_plot)

                color='k', alpha=0.15)
plt.legend(['observed', 'forecast'])


Model: ARMA BIC: 2796.4388
Dependent Variable: y Log-Likelihood: -1377.5
Date: 2021-09-01 12:20 Scale: 1.0000
No. Observations: 1000 Method: css-mle
Df Model: 5 Sample: 0
Df Residuals: 995   0
Converged: 1.0000 S.D. of innovations: 0.958
No. Iterations: 12.0000 HQIC: 2778.184
AIC: 2766.9923    
  Coef. Std.Err. t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
const 0.0093 0.0374 0.2500 0.8026 -0.0639 0.0826
ar.L1.y 0.7470 0.0279 26.7627 0.0000 0.6923 0.8017
ar.L2.y -0.2521 0.0362 -6.9600 0.0000 -0.3231 -0.1811
ar.L3.y 0.1631 0.0362 4.4995 0.0000 0.0920 0.2341
ar.L4.y -0.4699 0.0279 -16.8256 0.0000 -0.5247 -0.4152
  Real Imaginary Modulus Frequency
AR.1 0.8756 -0.6261 1.0764 -0.0988
AR.2 0.8756 0.6261 1.0764 0.0988
AR.3 -0.7021 -1.1592 1.3553 -0.3367
AR.4 -0.7021 1.1592 1.3553 0.3367

statsmodels.graphics.tsaplots.plot_acf(y, lags=50, zero=True, use_vlines=True,
                                       alpha=0.05, ax=plt.subplot(121))
statsmodels.graphics.tsaplots.plot_pacf(y, lags=50, zero=True, use_vlines=True, 
                                        alpha=0.05, ax=plt.subplot(122))


Ex 2) ARMA(0,2) = MA(2)

ar_params = np.array([])
ma_params = np.array([0.65, -0.25])

Model: ARMA BIC: 2783.1398
Dependent Variable: y Log-Likelihood: -1377.8
Date: 2020-09-29 23:34 Scale: 1.0000
No. Observations: 1000 Method: css-mle
Df Model: 3 Sample: 0
Df Residuals: 997   0
Converged: 1.0000 S.D. of innovations: 0.959
No. Iterations: 8.0000 HQIC: 2770.970
AIC: 2763.5088    
  Coef. Std.Err. t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
const 0.0130 0.0425 0.3053 0.7602 -0.0703 0.0962
ma.L1.y 0.6501 0.0310 20.9416 0.0000 0.5892 0.7109
ma.L2.y -0.2487 0.0307 -8.0906 0.0000 -0.3090 -0.1885
  Real Imaginary Modulus Frequency
MA.1 -1.0865 0.0000 1.0865 0.5000
MA.2 3.7001 0.0000 3.7001 0.0000


Ex 3) ARMA(1,1)

ar_params = np.array([0.75])
ma_params = np.array([0.65])

Model: ARMA BIC: 2783.7601
Dependent Variable: y Log-Likelihood: -1378.1
Date: 2020-07-31 22:45 Scale: 1.0000
No. Observations: 1000 Method: css-mle
Df Model: 3 Sample: 0
Df Residuals: 997   0
Converged: 1.0000 S.D. of innovations: 0.959
No. Iterations: 9.0000 HQIC: 2771.590
AIC: 2764.1291    
  Coef. Std.Err. t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
const 0.0641 0.1970 0.3252 0.7450 -0.3220 0.4501
ar.L1.y 0.7465 0.0224 33.3502 0.0000 0.7027 0.7904
ma.L1.y 0.6519 0.0261 24.9637 0.0000 0.6007 0.7031
  Real Imaginary Modulus Frequency
AR.1 1.3395 0.0000 1.3395 0.0000
MA.1 -1.5340 0.0000 1.5340 0.5000


Ex 4) ARMA(5,5)

ar_params = np.array([0.75, -0.25, 0.5, -0.5, -0.1])
ma_params = np.array([0.65, 0.5, 0.2, -0.5, -0.1])

Model: ARMA BIC: 2844.4865
Dependent Variable: y Log-Likelihood: -1380.8
Date: 2020-09-29 23:41 Scale: 1.0000
No. Observations: 1000 Method: css-mle
Df Model: 11 Sample: 0
Df Residuals: 989   0
Converged: 1.0000 S.D. of innovations: 0.959
No. Iterations: 54.0000 HQIC: 2807.977
AIC: 2785.5934    
  Coef. Std.Err. t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
const 0.0308 0.0864 0.3569 0.7212 -0.1386 0.2003
ar.L1.y 1.3387 0.4949 2.7049 0.0068 0.3687 2.3087
ar.L2.y -0.7833 0.4780 -1.6387 0.1013 -1.7202 0.1536
ar.L3.y 0.7138 0.2246 3.1786 0.0015 0.2737 1.1540
ar.L4.y -0.7757 0.2729 -2.8428 0.0045 -1.3106 -0.2409
ar.L5.y 0.2339 0.2687 0.8705 0.3840 -0.2927 0.7604
ma.L1.y 0.0678 0.4967 0.1366 0.8914 -0.9057 1.0413
ma.L2.y 0.2093 0.2164 0.9674 0.3334 -0.2148 0.6334
ma.L3.y -0.0514 0.1982 -0.2592 0.7955 -0.4398 0.3371
ma.L4.y -0.6159 0.0713 -8.6358 0.0000 -0.7557 -0.4762
ma.L5.y 0.1658 0.2752 0.6026 0.5467 -0.3735 0.7052
  Real Imaginary Modulus Frequency
AR.1 -0.4994 -1.1024 1.2103 -0.3177
AR.2 -0.4994 1.1024 1.2103 0.3177
AR.3 1.0036 -0.5072 1.1245 -0.0745
AR.4 1.0036 0.5072 1.1245 0.0745
AR.5 2.3086 -0.0000 2.3086 -0.0000
MA.1 -1.1194 -0.0000 1.1194 -0.5000
MA.2 -0.0971 -1.0335 1.0381 -0.2649
MA.3 -0.0971 1.0335 1.0381 0.2649
MA.4 1.3648 -0.0000 1.3648 -0.0000
MA.5 3.6628 -0.0000 3.6628 -0.0000


모형 차수결정 정리

  • 예측하기 이전에, parameter ( = p, q ) 에 따라 모형이 어떠한 모습을 띌 지 예상해봐야!
  • \(p\), \(q\) 파라미터 추론(by ACF and PACF):
    • 정상성 형태 변환
    • ACF​ & PACF 도식화
  자기회귀: \(AR(p)\) 이동평균: \(MA(q)\) 자기회귀이동평균: \(ARMA(p,q)\)
\(ACF\) 지수적 감소, 진동하는 sine 형태 \(q+1\) 차항부터 절단모양(0수렴) \(q+1\) 차항부터 지수적 감소 혹은 진동하는 sine 형태
\(PACF\) \(p+1\) 차항부터 절단모양(0수렴) 지수적 감소, 진동하는 sine 형태 \(p+1\) 차항부터 지수적 감소 혹은 진동하는 sine 형태

5. ARMAX ( ARMA with eXogenous)

ARMA에 \(\beta X\) 가 추가된 형태


  • \(Y_t = \phi_1Y_{t-1} + \phi_2Y_{t-2} + \cdots + \phi_pY_{t-p} + \theta_1\epsilon_{t-1} + \theta_2\epsilon_{t-2} + \cdots + \theta_q\epsilon_{t-q} + \epsilon_t\).


  • \(Y_t = \phi_1Y_{t-1} + \phi_2Y_{t-2} + \cdots + \phi_pY_{t-p} + \theta_1\epsilon_{t-1} + \theta_2\epsilon_{t-2} + \cdots + \theta_q\epsilon_{t-q} + \epsilon_t + \beta X\).

[ Example ]

Seasonal ARMAX : sm.tsa.SARIMAX

fit = sm.tsa.SARIMAX(raw_using.consump, exog=raw_using.m2, 
                     order=(1,0,0), seasonal_order=(1,0,1,4)).fit()

6. ARMAX ( ARMA with eXogenous)


